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Creatively Engineering Future Resources: Featured Strand at #NSTA 2015 Area Conference on Science Education in Reno, Nevada, October 22-24

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

Posted on 2015-07-28

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Pose for a groupie shot with your science teacher friends this fall and you just may find the inventor of the “camera on a chip” in the photo! Cell phone camera inventor and Dartmouth Engineering Professor Eric Fossum will be the featured speaker for a special strand “Creatively Engineering Future Resources” at the NSTA 2015 Area Conference on Science Education, in Reno, October 22-24.

The featured presentation for this strand will be “Saturn to Smartphone Cameras: A Story of Science and Technology Innovation, on Thursday, October 22 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM, in the Reno-Sparks Convention Center, C1. Fossum will discuss the story of his invention of the CMOS image sensor and how that technology went from a NASA laboratory, through an entrepreneurial startup company, and into your smartphone. The critical role of science education in public schools and through supplemental programs will be highlighted.

 What else will you learn about creatively engineering future resources? Below is a small sampling of other sessions on this topic:

  • Using Project Based Learning to Teach Climate Change
  • Healthy Land, Healthy Us! Informal/Formal Education Partnership
  • Put the “E” in STEM!
  • Recycled Goods as Inspiration in Learning: The Secret Life of Everyday Things
  • Making a Better City

Want more? Check out more sessions and other events with the Reno Session Browser/Personal Scheduler. Follow all our conference tweets using #NSTA15, and if you tweet, please feel free to tag us @NSTA so we see it!

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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