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The Frugal Science Teacher, PreK-5: Strategies and Activities

Teachers of all grades and disciplines often dip into their own wallets to outfit their classrooms with materials and supplies that school and district budgets can’t—or won’t—cover. Science teachers tend to find themselves supplementing their shrinking funds with even greater frequency.

This collection of essays, carefully selected by former NSTA President and current Science and Children editor Linda Froschauer, outlines creative and inexpensive ways for preK through fifth-grade science teachers to keep their expenses to a minimum in five categories:

Teachers of all grades and disciplines often dip into their own wallets to outfit their classrooms with materials and supplies that school and district budgets can’t—or won’t—cover. Science teachers tend to find themselves supplementing their shrinking funds with even greater frequency.

This collection of essays, carefully selected by former NSTA President and current Science and Children editor Linda Froschauer, outlines creative and inexpensive ways for preK through fifth-grade science teachers to keep their expenses to a minimum in five categories:


Unit Pages: Differentiation for 200 Students

Science Scope—February 2010

Based upon the models of differentiated instruction (Tomlinson and Edison 2003) and Layered Curriculum (Nunley 2004), the author the Unit Pages strategy. Just like Layered Curriculum, the pages can be handed directly to students, allowing them to take charge of their own learning rather than requiring the teacher to individually monitor and adapt the content and activities for each student. Unit Pages are based on state standards and offer students opportunities to choose how they learn the material and how they demonstrate that learning.
Based upon the models of differentiated instruction (Tomlinson and Edison 2003) and Layered Curriculum (Nunley 2004), the author the Unit Pages strategy. Just like Layered Curriculum, the pages can be handed directly to students, allowing them to take charge of their own learning rather than requiring the teacher to individually monitor and adapt the content and activities for each student. Unit Pages are based on state standards and offer students opportunities to choose how they learn the material and how they demonstrate that learning.
Based upon the models of differentiated instruction (Tomlinson and Edison 2003) and Layered Curriculum (Nunley 2004), the author the Unit Pages strategy. Just like Layered Curriculum, the pages can be handed directly to students, allowing them to take charge of their own learning rather than requiring the teacher to individually monitor and adapt the content and activities for each student. Unit Pages are based on state standards and offer students opportunities to choose how they learn the material and how they demonstrate that learning.

Science activities: quantity vs. quality

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2010-01-29

My ninth grade students enjoy labs, but my colleagues say I do too many and the students aren’t learning anything. How many labs should I do each week?
—Carolyn, Billings, Montana

I’m curious as to what you mean by “labs.” Some teachers use the word lab to describe a variety of activities from investigations and experiments to cookbook demonstrations, small-group discussions, simulations, group writing assignments, laptop activities—anything students do in groups in science class. While all of these activities can be useful learning strategies, let’s assume you are referring to inquiry-based investigations and experiments.
NSTA’s position statement on Scientific Inquiry states, “Scientific inquiry is a powerful way of understanding science content. Students learn how to ask questions and use evidence to answer them. In the process of learning the strategies of scientific inquiry, students learn to conduct an investigation and collect evidence from a variety of sources, develop an explanation from the data, and communicate and defend their conclusions.”

Although you do not have to justify your choice of learning activities (or their frequency) to your colleagues, you may want to reflect on what you’re doing for your own professional piece of mind. While considering your activities, it may be helpful to parse the above position statement. Do your labs help students to

  • understand science content—the processes and “big ideas” as well as facts and concepts;
  • ask questions (not just answer ones that someone else asks);
  • design and conduct various types of investigations, depending on the questions;
  • collect and organize their evidence (data);
  • analyze the evidence to develop an explanation; or
  • communicate and defend their conclusions?

This is a lot to expect of students; they need guidance and modeling tailored to their level of experience. I had the opportunity to work with a middle school teacher who scaffolded the inquiry process for her students. She kept the unit’s “big idea” posted in the classroom and made sure to refer to it during every activity (lab or otherwise) to keep the students focused on the content. When she asked students for questions to investigate, she added a few of her own as a model. She guided the students through a discussion of how the experiment was designed and how the design related to the question (after experiencing various types of investigations, they took over more of the design process). She monitored them as they did the procedure and collected data, and she assisted or intervened when necessary. She worked with the students as they reviewed their data and determined  if their evidence answered the questions, and discussed why it did or did not. During the process, the students recorded the data and their conclusions in their notebooks. The teacher recognized this was a time-consuming process, but she was confident they were learning (and the assessment results supported this conclusion).
I really don’t have a numeric answer to your question. Regarding the number of activities, for scientific inquiry the quality of the activities is more important than the quantity. Doing an activity for the sake of doing an activity without any follow-up or reflection may lead to the second concern about what the students are actually learning and whether they truly understand the concepts. I attended a workshop with a middle school teacher who remarked, “I keep my students so busy they don’t have time to think.” I still wonder what—if anything—they learned.
Image from

My ninth grade students enjoy labs, but my colleagues say I do too many and the students aren’t learning anything. How many labs should I do each week?
—Carolyn, Billings, Montana


Two-year-olds explore transparent, translucent, and opaque materials

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2010-01-29

Exploring how light goes through a materialScience activities with two-year-olds may not last very long but sometimes the children surprise me. One group of four children spent about 15 minutes exploring a set of cardboard tubes with ends covered with either clear plastic wrap, wax paper, or a double layer of black plastic (black construction paper would also work). We looked through the tubes and talked about what we saw— could we see through them? Then I put out small flashlights. Exploration took off!

The twos tried each tube, comparing how much they could see through the material and how much light from the flashlight came through.
Child uses a flashlightThe children learned to turn the flashlights on and off, and found out they could hide the flashlights inside two tubes. We talked about being safe by never shining a flashlight into our own or anyone else’s eyes. As children proposed explorations we tried out their ideas. The tiny bathroom really can fit two teachers and four children! The children moved the lights closer and farther away from the wall, noticing how the size of the light beam grew bigger and smaller. One child asked, “Are these toys or are they science?” I said, “They are both, toys and science” which seemed to be an acceptable answer.

Exploring how light goes through a materialScience activities with two-year-olds may not last very long but sometimes the children surprise me. One group of four children spent about 15 minutes exploring a set of cardboard tubes with ends covered with either clear plastic wrap, wax paper, or a double layer of black plastic (black construction paper would also work).


Everyday Science Mysteries

By Claire Reinburg

Posted on 2010-01-29

NSTA Press author Richard Konicek-Moran has always been challenged and inspired by what he calls Everyday Science Mysteries, those events you stumble on that make you ponder “why on Earth….” or “what could that be?”  Dick cleverly captures and shares in his books the wonderful ways teachers can turn those everyday mysteries into teaching opportunities.  When he’s not writing new books for NSTA Press, Dick and his wife, Kathleen, travel between their Massachusetts home and their home in Florida, where they volunteer in the Everglades. Dick’s new blog takes readers inside his Everglades experience. Check out his recent posts on how the January cold snap in Florida is affecting that complex ecosystem.  And visit NSTA’s Science Store to preview Dick Konicek-Moran’s newest volume in the book series, Even More Everyday Science Mysteries: Stories for Inquiry-Based Science Teaching. We’ve posted a free chapter from the new book as a preview:  See “Here’s the Crusher,” an everyday mystery related to air pressure.

NSTA Press author Richard Konicek-Moran has always been challenged and inspired by what he calls Everyday Science Mysteries, those events you stumble on that make you pond


Science and current events

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2010-01-28

To help students understand this month’s earthquake in Haiti, the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology has compiled a set of resources called Recent Earthquake Teachable Moments. These include links to animations and visualizations, presentations, news releases, and other materials for students and teachers to explore seismology within the context of current activity. These resources are updated frequently. There is a list of resources in Spanish, too. If you’re interested in more information, activities, and visuals on earthquakes in general, be sure to use SciLinks for a list of dozens of resources, organized by grade level. Use the keyword “earthquake.”
Looking ahead to next month, the Winter Games begin in Vancouver on February 12. The National Science Foundation and NBC Learn have collaborated to create The Science of the Olympic Games. This 16-part video series explores the scientific principles affecting how Olympic athletes perform, including gravity, friction, velocity, acceleration, drag, and resistance. The videos include Figuring Out Figure Skating, Slapshot Physics: Hockey, The Science of Snowboarding, Air Lift: Ski Jump, and Banking on Speed: Bobsled. Each video is about five minutes long, and there’s even one on friction and curling! For additional websites on science and sports, check out SciLinks. Use the keyword “sports” for grades 5-8 and 9-12. The the topic “Energy and Sports” includes Sport Science from the Exploratorium Museum (with sections on baseball, skateboarding, surfboarding, hockey, and cycling). And if you’re ready for some warmer activity, use the SciLinks keyword “surfing” for sites on the Science of Surfing.

To help students understand this month’s earthquake in Haiti, the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology has compiled a set of resources called Recent Earthqu


More science in the early years—a reoccurring theme from high school teachers and researchers

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2010-01-28

Planting Ajuga and learning about roots, leaves, and runnners.So it’s not just me, or you…An elementary school science specialist wrote to National Science Teacher Association colleagues asking middle and high school teachers which science skills and knowledge are typically seen lacking in students as they transition from the elementary level to the middle school level and then to high school level classes. The response has been positively worded (not pointing any fingers) suggesting that:
students lack “having made more observations of the world- having noticed that the days are longer in the summer and that the moon is sometimes out in the day time and having noticed that there is more than one type of plant or bird or cloud or rock.” and “more experiences making things- baking bread, building with popsicle sticks and glue, or trying to fix something that’s broken…a greater awareness of the world around them.”
Examining a milkweed seed pod.Another teacher observed that students are unfamiliar “with the great diversity of life in the world (both living and extinct)…it would be so helpful to MS and HS teachers if their students had been exposed to a fair sampling of plant, animal and even microbial life during their elementary years…if teachers could focus on the major categories of life (how they’re classified).”
These insights into what middle and high schoolers are missing have been discussed on the  NSTA email list server (for NSTA members) before and are in line with what education researchers and early childhood teachers say about science in the early years—it’s important to introduce scientific study early so children get the experience they need to understand concepts taught in the upper grades. Read about some efforts to bring more science into early childhood classrooms in Researchers Testing Programs to Teach Science in Preschool in Education Week, in print and online .

Planting Ajuga and learning about roots, leaves, and runnners.So it’s not just me, or you…An elementary school science specialist wrote to National Science Teacher Association colleagues asking middle and high school teachers which science skills and knowledge are typically seen lacking in students as they transition from the elementary level to the middle school level and then to high school level classes.


Science-related nonfiction books

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2010-01-25

I teach science at the elementary level. I’d like to improve our nonfiction science collection for students to read outside of class or for teachers to use during read-alouds. I want to be sure what we purchase is appropriate; do you have any suggestions or lists of recommended books for this level?
—Gina, Thornton, Colorado

One of my elementary colleagues notes there seems to be trend toward including more nonfiction in reading class to stimulate interest with alternatives to fiction, build vocabulary and background knowledge, and help students make the transition from “learning to read” to “reading to learn.”
At the secondary level, two recent articles show an increased interest in science-related reading beyond the textbook: “Reading Aloud to Teens Gains Favor Among Teachers” (in the January 4 issue of Education Week) and “Building Background Knowledge” (in the January 2010 issue of The Science Teacher).

To find appropriate books for all grade levels, I can recommend two sources on the NSTA website. Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K–12 contains lists compiled by NSTA in association with the Children’s Book Council. The titles are listed by year and include an annotated description of each book, including a reference to the national standards and a suggested reading level. The criteria for selection include

  • The book has substantial science content.
  • Information is clear, accurate, and up-to-date.
  • Theories and facts are clearly distinguished.
  • Facts are not oversimplified to the point that the information is misleading.
  • Generalizations are supported by facts, and significant facts are not omitted.
  • Books are free of gender, ethnic, and socioeconomic bias.

Unfortunately, the list is not searchable, but all of these titles are also in the second source, NSTA Recommends. This broader list includes reviews of books and other media. The reviews are written by science educators and can be searched by format (e.g., print, kits, DVDs), words in the title or review (e.g., weather, machines, insects), and grade level (K through college). The lists can be exported as Excel spreadsheets. NSTA Recommends also has monthly updates in the NSTA journals.
Consider the grade level or reading levels as suggestions. Struggling middle school readers may be more successful with books at the upper elementary level. Likewise, some elementary students may be ready for books written at a higher level.
If you’re curious about a book that doesn’t appear on these lists, the article “What Teachers Need to Know About the ‘New’ Nonfiction” by Sharon Ruth Gill has a discussion of quality nonfiction. It’s in the December 2009/January 2010 issue of The Reading Teacher and is available online to members of the International Reading Association. If colleagues (reading specialists or a Title I coordinator) are members, they can access the article for you.
The author shares a detailed look at several books, discussing her three criteria for selecting nonfiction picture books:

  • Is the book visually appealing? – Do the illustrations contribute to the topic? Is the text broken up with illustrations, sidebars, headings?
  • Is the book accurate and authoritative? – Are sources or references listed? Does it include supplemental materials such as a glossary, index, or table of contents? Do illustrations relate to and accurately depict the text? Are there suggestions for further reading? Are animals depicted accurately without anthropomorphism? Is the book a blend of fact and fiction? If so, is it clear which parts are fact and which are fiction?
  • Is the writing style engaging? Are ideas logically ordered? Are new ideas explained clearly and simply? Are new ideas connected to what children might already know?

A group of teachers I know worked with their school librarian to examine books for their inclusion in a reading list of science nonfiction. They discovered some nonfiction science titles in their school library were more than 20 years old! Although some information is timeless, they were concerned many had outdated or incomplete information and did not recommend them to students.
I wonder about the future of print resources. Will we see a time when books as we know them are obsolete—when all of our resources will be electronic? If and when that time comes, I suspect we’ll use the same criteria for evaluation—visual appeal, accuracy and the source of the material, and writing style.

I teach science at the elementary level. I’d like to improve our nonfiction science collection for students to read outside of class or for teachers to use during read-alouds. I want to be sure what we purchase is appropriate; do you have any suggestions or lists of recommended books for this level?
—Gina, Thornton, Colorado


Latest from NSTA's online outposts

By Howard Wahlberg

Posted on 2010-01-25

Lots going on across the spectrum of NSTA’s online outposts. Here’s a quick list of what buzz is happening where:
On our “core site” ( everyone’s gearing up for our National Conference on Science Education this March 17 – 21 in Philadelphia. Write your own declaration of independence and join your fellow educators this March in Philadelphia!
On Facebook, there’s a discussion about what to do if you can’t see microscope samples, and one of your colleagues is trying to gather together a group of educators who focus on AP Biology.
On Linkedin, there are discussions about extended discounts for recruiters on our Career Center as well as how to introduce students to veterinary medicine.
And of course all our science educator Tweeps are tweeting and re-tweeting about our Philadelphia conference and our Lab Out Loud Podcasts!
And in your very own NSTA online professional learning communities, we have new groups created on a variety of topics…

  • ELL—A place to share ideas of what works to help English language learners succeed in science
  • WGBH Teacher’s Domain—a Digital library of STEM resources from public television.

And… a brand new group especially designed for folks looking for shared housing at our 2010 National Conference in Philadelphia!

Lots going on across the spectrum of NSTA’s online outposts. Here’s a quick list of what buzz is happening where:
On our “core site” ( everyone’s gearing up for our National Conference on Science Education this March 17 – 21 in Philadelphia. Write your own declaration of independence and join your fellow educators this March in Philadelphia!


Introducing the NSTA Press Books blog

By Claire Reinburg

Posted on 2010-01-22

So much happens behind the scenes and behind the books at NSTA Press when we develop new resources for science teachers.  I have the enviable job of talking with authors who have ideas for terrific new books, and I have the privilege of hearing from teachers about the types of resources they need for their classrooms and for their own professional development. Sometimes we hear a vignette or two about how NSTA Press books are helping teachers in the challenging work they do.  Science teachers inspire children every day to question, explore, investigate, and wonder why. And a new day can bring a science connection or discovery in the news, so there are always opportunities to help students link up their classroom experiences with their lives beyond the science classroom.
We thought we’d share some behind-the-scenes information and tips in this new NSTA Press Books blog.  Perhaps we can introduce you to lesson ideas and resources you missed in the whirlwind of data and information that greets all of us daily.  Lots of new books are brewing at NSTA Press, so pause to enjoy a beaker mug full of tea or H2O while you take a quick look at some forthcoming February books.

So much happens behind the scenes and behind the books at NSTA Press when we develop new resources for science teachers.  I have the enviable job of talking with authors who have ideas for terrific new books, and I have the privilege of hearing from teachers about the types of resources they need for their classrooms and for their own professional development. Sometimes we hear a vignette or two about how NSTA Press books are helping teachers in the challenging work they do.  Science teachers inspire children every day to question, explore, investigate, and wonder why.

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