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All Middle School resources

Web Seminar

Archive: Transforming Science Learning: Solving the Problem of Finding Authentic Problems Students Can Solve in the K-12 Classroom, December 16, 2020

Is identifying and choosing relevant, authentic problems to put in front of your students holding you back from providing opportunities to engage your...

Middle School Elementary High School General Science STEM

Web Seminar

Archive: Science Update: Cosmic Explosions, February 11, 2021

The biggest explosions in the universe dwarf any we are capable of on Earth.  In space, we can witness an exploding star that can shine brighter ...

Middle School Elementary High School Informal Education Astronomy Earth & Space Science General Science Physics STEM

NSTA Engage: Fall20 Why isn't Pluto a Planet? That's the Nature of Science!


NSTA Engage: Fall20 Why isn't Pluto a Planet? That's the Nature of Science!

This collection includes resources that can support teachers in implementing the Why isn't Pluto a planet anymore? Daily Do...

High School Informal Education Middle School Earth & Space Science

Web Seminar

Archive: Science Update: Bridging a Passion for Human Discovery in Space and on Earth — The Lucy Mission and Lucy in Space Contest, January 14, 2021

Two world-renowned scientists, Donald Johanson PhD and Hal Levison PhD, will discuss human’s passion for exploration and discovery through the&...

Middle School High School Astronomy Biology Earth & Space Science Engineering Evolution STEM Technology

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