All Book Chapters
Book Chapter
Science Learning in the Early Years (Sample Chapter)
At first glance, you can see the value of Science Learning in the Early Years because it provides you with both 40-plus classroom activities and an un...
Book Chapter
La próxima vez que veas una puesta del sol (Sample chapter)
A 2014 Outstanding Science Trade Book for Students K-12!2014 Winner of the REVERE Award from PreK-12 Learning Group, Association of American Publisher...
Book Chapter
La próxima vez que veas una cochinilla (Sample chapter)
A 2014 Outstanding Science Trade Book for Students K-12! Chances are that just under a nearby rock, you’ll spot a roly-poly pill bug. Encourage ...
Book Chapter
Creative Writing in Science: Activities That Inspire (Book Sample)
Do you ever feel like your science classes could use a shot of imagination? Boost the creativity quotient by assigning a travel blog about the digesti...
Book Chapter
What really helps your students learn science: Labs? Group work? Certain types of problems or test questions? Something you never even thought about? ...
Book Chapter
Understanding and Tracking the Daily Motion of the Sun
In this chapter, students will easily recognize the learning they do related to the disciplinary core ideas, specifically that shadows made by the Sun...
Book Chapter
Understanding and Tracking the Annual Motion of the Sun and the Seasons
This chapter helps expand students’ thinking to how the apparent motion of the Sun in the sky changes throughout the year and the effects of those ...
Book Chapter
Solar Activity and Space Weather
This chapter only deals with the analysis of data as it relates to key phenomena on the Sun. It focuses on the sunspot cycle, space weather, and relat...
Book Chapter
The Sun, the Moon, and the Earth Together: Phases, Eclipses, and More
This chapter adds a third cycle of importance in astronomy (and human culture): the revolution of the Moon around the Earth. The chapter starts with a...
Book Chapter
Solar Activity and Space Weather
This chapter covers what phenomena we observe on the surface and in the atmosphere of the Sun, and how these influence what we observe and how we live...
Book Chapter
In science teaching, we are used to thinking about language in the context of helping students learn complex scientific terms that they do not use in ...
Book Chapter
Lab 12. Explanations for Animal Behavior: Why Do Great White Sharks Travel Over Long Distances?
Shark populations worldwide are declining in areas where they were once common. As a result, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)...
Book Chapter
Book Chapter
Temperature and Photosynthesis
The purpose of this lab is for students to apply their knowledge of photosynthesis and how to measure the chemical process, specifically, ”How Does ...
Book Chapter
The purpose of this lab is to introduce students to biochemical processes at the cellular level. It gives them an opportunity to explore the process o...