This interrupted case study follows first-time mother “Nia” as she initiates breastfeeding. Nia develops hyperlactation, breast tenderness, and fever. Her OB/Gyn diagnoses mastitis, and Nia starts antibiotics and anti-inflammatories. During follow-up with a lactation consultant, Nia is instructed on how to correct her oversupply. Mastitis treatment and lactation support allow Nia to meet infant nutrition guidelines and her own breastfeeding goals. This case study allows students to review mammary gland development and anatomy, the neurohormonal positive feedback loop of lactation, normal lactation initiation, and the pathophysiology and treatment of mastitis. Several detailed illustrations are included in an optional PowerPoint presentation. This case study was initially developed for undergraduate sophomore-level anatomy and physiology students but is broadly applicable. Students will likely encounter lactation either personally or as a friend, partner, family member, health professional, or other caregiver. Our case study was created to uplift and celebrate women’s health and is perfect for presentation in August, which is World Breastfeeding Month.