All Book Chapters
Book Chapter
Live Long and Prosper: And Remember You Are Responsible
The teachers are the professionals—responsibilities include more than the education of students. The chapters in this book are meant to sharpen teac...
Book Chapter
Communities of Learners: Promoting Safety for Every Student
One pervasive theme in the National Science Education Standards is that goals are meant for all students—regardless of learning style, background, o...
Book Chapter
Where Science Happens: Equipping Your Lab for Safety
Unless a middle school facility was built fewer than 20 years ago, chances are it was originally designed and built for another purpose—a solution t...
Book Chapter
Finders Keepers: Essentials of Safer Storage
It takes a lot of “stuff” to conduct a middle school science program. Middle school science teachers look enviously at their peers in the English ...
Book Chapter
Lively Science: Live Organisms Are Worth the Work
Middle school is the perfect setting for teaching life science. Observing and studying living organisms are critical to a good, strong program. Preser...
Book Chapter
Modern Alchemy: Safer Teaching with Chemistry
From making mud pies in a sandbox to messing with a magic set and sending secret messages with markers that produce invisible writing, chemistry engag...
Book Chapter
Falling for Science: Physical Science May Be Simpler Than You Think
Many students get their first exposure to quantitative physical science in middle school. The National Science Education Standards recommend that stud...
Book Chapter
The Great Outdoors: Field Trips Near and Far
The classroom is rich with resources and activities, but some things simply can’t be done there. A strong investigative science program depends on p...
Book Chapter
This first chapter deals with one of the most basic principles of motion, which happens to be known as Newton’s first law. Not coincidentally, it ha...
Book Chapter
In order to get a more complete understanding of how and why things move the way they do, it is necessary to consult with Newton one more time. Newton...
Book Chapter
Round and Round and Round in the Circle Game
If you recognize where the title of this chapter came from, then you're showing your age and your taste for FM music in the old days. For the record ...
Book Chapter
Energy is such a common notion. We talk about it all the time. Should you buy energy-efficient windows? The country needs an energy policy. That ...
Book Chapter
Up until now, we've been talking about things having a certain amount of energy and not about things gaining, losing, or changing their form of energy...
Book Chapter
It Slices, It Dices--It Gathers Dust!
In case you can't tell from the title, this chapter is about machines. No, not salad shooters and makers of julienne fries but rather everyday things...
Book Chapter
Temp-a-chur and Thermal Energy
In this chapter you will learn the basic concept of temperature and what it means for one thing to be hotter than another. The hotter something is, t...