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How Many More Thymes?

A Case of Phytochemical Defense

By J. Phil Gibson

How Many More Thymes?



This clicker case addresses several concepts related to the evolutionary ecology of herbivore defenses. A survey of several different studies that investigated chemical defenses in Thymus vulgaris (thyme) gives students the opportunity to develop hypotheses, pose potential experiments, and interpret data to develop a better understanding of not only herbivore deterrence, but also how natural selection can involve different pressures selecting for different phenotypes. The case study incorporates group discussion, analysis of experimental design, and data evaluation as central activities. It can be taught in a single 50-minute class session, an economy that is achieved in part by using a "flipped" approach. Students prepare outside of class by watching several short videos (one of which was made by the author) that teach the basics of herbivore deterrence and abiotic and biotic forces in the environment that can influence plant adaptations. The case study was designed for use in a large introductory-level class, but would also be appropriate for smaller classes or upper-level evolution courses.


Date Posted




  • Describe and give examples of different categories of adaptations and strategies plants use for herbivore deterrence.
  • Calculate inheritance probabilities in a monohybrid cross.
  • Describe plant adaptations to ecological conditions of the Mediterranean region.
  • Describe how plants use chemical defenses for herbivore deterrence.
  • Explain how phenotype is related to genotype, and how this is influenced in an epistatic system.
  • Describe how different selective pressures can favor maintenance of different phenotypes in a species or geographic region.
  • Pose hypotheses to investigate herbivore deterrence.
  • Predict outcomes of experiments.
  • Analyze data and interpret experimental results in light of research results.
  • Synthesize results from different studies and evaluate their larger significance.


Herbivory; herbivore; deterrence; monoterpene; producer; genotype; phenotype; chemotype; Thymus vulgaris; thyme; Mediterranean ecosystem; chemical defenses; food webs;


Subject Headings

Biology (General)
Botany / Plant Science
Evolutionary Biology
Genetics / Heredity


High school, Undergraduate lower division, Undergraduate upper division



PDF, PowerPoint



Scientific method






Clicker, Flipped, Interrupted



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