This clicker case is an adaptation of a case by Loren Byrne that told the true story of a Texas man who killed a cat that was killing piping plovers (see "Complexity in Conservation: The Legal and Ethical Case of a Bird-Eating Cat and its Human Killer," published by the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science). This adaptation takes the form of a PowerPoint presentation that can be used with personal response systems ("clickers") and is suitable for a large lecture course. Added emphasis has been placed on the magnitude of feral and pet cat predation on songbirds in North America. This adaptation is intended to convince students that feral cats and free-ranging cats, although a subject of considerable controversy, cause major damage to songbirds and other wildlife. The case can be delivered in about 30 minutes of class time and was designed for a non-majors biology course or a first-year biology majors course.