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Discovering Sand and Sand Paintings

Book Chapter

Discovering Sand and Sand Paintings

This activity blends social studies and art with math and science. First, students will explore the visible characteristics of sand, and then they wil...

Heat Exchange in Air, Water, and Soil

Book Chapter

Heat Exchange in Air, Water, and Soil

The Earth is composed, at least at the surface, of soil/rock, water, and air. How do the heat exchange properties of these three very different substa...

Developing a Model of the Earth’s Inner Structure

Book Chapter

Developing a Model of the Earth’s Inner Structure

How much do your students know about the Earth’s interior? This activity will provide them with a hands-on experience, as well as with appropriate t...

Investigating Perception and Illusion

Book Chapter

Investigating Perception and Illusion

For a motivating and baffling experience, try this investigation of perceptual illusions and their causes. It allows students to observe, analyze, and...

Determining the Relationship Between Height and Hand Length

Book Chapter

Determining the Relationship Between Height and Hand Length

For a motivating and baffling experience, try this investigation of perceptual illusions and their causes. It allows students to observe, analyze, and...

Exploring Cellular Shape Using Area

Book Chapter

Exploring Cellular Shape Using Area

In this activity, students are challenged to maximize the area enclosed within the limited perimeter of a string “cell membrane,” using area formu...

Surveying Science and Mathematics on the Internet

Book Chapter

Surveying Science and Mathematics on the Internet

In this activity, students will explore the internet for interesting science and mathematics websites. They will be guided by an activity sheet as the...

Please Pass the Pollen: Flowering Plants, Pollination, and Insect Pollinators

Book Chapter

Please Pass the Pollen: Flowering Plants, Pollination, and Insect Pollinators

This high-interest activity provides an opportunity for students to learn more about the natural world while they hone their investigatory skills. In ...

Examining Current Events in Science, Mathematics, and Technology

Book Chapter

Examining Current Events in Science, Mathematics, and Technology

The national standards in science and mathematics call for these subjects to be taught from personal and social perspectives, thus strengthening stude...

The Tower Challenge

Book Chapter

The Tower Challenge

This activity is an exciting and highly interactive opportunity for students to exercise their creativity and design skills. Working in cooperative gr...

Designing and Constructing a Load-Bearing Structure

Book Chapter

Designing and Constructing a Load-Bearing Structure

We rely on many structures to bear loads. Examples such as bridges, chairs, shelves, tall buildings, and even our own legs must support weight consist...

Investigating the Pinhole Camera and Camera Obscura

Book Chapter

Investigating the Pinhole Camera and Camera Obscura

In this activity, students explore the nature of light, including the fact that it travels in straight lines, by building and using two visual tools. ...

Recording Images Using a Simple Pinhole Camera

Book Chapter

Recording Images Using a Simple Pinhole Camera

In this lesson, students develop and expand their observational skills and technological understanding by building and operating a pinhole camera. The...

Learning About Levers

Book Chapter

Learning About Levers

We see, use, and enjoy levers daily—in the operation of pliers, the action of a seesaw, or the beauty of an Alexander Calder mobile. In fact, parts ...

Layered Liquids

Book Chapter

Layered Liquids

This activity involves an exploration of density. Why does oil float on water? How does drain cleaner sink down into the clogged pipe right through st...

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