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Next Gen Navigator

Helping Educators Develop Young Ocean Problem-Solvers

By Corrine Steever

Posted on 2019-10-17

Myrtle the green sea turtle
Myrtle, the green sea turtle. Photo credit: W. Chappell

Informal science centers are in perfect alignment to provide rich NGSS supports using three-dimensional learning and real-world connections. When an educator hears about professional development opportunities at the New England Aquarium (NEAq), they are typically “hooked” by the idea that they may get some great lessons about ocean animals for the classroom while gazing at Myrtle, our 550 lb. green sea turtle. While the “hook” might be Myrtle, the “reel” is linking rich, real-world, accessible phenomena at the NEAq with NGSS-supported lessons for the classroom. Informal science centers like NEAq create models and analyze real-world phenomena using exhibits and research, and are a perfect resource when introducing phenomena in the classroom. NEAq is also a conservation-oriented organization, and our goal is to establish connections to nature, strengthen relationships, develop systems thinking, build skills for civic participation, provide diversity of participation and access, and promote hope, self-efficacy, and confidence. That is why we work to increase the capacity of educators, both in and out of the classroom, using the ocean as a means of providing three-dimensional learning opportunities that align with our goals.

To do this, we restructured how we run our professional development courses to start with a deep exploration of the standards that our courses will support, and then modeling what a lesson or activity could look like. By working with educators to focus on the content and practices of a standard, it helps define what the students will be learning, as well as how they will be learning. The Next Generation Science Standards does this. The NSTA website displays the standards in a way that lets you highlight the Practices, Disciplinary Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts that go with each performance expectation. Using highlighters and printouts of standards, educators in small groups work through this themselves. This allows for great discussions on how they would have students engage in experiences that support the standard(s) we are working on. Where the real supports lie, though, is then modeling what this could look like in a series of activities built on real-world experiences that support why students should be learning these concepts.

An example of this is in our Full STEAM Ahead: Ocean Adventures workshop series for early educators. During the Ocean and Us class, our goal was to introduce lessons that support the following K–2 Performance Expectations:

Performance Expectations


Construct an argument supported by evidence for how plants and animals (including humans) can change the environment to meet their needs.


Use a model to represent the relationship between the needs of different plants and animals (including humans) and the places they live.


Communicate solutions that will reduce the impact of humans on the land, water, air, and/or other living things in the local environment.


Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive.


Use materials to design a solution to a human problem by mimicking how plants and/or animals use their external parts to help them survive, grow, and meet their needs.


Ask questions, make observations, and gather information about a situation people want to change to define a simple problem that can be solved through the development of a new or improved object or tool.


Analyze data from tests of two objects designed to solve the same problem to compare the strengths and weaknesses of how each performs.

We started the day with an icebreaker about systems. Since systems is a Crosscutting Concept that is within many of the standards addressed, we wanted to begin by building a deeper understanding of biological systems. Small groups were given an image of the same tide pool ecosystem inspired by Istvan Banyai’s picture book Zoom. Some groups had a very “zoomed-in” version of the tide pool (such as a tide pool animal), while others had a very “zoomed-out” coastline view. Everyone else observed images at a scale in between those two versions. Each group defined the boundary of their image, then discussed the “living components” of the organisms in the pictures, what they needed to survive (food, water, shelter), and what was flowing in and out of the system (sun, water, air, food). Each shared their image and what they came up with. This allowed for the “aha” moment when the educators noticed that all their pictures were just “zoomed in or out” versions of one another, allowing for not only an understanding of how individuals fit into a large system, but also how the larger system impacts individuals.

Then throughout the day, we built lessons from a systems framework, using an image of a New England river with a dam and an arrow pointing farther up the river, and the prompt “Salmon swim upriver to spawn here.” After allowing educators to share their observations and questions, we created many of the lessons around this phenomenon, while answering most of the questions that the group came up with through engaging in activities. While at NEAq, we visit the salmon exhibit to observe how salmon swim and move, but we also show that for those without access to a facility like NEAq, such investigations can be done using videos and books, and by making models of fish with potatoes and different fin shapes using craft materials.

When modeling and seeking to understand systems, we know that it is important to understand human impact on systems, and we can draw on our knowledge to train educators on how to communicate using values and solutions. Teachers develop an understanding that we use rivers, just like other plants and animals do, but sometimes our actions can have unintended consequences. Teachers learn how humans have built fish ladders to aid movement of fish past dams, then engage in engineering activities to build models of fish ladders, eventually doing this with learners to help them increase their hope and self-efficacy. It also boosts educators’ confidence to teach even their youngest learners about their connection to the natural world.

teachers participating in Full STEAM Ahead workshop: fish ladder model
teachers participating in Full STEAM Ahead workshop: fish stock assessment
Teachers participating in the Full STEAM Ahead: Ocean and Us workshop. Above is a fish ladder model; below is an activity to aid understanding of fish stock assessment.

We live on a blue planet, and know it is important to inspire problem-solvers to act on behalf of the ocean. This is just one example of the many ways that we are trying to support educators at the New England Aquarium to develop ocean problem-solvers through three-dimensional learning opportunities.

What are some ways you are using real-world phenomena to engage in three-dimensional learning experiences? Are you able to use an informal science center near you, or are you working at an informal science center that provides opportunities for educators?

Corrine Steever is the Teacher Services Supervisor at the New England Aquarium in Boston, Massachusetts. She provides teacher professional development programs that enhance participants’ understanding of ocean science, and cross-curricular connections that support multiple ways to engage their students in STEM practices. The New England Aquarium also provides free resources to educators through their Teacher Resource Center. Steever is a board member of the Massachusetts Association of Science Teachers and Massachusetts Marine Educators.


Note: This article is featured in the October 2019 issue of Next Gen Navigator, a monthly e-newsletter from NSTA delivering information, insights, resources, and professional learning opportunities for science educators by science educators on the Next Generation Science Standards and three-dimensional instruction.  Click here to sign up to receive the Navigator every month.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

Myrtle the green sea turtle
Myrtle, the green sea turtle. Photo credit: W. Chappell

Informal science centers are in perfect alignment to provide rich NGSS supports using three-dimensional learning and real-world connections.


Legislative Update

House Leaders Introduce The College Affordability Act

By Jodi Peterson

Posted on 2019-10-17

Democrats Introduce Bill to Reauthorize Higher Education Act

House Democrats introduced a long-awaited bill earlier this week that would update the Higher Education Act for the first time in more than a decade.

The College Affordability Act, H.R. 4674 (116) expands federal Pell Grants and would ease current student loan debt, but it does not seek to completely eliminate college costs or cancel student loan debt, two proposals currently being offered by  several  2020 presidential candidates. It is expected to cost $400 billion over the next decade.

According to the press release issued by the Democrats, the bill:

  • Tackles the rising cost of tuition by restoring state and federal investments in public colleges and universities, which will reduce the burden that has been shifted to students and their families.
  • Makes college affordable for low- and middle-income students by increasing the value of Pell Grants.
  • Eases the burden of student loans by making existing student loans cheaper and easier to pay off.
  • Cracks down on predatory for-profit colleges that defraud students, veterans, and taxpayers.
  • Holds all schools accountable for providing students a quality education that leads to a rewarding career.
  • Improves students’ safety on campus by blocking Secretary DeVos’s survivor-blaming Title IX rule and introducing stronger accountability to track and prevent cases of sexual assault, harassment, and hazing.
  • Expands students’ access to high-quality programs by making Pell Grants available for short-term programs.
  • Helps improve graduation rates by providing stronger wraparound services to keep students in school and on track.
  • Invests in the critical institutions that enroll underserved students by increasing and permanently reauthorizing mandatory funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), and other Minority Serving Institutions.

Rep. Bobby Scott (D-Va.), the chairman of the House education committee, said in a statement,  “The College Affordability Act is a proposal that Members across the political spectrum should be able to support. It is a necessary and sensible response to the challenges that students and families are facing every day.

Read the full press release from the Democrats on the bill here and the New York Times article and Forbes article.

ED Awards New Research Grants for STEM Education and Computer Science

Last month Education Secretary DeVos announced $123 million in new grant funds would be distributed to 41 school districts, nonprofits and state educational agencies under the Education and Innovative Research (EIR) program.

The program aims to fund innovative programs meant to improve academic achievement for high-need students.

The awards include over $30 million to eight grantees serving rural areas and over $78 million to 29 grantees focused on STEM education. Over 85% of the funded STEM projects include a specific focus on computer science.

A link to the Department of Education press release, which includes the winning grantees, can be found here.

Appropriations Update

As reported in previous NSTA Legislative Updates, federal programs are currently under a stop-gap spending measure (continuing resolution) that provides continuing appropriations at FY19 levels to federal agencies through November 21, 2019. After that, if no agreement is reached, funding runs out and the government would be in risk of shutting down. Will they come to a compromise on the Fy20 budget? Earlier this week Senate Appropriations Chairman Richard Shelby told Politico that spending negotiations remain in a “prolonged slump.”

As you will recall, in June the House did pass H.R. 2740 (116), a minibus which bundles the text of four of the 12 appropriations bills for FY2020, (Defense, Labor-HHS-Education, Energy-Water and State Foreign-Operations). The House bill provides a 6 percent increase to the Department of Education, includes $1.3 billion for Title IV/A Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) grant and $2.5 billion for the Title IIA grant, an increase of $150 million and $500 million respectively.

The education funding bill introduced in the Senate funds many programs at levels lower than the House bill. The Senate bill would provide $71.4 billion in discretionary spending on education, less than the House’s proposed budget of $75.9 billion for the Education Department.  Title IVA Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants did receive a $50 million increase over last year in the Senate bill. Title IIA, which funds teacher professional development would be level funded.

Stay tuned, and watch for more updates in future issues of NSTA Express.

Jodi Peterson is the Assistant Executive Director of Communication, Legislative & Public Affairs for the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and Chair of the STEM Education Coalition. Reach her via e-mail at or via Twitter at @stemedadvocate.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

Democrats Introduce Bill to Reauthorize Higher Education Act

House Democrats introduced a long-awaited bill earlier this week that would update the Higher Education Act for the first time in more than a decade.


The PocketLab Air Sensor

By Edwin P. Christmann

Posted on 2019-10-17


The PocketLab Air Sensor is a fantastic tool for investigating the validity of fluctuations in climate and air pollution in your own community.  As a result, teachers can offer students an instrument to measure what’s in the air  (i.e., CO2, ozone, and particulates) for a reasonable price of $298.00.  

With wireless sensor technology, the PocketLab Air can measure a variety of different variables: carbon dioxide, ozone, particulate matter, temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, and light.

The small size of PocketLab sensor is convenient to take on the go for experiments, and it stores a large amount of data, which can then be shared with the free PocketLab “app.” When both the “app” and PocketLab device are working as one simultaneous unit, scientists of all ages can generate experiments that reflect the current state of the world around them.

The PocketLab Air, one of four PocketLab devices, is created for users as young as fourth grade students to act as weather professionals. Moreover,  it’s a sophisticated enough instrument for researchers of climate and air quality to use in the field.

One of the greatest features is that the device can be used to collect data with an iPhone, iPad, or Android devices via Bluetooth 4.0; making the PocketLab Air easy to use for scientists of all ages.   

Image 1: The PocketLab Air Sensor

Additionally, the PocketLab Air sensor has the ability to integrate data with CloudLab Science Notebook, which stores and organizes all of the collected data into a single software program.

Once you are ready to begin taking measurements, it’s crucial to make sure the battery is fully charged before launching the PocketLab Air into action.

To do this, simply take the orange micro USB cord that is included with the PocketLab Air and plug it into the sensor. The USB cord can then be plugged into a computer or another device that is compatible with USB ports. Charging the PocketLab Air takes approximately 60 minutes for a full charge.

Once charged, users can follow the directions in the PocketLab Air “Getting Started Guide” by  downloading the free “app” and connect the PocketLab sensor to their chosen device, e.g., iPhone, iPad, etc.

For more information and instructions regarding the PocketLab Air, click on the following link:

After the PocketLab Air is paired with a compatible device, the user will be prompted to grant access to the camera and microphone. Enabling access to the camera and microphone allows users to “record up to 30,000 measurements to the on-board memory.”

Also, the “app” allows users to toggle between the six sensors in the device, change the points/second feature, and seamlessly move between units of measurement. In addition, an excellent feature is that as real-time data is collected, it’s possible to compare measurements taken by different sensors.

Once the user becomes acquainted with the “app,” they can adjust the sensors and take measurements.  Every time a sensor is purchased from Myraid Sensors, a series of four getting started activity cards are included and are helpful to get acquainted with the device; especially in the early design stages of an experiment. Hence,  information is available about ozone, carbon dioxide levels, particulate matter, and air quality index.  

Essentially,  these cards outline how the PocketLab sensor can assist the user in recording data related to whatever experiment they are designing. Moreover, uers can reference the cards via the instruction manual tab located at:

Image 2: PocketLab Air Instruction Manuals  

Video 2: A Day in the Life of the PocketLab Air

Keep in mind that when taking measurements, the gas and weather sensors need time to settle in that subtle changes in the environment may take the sensor up to 10 minutes to fully adjust. In other words, you need to be patient and take your time when using the PocketLab Air sensor.

Overall, we found the PocketLab Air sensor to be an excellent fit for science teachers to put into the hands of their students. Undoubtedly, it is a standards-based device that offers students authentic learning opportunities to conduct research in their communities and beyond.

What’s Included

• 1 PocketLab Air Sensor

• 1 Protective Carrying Case

• 1 Set of Getting Started Activity Cards

• 1 PocketLab Air Sensor Sticker

• Dozens of Lessons and Activities

• Micro USB Charging Cable

Classroom Resources

PocketLab Air Demo


• Wireless Connection: Bluetooth 4.0

• Battery: Rechargeable via micro USB

• Battery Life: 24 hours (wireless, full data rate)/ 3 days (intermittent measurements)

• Wireless Range: 250 feet (76 m) range

• Dimensions: 4 x 2.5 x 1.3 in (10 x 6.4 x 3.3 cm)

• Weight: 142 g (5 oz)

• Memory: 30,000 data readings

* For specific sensor specifications, check out the following link!



About the Authors

Edwin P. Christmann is a professor and chairman of the secondary education department and graduate coordinator of the mathematics and science teaching program at Slippery Rock University in Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania. Marie Ellis is a graduate student at Slippery Rock University in Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania.



Next Gen Navigator

Refashioning Informal Education to Support 3-D Learning

Posted on 2019-10-17



Using the ChangeMaker Mindsets™ to Enhance STEM Experiences

Connected Science Learning October-December 2019 (Volume 1, Issue 12)

By Amanda Kopischke and Angela Anderson

Using the ChangeMaker Mindsets™ to Enhance STEM Experiences

A ChangeMaker is anyone who chooses to take creative action to solve a problem for impact.  The ChangeMaker Mindsets™ help youth navigate ambiguity and reframe thinking toward problem-solving. As students embrace and use the ChangeMaker Mindsets™ in their STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) experiences, they are more readily able to achieve deeper learning and are encouraged to think about the potential impact of their work. These mindsets enhance STEM learning experiences because they inspire adaptive capacities in students to grow and thrive even as they face uncertainties, challenges, and ambiguity in today’s complex, rapidly changing world.

Lead With Empathy

Lead With Empathy is defined as the ability to take someone else’s perspective and place yourself in their position while understanding and sharing their feelings. This mindset asks a critical question: “How can I listen well with a heart for understanding others and their feelings?” Empathy is foundational to creating solutions and prototypes in STEM to effectively meet the needs of others in impactful ways. This allows students to show compassion for human trials when problem-solving and creating solutions.

Embrace Exploration

The journey toward exploratory and deeper learning in STEM is valuable because it moves a student from the Zone of Predictability to the Zone of Possibility. This mindset asks the critical question: “How can I cultivate a curious, inquiry-based approach to seeing and understanding the world?” Helping students explore gives them the opportunity to challenge assumptions, judgments, and labels, giving them the conscious choice to deny the “boxes” assigned by others. The strengthening of exploration muscles will increase the likelihood that students will become lifelong learners committed to impactful work.

Pivot With Perseverance

Pivoting With Perseverance can change one’s position, strategy, and trajectory, without distracting from one’s overall purpose. This mindset asks the critical question: “How can I embrace the challenge and opportunity life brings?” The power of pivoting while using perseverance allows words, actions, thoughts, and attitudes to work together for good. Students often find themselves creating solutions to problems, only to discover that the outcome is not what they thought it would be. Knowing how and when to Pivot With Perseverance is critical to enhancing STEM experiences.



Create a Win/Win Solution

Using a win/win approach to solutions and decision-making can help integrate the needs of both the problem-solver and the people the solution is intended to help. This mindset asks the critical question: “How can I understand situations so that a mutually beneficial solution can be developed?” The win/win frame of mind and heart constantly seeks cooperation and reciprocity for all human interactions. Equipping STEM students with this mindset will benefit them as they prototype solutions that acknowledge and value the needs of all stakeholders, rather than denying or avoiding them.

Grow Through Failure

Grow Through Failure is a mindset that can be nurtured and cultivated to lead students to become critical thinkers, tenacious problem-solvers, and empathetic collaborators. This mindset asks the critical question: “How can I reframe failure as a tool for learning and growing?” Celebrating resilience, learning, and growth is an important aspect of establishing strong STEM programming. A person often learns the most from taking risks. Modeling this mindset for students creates safety in the classroom that will allow them to take risks, ideate without limits, and dream big.

Collaborate and Connect

Everyone can be a ChangeMaker in this world if ideation is shared with others. The mindset of Collaborate and Connect asks two critical questions: “How can I share what I have learned in the most meaningful way? Whom can I share with?” Collaboration is natural in STEM programming, as it seeks to integrate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. This mindset allows STEM educators to encourage students to be good stewards of what they have been given by serving, sharing, and contributing their ideas for social change and widespread impact.

About Incubate to Innovate

Incubate to Innovate can be accessed via Our team is passionate about equipping educators with the best pedagogical practices and tools, and an online collaborative network to transform teaching and learning experiences and environments using innovation to prepare students with 21st-century skills. The online collaborative network is called ChangeMakers for Impact, which brings together educators from across the nation with daily resourcing, encouragement, and workshops. For more information, please email


Amanda Kopischke ( is CEO of Incubate to Innovate in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Angela Anderson ( is chief creative officer of Incubate to Innovate in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Learn about the ChangeMaker Mindsets™, which help youth navigate ambiguity and reframe their thinking toward problem-solving.
Learn about the ChangeMaker Mindsets™, which help youth navigate ambiguity and reframe their thinking toward problem-solving.

Fostering children’s capacity to design and construct

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2019-10-15

In the October 2019 Early Years column in Science and Children, Anne Lowry, a preK teacher at Aleph Academy in Reno, Nevada, and I wrote about problem-solving experiences that took place in our classrooms. Engineering design opportunities in early childhood may come about by following children’s interests and also when adults provide both materials and challenges. “Engineering is a systematic and often iterative approach to designing objects, processes, and systems to meet human needs and wants” (NRC pg 202). The processes of engineering include testing and revisions, and using engineering habits of mind (Counsell 2015).


In Anne’s a mixed-age classroom of 3-to-5 year olds, not all children are able to draw possible solutions to engineering problems because they may be still developing the necessary fine motor skills.  However, by creating verbal designs, children can describe their design quite successfully. In the process of creating verbal designs, the children build on what they already know, individually and sometimes collectively, if in groups.  The result can be a clear design with concrete testing questions. 

Educators who can be open to children’s loftiest ideas—even those that seem impossible at first—honor children’s capabilities and thinking. Consider how you might be able to say, “Yes, and…” and help children begin problem solving by asking open-ended questions. Make firecrackers at school!? The children wanted to wanted to build their own fireworks and although the teachers ruled out the use of explosives, several children did not give up on the idea of fireworks.

They worked together and identified questions about the design: 1.) What materials to use, 2.) How to make the fire cracker “explode,” and 3.) What to use to make it light up. Images of firecrackers suggested using material with a cylindrical shape—paper towel tubes. Anne asked prompting questions, including “What do you do to make objects move?” The children discussed and tested several methods before including a balloon into their design.

Two materials were proposed for the “light.” Isla and Eve proposed using tiny rounds collected when using hole punches (“confetti”), and Cohen wanted to try miniature pom poms. The children decided this was a testable question and gathered both materials. 

Throughout their process the children used engineering habits of mind: systems thinking, creativity, optimism collaboration, communication, and  attention to ethical considerations (the impact of engineering on people and the environment) (Counsell 2015). The success of their fireworks was confirmation that fostering children’s capacity to design and construct their designs helps them develop critical thinking skills and engineering habits of mind.


Engineering Design with Cardboard

Teaching a summer camp class at the Pinecrest Pavilion Summer Camp on using cardboard in construction of designed structures provided an opportunity for me to see how the developmental age and prior experience of students directs the choice of projects and tools. Kindergarten to grade 2 children were enrolled in the morning session and the afternoon session was 3rd-5th.

Designing and building a marble run was our first project— re-using materials such as cardboard tubes and boxes, construction paper, and egg cartons, with tape. I provided some precut pieces of tape for the younger group and set up “tape stations” with scissors. The older group tended to take the rolls of tape to their table where it disappeared under their materials! The younger children built shorter structures. Seeking to make long ramps, the older children hastily rolled construction paper into long, structurally weak tubes. 

There was just as much difference in skill sets within the age groups as there was between them. Some children needed to hear others’ ideas before they could settle on a plan and get to work. Some were focused on completion and didn’t spend much time making a stable structure or creating a clear pathway for the marbles. Others worked so long on perfecting one aspect of their marble run that they ran out of time that day to make the rest of what they envisioned.  

To become proficient at making well-formed objects of any kind (that meet their own expectations), children need more time than five half-days to mess about with materials, design, build, test, and re-design no matter what material is involved, but especially if they haven’t previously used the material. That very important open-exploration period strengthens children’s experience with the properties of materials and ability to imagine and design. Developing this knowledge also involves developing fine motor skills, patience, and spatial awareness, and is a lot of fun!

With just five half days to work together I decided that the Kindergarten-2nd graders would only use scissors to cut cardboard but would offer the 3rd-5th graders Klever Kutters, a safer alternative to a typical box cutter. I gave them a safety lesson on holding the cardboard with one hand while pulling the cutter through the it with the other—away from the holding hand.

The children mostly used scissors instead of the cutters. They preferred the less-sharp familiar tool. Initially I thought younger children would only use cereal box type cardboard, keeping the corrugated cardboard for older children. All ages impressed me with their willingness to work hard to shape corrugated cardboard. 

The project of making “something” using cardboard gave children an open-ended challenge. Miniature stage scenes, cozy kitty boxes, arcade games, a model kayak, figure with movable limbs, and a fort were structures designed and built, but not perfected over the week.

On the fourth day I challenged the older children to design and build for another person. Each child wrote a note describing and/or drew a picture of an object or structure they would like someone else to build for them. The papers went into a bowl and then each child drew one out to work on.  This is when children’s communication and attention to ethical considerations were evident. They had to interpret the notes to meet the needs of their “clients.”

One child’s request detailed a television with remote. The engineer interpreted the design to include a moveable image to appear when the TV was “turned on.”  In presenting the requested designed object to the clients the engineers demonstrated the features and discussed how the notes guided their design decisions. The children accepting the designed objects impressed me with their gracious appreciation for the work of their peers.

A classroom center for design using cardboard would provide opportunities for children to continue working on their ideas and solving problems through re-design during the school year. What do your children create with cardboard?

Engineering Habits of Mind. From STEM Learning with Young Children: Inquiry Teaching with Ramps and Pathways by S. Counsell, L. Escalada, R. Geiken, M. Sander, J.Uhlenberg, B. Van Meeteren, S.Yoshizawa, B. Zan. 2015. New York: Teachers College Press.

National Research Council (NRC). 2012. A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. 

In the October 201


Media literacy week, October 21-25, 2019

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2019-10-13

A shared reading experience is one of the most powerful strategies for building children’s literacy skills according to the International Library Association (ILA pg 3) and in my experience as a reader, educator, and parent. Once a week I am a guest reader in a preschool classroom for four-year-olds. We stop and discuss the action as I read a library book (my favorite form of media!) and the children access, analyze, and interpret the images in the book. They are developing their ability to understand the book’s symbols and messages, building their literacy skills with support from their teachers and guest readers. I’ve been surprised that many times children identify a dog in a story as a wolf, even though I’m sure they have had many more first-hand experiences with dogs than with wolves. 

Literacy is “the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, compute, and communicate using visual, audible, and digital materials across disciplines and in any context” (ILA Literacy Glossary). The word can refer to basic knowledge in a specific activity, as in “media literacy,” rather than only to reading and writing. Media literacy is “the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, create, and act using all forms of communication,” and “media” is “all electronic or digital means and print or artistic visuals used to transmit messages” (NAMLE).  National Media Literacy Week is October 21-25, 2019, a good time to share resources with families. 

The word “create” represents a big part of literacy learning in early childhood. Children are more than consumers of media—they are creators of messages using drawn and written symbols, and those made with manipulatives, and on digital media. The imaginative play and dance, and the songs they choose to sing, are all messages about their interests, experiences, and understanding about the world.

A table-size shared page provides a format for illustrating a small group’s discussion about the earlier field trip.
Children draw the parts of the field trip that were memorable for them as they talked about the experience.

The National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE) offers resources for understanding how the media we use and create can be analyzed. In discussions with children about books, science experiences, and the community, we can ask, “What do you think happened and what do you think about it? NAMLE recommends asking: 

  • WHO made this?
  • WHY was it made?
  • WHAT is missing from this message?
  • HOW might different people interpret this message? 
  • WHO might benefit from this message?
  • WHO might be harmed by this message?

These questions help young children reflect on media they create, and consider the perspectives of other people.

There is overlap between science literacy and media literacy—they both require us to provide evidence for our claims. Asking for and presenting evidence for how we know something is another way to help children understand the importance of media literacy and is central to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Practices of Science and Engineering and the Crosscutting Concepts. Young children’s evidence comes from their first hand observation and documentation of their experiences, or information from their family or learned from media. When I question why the children identified the animal as a wolf, they tell me their evidence, “It has teeth,” and “It looks like a wolf.” Of course they are right! I need to introduce the idea of animal behavior and many more images to help them distinguish between these animals when they occur in a book.

When children confidently make a declaration such as, “That’s a snake!” when you know it is an earthworm, you can ask for evidence. “What makes you think it’s a snake?” “I’m wondering how you know it is a snake?” “What about the way it looks or moves tells you it is a snake?” “Are there any ways it is different from a snake? How?” “Let’s look at some pictures of this animal and some snakes so we can compare them,” and “Where should we look?”

Encourage children to document their observations with drawings, photography, audio recording, and other media. Ask them, “What do you want people to learn about this animal from your drawing (size, body structure, habitat…)?” “How will you show it so they understand that?” Over time children will begin to consider these questions themselves and revise their drawings.


Ashbrook, Peggy. 2018. The Early Years, Analyzing Media Representations of Animals. Science and Children. 56(4): 16-17. 

International Literacy Association (ILA). (2018). What effective pre-k literacy instruction looks like [Literacy leadership brief]. Newark, DE: Author.

International Literacy Association (ILA), Literacy Glossary. Retrieved October 2019 from

National Association for Media Literacy Education. (2007, November). Core principles of media literacy education in the United States. Retrieved October 2019 from 

National Association for Media Literacy Education and Trend Micro, Inc. Building Healthy Relationships w/ Media: A Parent’s Guide to Media Literacy. Retrieved October 2019 from 

NGSS Lead States. 2013. Next Generation Science Standards: For states, by states. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.

A shared reading experience is one of the most powerful strategies for building children’s literacy skills according to the International Library Association (ILA pg 3) and in my experience as a reader, educator, and parent. Once a week I am a guest reader in a preschool classroom for four-year-olds. We stop and discuss the action as I read a library book (my favorite form of media!) and the children access, analyze, and interpret the images in the book.


Does my Administrator Trust Me?

By Sharon Delesbore

Posted on 2019-10-11

I am a first-year teacher at a high school listed as a priority to the district (i.e. school improvement needed). I like the school and the students but it seems like the administration is in my classroom all the time. I’m concerned that they do not trust my capabilities to teach my students. Am I being paranoid?

—C., Texas

Yes, you are being “watched” for lack of a better term. In any organization, administrators monitor the activity taking place. For schools, this monitoring happens during classroom walkthroughs. These walkthroughs help administrators connect to our students’ learning. As a first year teacher, it is even more important that your administration sees what is taking place in your classroom—not in an “I caught you” way, but to better assist you as you develop your instructional identity. A 2013 article in Educational Leadership, “How Do Principals Really Improve Schools?,” asserts that classroom walkthroughs allow for “a new pair of eyes in the classroom, where we are able to help a teacher become aware of unintended instructional or classroom management patterns. We could express appreciation for the wonderful work a teacher was doing because we had witnessed it firsthand. We observed powerful instructional strategies that we were able to share with other teachers.”

Administrators’ walkthroughs are opportunities for them to provide instructional leadership and coaching with specific feedback. Don’t be discouraged by the visits! Embrace the attention, demonstrate your abilities, and be open to the feedback as you strengthen your instructional identity.

I am a first-year teacher at a high school listed as a priority to the district (i.e. school improvement needed). I like the school and the students but it seems like the administration is in my classroom all the time. I’m concerned that they do not trust my capabilities to teach my students. Am I being paranoid?

—C., Texas


Join NSTA Press book authors for workshops at NSTA area conferences in Fall 2019

By Claire Reinburg

Posted on 2019-10-10

NSTA Press book authors will lead workshops at NSTA fall conferences around the U.S. Join us for these professional learning opportunities in Salt Lake City, Cincinnati, or Seattle.

NSTA Press Author Sessions at the NSTA Area Conference in Salt Lake City

Salt Palace Convention Center – Room 155B

Thursday, October 24, 2019

8:00–9:00 am                     Argument-Driven Inquiry in the Life, Physical, and Earth/Space Sciences: Lab Investigations for Grades 6–8Jonathan Grooms

12:30–1:30 pm                   One Teacher’s Influence on a Natural PhenomenonSteve Rich

2:00–3:00 pm                     Argument-Driven Inquiry in Grades 3–5: Three-Dimensional Investigations That Integrate Literacy and MathematicsJonathan Grooms

3:30–4:30 pm                     Solar Science Provides Three-Dimensional Learning Experiences About the Sun, Earth, and Moon Dennis Schatz

Friday, October 25, 2019

8:00–9:00 am                     Eureka! K–2 and 3–5 Science Activities and Stories  – Donna Farland-Smith

9:30–10:30 am                   Argument-Driven Inquiry in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics: Lab Investigations for Grades 9–12Jonathan Grooms

12:30–1:30 pm                   Second Edition Curriculum Topic Study (CTS), a Systematic Process for Informing Curricular and Instructional DecisionsJoyce Tugel and Page Keeley

Saturday, October 26, 2019

8:00–9:00 am                     Uncovering K–12 Ideas About Matter and Energy Using Everyday PhenomenaPage Keeley

9:30–10:30 am   Need Money? Write a Grant!Patty McGinnis

11:00 am – 12:00 pm       Developing and Using 3-D Formative Assessment ProbesPage Keeley

NSTA Press Author Sessions at the NSTA Area Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio

Duke Energy Convention Center, Junior Ballroom A (unless otherwise noted)

Thursday, November 14, 2019

8:00–9:00 am                     Argument-Driven Inquiry in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics: Lab Investigations for Grades 9-12Leeanne Gleim

12:30–1:30 pm                   Uncovering Student Ideas in Science and K–12 Language LiteracyPage Keeley and Joyce Tugel

2:00–3:00 pm                     Solar Science Provides Three-Dimensional Learning Experiences About the Sun, Earth, and MoonDennis Schatz

3:30–4:30 pm                     Eureka! K–2 and Grades 3–5 Science Activities and StoriesDonna Farland-Smith

5:00–6:00 pm                     Never Stop WonderingEmily Morgan

Friday, November 15, 2019

8:00–9:00 am                     Developing and Using 3-D Formative Assessment ProbesPage Keeley

8:00–9:00 am                     Reading, Writing, and Reasoning in the School YardSteve Rich (Hyatt Regency, Buckeye B)

9:30–10:30 am                   Picture-Perfect Science Lessons: Using Children’s Books to Guide Inquiry, K–5Emily Morgan and Karen Ansberry

11:00 am – 12:00 pm       It’s Still Debatable…and Elementary! Using Socioscientific Issues to Develop Scientific Literacy, K–5Sami Kahn

11:00 am – 12:00 pm       Second Edition Curriculum Topic Study (CTS), a Systematic Process for Informing Curricular and Instructional DecisionsJoyce Tugel and Page Keeley (Hyatt Regency, Bluegrass A)

2:00–3:00 pm                     Argument-Driven Inquiry in the Life, Physical, and Earth-Space Sciences: Lab Investigations for Grades 6–8Leeanne Gleim

2:00–3:00 pm                     Next Time You See a BeeEmily Morgan (Conv. Ctr. 203/204)

Saturday, November 16, 2019

8:00–9:00 am                     Picture-Perfect STEM Lessons: Using Children’s Books to Inspire STEM Learning,K-5Emily Morgan and Karen Ansberry

9:30–10:30 am                   NSTA Best Sellers Notable Notebooks and Exemplary Evidence with Eureka!Donna Farland-Smith and Jessica Fries-Gaither

11:00 am – 12:00 pm       Argument-Driven Inquiry in Grades 3–5: Three-Dimensional Investigations That Integrate Literacy and MathematicsLeeanne Gleim

NSTA Press Author Sessions at the NSTA Area Conference in Seattle, Washington

Washington State Convention Center, Room 615-617 (unless otherwise noted)

Thursday, December 12, 2019

8:00–9:00 am                     Reading, Writing, and Reasoning in the School YardSteve Rich

12:30–1:30 pm   Argument-Driven Inquiry in Grades 3–5: Three-Dimensional  Investigations That Integrate Literacy and MathematicsVictor Sampson

12:30–1:30 pm                   Uncovering Students’ (and Teachers’) Ideas About Engineering and TechnologyPage Keeley, Mihir Ravel, and Cary Sneider (Room 620)

2:00–3:00 pm                     Science Curriculum Topic Study: Connecting Scientific Practices, Core Ideas, and Crosscutting ConceptsPage Keeley

3:30–4:30 pm                     Picture-Perfect STEM Lessons: Using Children’s Books to Inspire STEM Learning, K–5Emily Morgan

3:30–4:30 pm                     Fact or Phony? Successful Strategies to Promote Media LiteracyLaura Tucker and Lois Sherwood (Room 2B)

Friday, December 13, 2019

8:00–9:00 am                     Next Time You See a BeeEmily Morgan

9:30–10:30 am                   Developing and Using 3-D Formative Assessment ProbesPage Keeley

11:00 am – 12:00 pm       Solar Science Provides Three-Dimensional LearningExperiences About the Sun, Earth, and MoonDennis Schatz

2:00–3:00 pm                     Eureka! K–2 and Grades 3–5 Science Activities and StoriesDonna Farland-Smith

2:00–3:00 pm     Argument-Driven Inquiry in the Life, Physical, and Earth-Space Sciences: Lab Investigations for Grades 6–8Victor Sampson (Room 3B)

Saturday, December 14, 2019

8:00–9:00 am     Argument-Driven Inquiry in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics: Lab Investigations for Grades 9–12Victor Sampson

9:30–10:30 am                   Instructional Sequence Matters, Grades 3-5Patrick Brown

11:00 am – 12:00 pm       What Is the Difference Between Weather and Climate?Laura Tucker

11:00 am – 12:00 pm       Never Stop WonderingEmily Morgan (Room 4C-3)

NSTA Press book authors will lead workshops at NSTA fall conferences around the U.S.


Sylvia Shugrue award winner 2019

By NSTA Web Director

Posted on 2019-10-04

Lori Nelson
Roger B. Chaffee Elementary School, Huntsville AL

Lori Nelson is committed to STEM education through her classroom instruction, applying for grants, pursuing professional development, creating school STEM events, and sharing ideas with other teachers. She is the sponsor of the Chaffee Greenpower Engineering Team and a lead teacher for the Project Lead the Way engineering program. In 2011 Nelson created Chaffeetopia, an annual STEM festival, which is a space-themed event featuring hands-on science and engineering activities. In 2012 she collaborated with a NASA engineer to create an annual, weeklong curriculum to teach students how to build and launch rockets. Nelson has presented several sessions at the Alabama Science Teachers Association annual conference, the National Science Teachers Association annual conference, and the Space Port Area Conference for Educators. She has received several awards for science education, including the National Science Teachers Association Maitland Simmons Award, the Air Force State Teacher of the Year, the Alabama Science Teachers Association Elementary Science Teacher of the Year, and the National Space Club Educator of the Year. Parent Meghan Nester says, “One of the things that is most impressive to me about Mrs. Nelson, actually happens outside of the classroom. She tirelessly works to expand her own knowledge base and continually have more to offer her students. From summer camps and conferences, to developing a network of local connections that can add to her students’ learning experience, Mrs. Nelson is a true example of a lifelong learner.”

Visit the NSTA website for more information on the Sylvia Shugrue Award for Elementary School Teachers.

Lori Nelson
Roger B. Chaffee Elementary School, Huntsville AL
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