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Online Courses: MSU Master of Science in Science Education: Biomimicry: The Technology of Biology

Biomimicry: The Technology of Biology is a 2 credit course that introduces the rapidly emerging discipline of biomimicry as a source of inspiration to create solutions to human problems. You will learn how to use nature as a source of ideas, how to conceptualize functions, mechanisms, and strategies that biological species use to thrive on earth. Industries are using forms, processes, and systems from the biological world to inspire technological innovation. This course is relevant to all disciplines and is now being taught from first grade to doctorate programs around the world.
Biomimicry: The Technology of Biology is a 2 credit course that introduces the rapidly emerging discipline of biomimicry as a source of inspiration to create solutions to human problems. You will learn how to use nature as a source of ideas, how to conceptualize functions, mechanisms, and strategies that biological species use to thrive on earth. Industries are using forms, processes, and systems from the biological world to inspire technological innovation. This course is relevant to all disciplines and is now being taught from first grade to doctorate programs around the world.
Biomimicry: The Technology of Biology is a 2 credit course that introduces the rapidly emerging discipline of biomimicry as a source of inspiration to create solutions to human problems. You will learn how to use nature as a source of ideas, how to conceptualize functions, mechanisms, and strategies that biological species use to thrive on earth. Industries are using forms, processes, and systems from the biological world to inspire technological innovation. This course is relevant to all disciplines and is now being taught from first grade to doctorate programs around the world.

Online Courses: MSU Master of Science in Science Education: Special Topics in Microbiology

Special Topics in Microbiology is a 3 credit course and provides an inquiry based examination of current microbiology related topics. Topics may vary from semester to semester and will be selected by the assessment of what is considered “newsworthy.” Topics could include but not be limited to hospital acquired and community acquired infections, antibiotic resistance, immunizations, food safety and drinking water. Emphasis will be placed on the ramifications of issues with respect to industry, medicine, and personal health.
Special Topics in Microbiology is a 3 credit course and provides an inquiry based examination of current microbiology related topics. Topics may vary from semester to semester and will be selected by the assessment of what is considered “newsworthy.” Topics could include but not be limited to hospital acquired and community acquired infections, antibiotic resistance, immunizations, food safety and drinking water. Emphasis will be placed on the ramifications of issues with respect to industry, medicine, and personal health.
Special Topics in Microbiology is a 3 credit course and provides an inquiry based examination of current microbiology related topics. Topics may vary from semester to semester and will be selected by the assessment of what is considered “newsworthy.” Topics could include but not be limited to hospital acquired and community acquired infections, antibiotic resistance, immunizations, food safety and drinking water. Emphasis will be placed on the ramifications of issues with respect to industry, medicine, and personal health.
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