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Help Us Name NSTA’s New NGSS Newsletter

By Cindy Workosky

Posted on 2016-12-04

Science teachers, you’ve spoken up about your Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) implementation needs, and NSTA has listened. Thanks to the input of many of you, NSTA is moving forward on a new resource to help you get your arms around the expanding amount of information, tools, and perspectives on implementing the new standards. In early 2017, NSTA is launching an e-newsletter focused solely on the NGSS. I’m thrilled to be serving as the field editor and can’t wait to get started… but first we need a name. Please click here to give us your suggestions. In addition to bragging rights, if your name is picked we’ll also send you an $80 gift certificate to the NSTA Science Store.

Every month we will work to give you what you told us you needed the most…

  • You said you wanted to read about NGSS news, you got it!
  • You said you wanted quality resources for NGSS implementation, we will find them and share them with you.
  • You told us professional learning opportunities are important for you, we will get those out to you in a timely manner.
  • You told us you to want see how your colleagues are implementing NGSS, we plan to find those teachers and bring them to you monthly.

Above all, this newsletter is for you, illuminating the good work that is happening in schools around the country. It will also carry the voice of teachers as we work to share perspectives, ideas, and insights from the field.

Some potential topics include:

  • What will the NGSS look like in my classroom?
  • Where can I find the tools and resources to help me transition to NGSS?
  • How can collaboration improve classroom instruction?
  • What are anchoring phenomena and where can I find them?

So, let’s hear it. Click here to submit your ideas for a name. Deadline for submissions is December 16.

If you have other questions/suggestions, please feel free to email me at



Kathy Renfrew


Kathy Renfrew is a science educator who is passionate about the implementation of NGSS. She is a former elementary teacher and currently serves as the K-5 science specialist for the state of Vermont. Kathy is a long time NSTA groupie. She has been an NSTA online advisor, presenter for numerous web seminars and conference sessions, and currently serves as an NGSS@NSTA Curator. Kathy believes that quality science instruction is a way to address inequities in the current education system. Follow her on twitter at @krsciencelady and on facebook at



Visit NSTA’s NGSS@NSTA Hub for hundreds of vetted classroom resources, professional learning opportunities, publications,ebooks and more; connect with your teacher colleagues on the NGSS listservs (members can sign up here); and join us for discussions around NGSS at an upcoming conference.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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Science teachers, you’ve spoken up about your Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) implementation needs, and NSTA has listened. Thanks to the input of many of you, NSTA is moving forward on a new resource to help you get your arms around the expanding amount of information, tools, and perspectives on implementing the new standards. In early 2017, NSTA is launching an e-newsletter focused solely on the NGSS. I’m thrilled to be serving as the field editor and can’t wait to get started… but first we need a name.

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