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A peek at Informal Science Day

By Debra Shapiro

Posted on 2009-03-20

NSTA Informal Science Day offered a wide variety of networking opportunities and presentations. From noon to 2, attendees had a chance to have lunch while listening to Andrew Shouse and Philip Bell and their colleagues from the National Research Council address the topic How Students Learn Science When They Are Not in School.
Bell and Shouse presented highlights from the recent NRC report, Learning Science in Informal Environments: People, Places, and Pursuits, enlightening the audience about how designed settings can support science learning for diverse learners and serve as a resource for classroom teachers, and the powerful role cultural diversity plays in all learning settings. (To learn more about this report, read the NSTA Reports article.)

NSTA Informal Science Day offered a wide variety of networking opportunities and presentations. From noon to 2, attendees had a chance to have lunch while listening to Andrew Shouse and Philip Bell and their colleagues from the National Research Council address the topic How Students Learn Science When They Are Not in School.


Wow—Grand Master Hank

By Lynn Petrinjak

Posted on 2009-03-20

I just have to say a quick “Wow!”
I was walking by the ballroom and could hear music, shouting and laughing. I couldn’t resist looking in to see what was causing such a commotion.
It was Grand Master Hank’s science lab. The presentation, for students (and their teachers), really had the audience excited—dancing, calling encouragement to classmates answering questions, and just displaying a level of energy I envy after two days on my feet!
Perhaps there were a few kids even inspired to become scientists. Too bad my photos didn’t turn out. Maybe one of the participants will have some they could post?
Don’t forget to check out NSTA’s photo stream on Flickr to see more pictures from the conference!
I just have to say a quick “Wow!”
I was walking by the ballroom and could hear music, shouting and laughing. I couldn’t resist looking in to see what was causing such a commotion.
It was Grand Master Hank’s science lab. The presentation, for students (and their teachers), really had the audience excited—dancing, calling encouragement to classmates answering questions, and just displaying a level of energy I envy after two days on my feet!

You never know who you'll see here

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2009-03-20

With thousands of people here, you’re certain to see someone you know. I ran into my grad school advisor, several people I had met before (virtually) on the NSTA listserves, and a vendor I had met in a previous life. I saw Bill Nye speedwalking through the lobby. And this lucky teacher is chatting with Sally Ride!

With thousands of people here, you’re certain to see someone you know. I ran into my grad school advisor, several people I had met before (virtually) on the NSTA listserves, and a vendor I had met in a previous life. I saw Bill Nye speedwalking through the lobby. And this lucky teacher is chatting with Sally Ride!


Thanks LSTA

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2009-03-20

The Louisiana Science Teachers Association has a welcome booth here, with friendly faces and suggestions for sightseeing and learning more about this great city and state. And on the Exhibit floor there is a booth with information on next year’s conference in Philadelphia. Mark your calendars for March 18-21, 2010.

The Louisiana Science Teachers Association has a welcome booth here, with friendly faces and suggestions for sightseeing and learning more about this great city and state. And on the Exhibit floor there is a booth with information on next year’s conference in Philadelphia. Mark your calendars for March 18-21, 2010.


How is my substitute doing?

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2009-03-20

If you’re Blackberry-less like me and don’t want to tote your laptop around, there is a kiosk where you can check your email, update a blog, or contact your substitute. But, unlike Boston last year where the entire conference center was wireless, the Morial Center has a wireless hotspot in the Atrium food court. There are several Internet cafes in the French Quarter, too.
If you’re Blackberry-less like me and don’t want to tote your laptop around, there is a kiosk where you can check your email, update a blog, or contact your substitute. But, unlike Boston last year where the entire conference center was wireless, the Morial Center has a wireless hotspot in the Atrium food court.

The "cool" Darwin and the intersection of western science and native knowledge

By Lynn Petrinjak

Posted on 2009-03-19

Presenter Mark Plotkin seemed to enjoy being back in his native New Orleans earlier today as he talked about native cultures, Western science, and finding ways to use one to enhance the other. He encouraged attendees to make evolution relevant to their students by talking about the “cool Darwin.” Instead of the common photo of an aged, bearded Darwin, Plotkin shared an image of the man from his youth. He noted kids could identify with Darwin, who rebelled against his father’s wish that he become a doctor to sail on the HMS Beagle. Encouraging student interest in science is particularly important, Plotkin maintained, since science will be instrumental in solving most (if not all) the problems we face. As he said, “We need more science and we need it now.”
Plotkin’s presentation focused on his work with native peoples in the Amazon. He has worked with shamen (and women). Using maps created by tribal members on Goggle Earth, Plotkin showed his audience how their presence helps preserve the forest from illegal loggers, drug traffickers, and other threats. He says native peoples are “the best hope for turning conservation dreams into reality.” It was a fascinating look at how people anywhere can benefit from and contribute to scientific knowledge, and how that knowledge can make a real and immediate impact.

Presenter Mark Plotkin seemed to enjoy being back in his native New Orleans earlier today as he talked about native cultures, Western science, and finding ways to use one to enhance the other. He encouraged attendees to make evolution relevant to their students by talking about the “cool Darwin.” Instead of the common photo of an aged, bearded Darwin, Plotkin shared an image of the man from his youth. He noted kids could identify with Darwin, who rebelled against his father’s wish that he become a doctor to sail on the HMS Beagle.


Dynamic Duo

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2009-03-19

When I saw that the Planetary Society was sponsoring a session with Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson, I assumed that each would take the podium for a while. But those of us in the audience were treated to these two as dynamic copresenters! Their sense of humor did not detract form the importance of their message: Why We Need to Study Earth from Space. Both of these scientists are strong advocates for quality science education that will “change the world” – an important message since the future scientists in America are in our classrooms right now. After their discussion (about which several in the audience wondered if a recording would be available), they took questions from the audience. They also wondered how many science teachers we could remember who made a diffference in our lives. Some could recall 4 or 5. How many can you name?

When I saw that the Planetary Society was sponsoring a session with Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson, I assumed that each would take the podium for a while. But those of us in the audience were treated to these two as dynamic copresenters!


Looking inside the student brain to enhance learning

By Debra Shapiro

Posted on 2009-03-19

Kenneth Wesson
Understanding how a student’s brain works is vital to teaching and learning, says Kenneth Wesson, a neuroscience education consultant and vice president, international and western divisions, for Delta Education/School Specialty Science, during his featured presentation on how people learn and how their brains work. Students’ developing brains need a safe, supportive learning environment, he explains, because fear draws blood away from the brain, making it difficult to remember what has been taught.
Touch is also important in learning because humans’ “skin is literally the other half of the brain,” so hands-on activities should be part of lessons. And never underestimate the power of your smile for your students: “When kids feel you know their name, they’re ready to learn,” he contends.

Seema Ahuja
I spoke with chemistry teacher Seema Ahuja from Houston, Texas, who attended this session. “I think it’s an excellent, excellent workshop. I really got some good ideas [on] how the brain actually works and how it helps to help my students in understanding how the brain actually considers learning. I learned, for example, how patterns are so important because the brain looks for patterns. So that’s what I’m planning to use in my classroom.”
audience listening to Kenneth Wesson

The audience was surprised to learn from Dr. Wesson that larger brains have been proven to be less efficient than smaller-sized brains.

Kenneth Wesson
Understanding how a student’s brain works is vital to teaching and learning, says Kenneth Wesson, a neuroscience education consultant and vice president, international and western divisions, for Delta Education/School Specialty Science, during his featured presentation on how people learn and how their brains work.

Morning musings

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2009-03-19

Even in March the humidity here is high. Along with the morning fog, it makes for a place where “resistance is futile” in terms of coiffures!
Walking through the deserted streets this morning to catch the streetcar for an early session, I saw people walking their dogs, having coffee in a local shop, watering plants, and sweeping their sidewalks. And then I passed a magnificent red building – an elementary school in the French Quarter. The children were laughing, talking, and running in their uniforms of green, gold, or purple shirts. It occurred to me that even though the city is full of architectural delights, historic locations, and wonderful cuisine, the reason we’re all here is—the students.

Even in March the humidity here is high. Along with the morning fog, it makes for a place where “resistance is futile” in terms of coiffures!


Busy morning at the conference

By Lynn Petrinjak

Posted on 2009-03-19

This is only my second NSTA national conference and I continue to be impressed by how eager everyone is to learn, regardless of whether he or she is an attendee or a presenter.
Presenter Jeff Marshall discusses inquiry-based learning
Jeff Marshall of Clemson University conducted a session on the Four Steps for Improving Inquiry-Based Teaching and Learning this morning. At the the start of the session, he asked the group what grade levels they taught (middle school and high school) and used examples relative to them in his talk.
While discussing formative assessment and how educators need to use the results of their formative assessments to adjust and guide their instruction, he noted how he changed his presentation to suit the audience’s prior knowledge and needs.
Marshall will be posting his PowerPoint presentation online at
Waiting for the exhibit hall
I made it to the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center before the exhibit hall opened. It looks like a lot of educators are eager to check out what’s new at the exhibitor booths!
I’m looking forward to attending more sessions in just a little while!
This is only my second NSTA national conference and I continue to be impressed by how eager everyone is to learn, regardless of whether he or she is an attendee or a presenter.
Presenter Jeff Marshall discusses inquiry-based learning
Jeff Marshall of Clemson University conducted a session on the Four Steps for Improving Inquiry-Based Teaching and Learning this
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