By Lynn Petrinjak
Posted on 2010-03-19
I talked to a few more teachers this afternoon. There are folks from all across the country here this week, but I somehow managed to talk to two people from the West Coast in a row. They weren’t together, so just random chance. Maybe once the total attendance in calculated, someone could calculate the odds of that happening?
Allison Bogart
Allison Bogart, a middle school science teacher from Lake Isabella, California, is attending her first national NSTA conference, thanks to winning the Delta Ed/Frey-Neo/CPO Science Education Awards for Inquiry-Based Science Teaching. Lake Isabella, California: “It’s my first national conference. I’m only here because I’m an NSTA award winner,” she explains. “That’s really the only reason I could be here. Otherwise, I could never afford it on my own and my school district wouldn’t let em, especially with the terrible budget crisis happening in California right now.
“I hope to learn the best ideas of science teachers throughout the nation and steal them and use them in my own classroom. Because I teach eighth grade physical science, I would love to learn more tips and tricks and techniques; learn more doing more on a budget, doing more with less or doing more to encourage science inquiry especially in my middle grades. I also teach math so I’m going to a lot of workshops that have to do with the integration of science and math together. I’m here with my husband who’s a math teacher so he’s going to those too. It’s kind of cool. We’re kind of collaborating on units we can teach together.”
Marybeth from Washington State
Marybeth (sorry, I missed your last name—if you read this, drop me a note in the comments and I’ll update the post!) is in Philadelphia for her first national NSTA conference as well. “I live in Washington state. I had the opportunity to come over and it was paid for, so I came,” she says. “I need more professional development. I wanted to get some good ideas for teaching [10th grade]biology next year. It’s not a new subject, but I’ve been in the middle school for 10 years. There’s been a lot of new developments in the field so I wanted to come and brush up. I found a lot of good ideas.”