All Book Chapters
Book Chapter
The migration patters of animals have long been a source of wonder and awe. From the 6-mile journey of the army ants in the rain forests of Costa Rica...
Book Chapter
Owls are fascination birds of prey. These nocturnal hunters are sometimes heard but rarely seen, making them even more intriguing and mysterious. Thes...
Book Chapter
We all have our own habitats, and this chapter students spend time thinking about what other organisms need to survive, what types of habitats they li...
Book Chapter
Kids today have a dizzying array of food choices, but choosing healthily is a challenge. Making wise choices is essential in maintaining a healthy lif...
Book Chapter
The human body is amazing! This chapter's trade books help students understand their growing bones, muscles, and joints while engaging in some invest...
Book Chapter
It's a fact: kids today are less fit than they were only a generation ago. Many are showing early signs of cardiovascular risk factors such as physic...
Book Chapter
Give a child a hand lens or a microscope and they quickly become fascinated with the hidden worlds these tools reveal. The lessons in this chapter pro...
Book Chapter
“You’ve got cooties!” is a traditional taunt between children on the playground. Although children’s avoidance of “boy or girl” germs is n...
Book Chapter
Children are naturally curious about the world around them, including the rocks beneath their feet. By observing, describing, and sorting a variety of...
Book Chapter
“What type of rock is this?” is a common question spoken by all children at some point in their young lives. Many students have rocks of all shape...
Book Chapter
Have you ever played in the dirt? Repotted a plant? Planted a garden? In each and every one of these activities, you touched something that is a valua...
Book Chapter
Dinosaurs and the prehistoric age captivate children. At a young age, children can often cite facts and information about various dinosaurs, even if t...
Book Chapter
Paleontologists, scientists who study the history of life on Earth, work in a dynamic area of science. Think of putting together a jigsaw puzzle with ...
Book Chapter
Believe it or not, there is a 100% chance that an earthquake will happen somewhere in the world today. Although many of us think of Earth as solid gro...
Book Chapter
The topic of natural disasters provided many avenues for students to delve into existing data and conduct research. The activities described in this c...