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Case Studies: Evolution

All Evolution Case Studies

Case Study

Las alas del Diablo

By Brett C. Couch

Case Study

Breakfast of Champions

By Amber J. Raven, Jessica Williamson, Raelynn D. Haynes

Case Study

Selection on a Case by Case Basis

By Adam R. Irvine, Eva S. Horna-Lowell, Mathew J. Driscoll, Emily D. Broder

Case Study

MRSA in the NICU

By Maria P. Chadiarakou, Anitha Sundararajan, Ingrid E. Lindquist, Gabriella A. DeFrancesco, Madeline Kwicklis, Drew A. Lighthall, Natasha E. Farmer, Michèle I. Shuster, Joann Mudge

Case Study

Life Tables, Darwin’s Finches, and the Dynamics of Small Island Populations

By Whitley R. Lehto, Shannon M. Murphy, Mayra C. Vidal, Robin M. Tinghitella

Case Study

Animals Can Run Away, but Plants Must Stay

By Nicole D. Tunbridge, Carol Pollock, Joan Sharp

Case Study

Revolt of the Fungus People

By Clyde Freeman Herreid

Case Study

No Matter If You’re Black or White

By Srikripa Chandrasekaran, Linda Niedziela

Case Study

Testing for Grazer Adaptation to Toxic Algae

By Michael B. Finiguerra, Hans G. Dam, David E. Avery

Case Study

The Evolving Genetics of Disease Resistance

By Jennifer M. Dechaine

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