By Lynn Petrinjak
Posted on 2009-11-06
Strands of silk woven into a tapestry. Single strands of thread twined into rope. Strands can be a simple foundation for something greater—more beautiful, stronger, or useful. Following a strand at an NSTA regional conference can have a similar result, combining several sessions into a comprehensive professional development experience.
Three strands run through the Phoenix conference. Conference attendees can focus their professional development experience by following a particular strand such as “Relationships: Building Professional Relationships for Transformative Learning.” Thirteen sessions over three days (only two presentations overlap) explore how educators working together can enhance their students’ learning experiences, as well as their own. Each session offers a different view on professional relationships: some focus on peer outreach, one on professional organizations membership, another on participation in summer internships. The featured presentation from Page Keeley, retiring president of NSTA, will focus on professional learning communities and their potential to change science teaching and learning.
Whether you opt to follow a strand, or weave your own schedule, you’ll leave the conference a stronger educator, equipped with useful ideas (and perhaps samples!) to share with your colleagues and students at home.