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Book clubs, professional learning communities, and resources on equity

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2020-01-01

One of my favorite professional learning opportunities was an informal Professional Learning Community (PLC) organized by a colleague before the term “PLC” came into common usage. A small group of early childhood educators met weekly for about 8 weeks to discuss the wonderful book, Worms, Shadows, and Whirlpoolsby Sharon Grollman and Karen Worth, and share how we implemented the authors’ guidance in our own classrooms.

As the facilitator of the group I read the book more thoroughly than I had the first time so I would be well prepared to lead a discussion—cover-to-cover instead of skipping some sections. Reading the book with intent to discuss and share insights and argue with some ideas made me work harder to place the book in context of my own teaching.

The book Anti-bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves by Louise Derman-Sparks and Julie Olsen Edwards was the basis for another, virtual, book club, also formed with the goal of helping educators change our teaching practices. The leaders of the  NAEYC Diversity and Equity Education for Adults Interest Forum created a supportive community where each of us could step up to lead a discussion. The support gained by hearing the experiences and advice of other educators really broadened my sense of how responsible I was for helping children reduce feelings of bias, and learn to value themselves and all community members. Resources we used to inform ourselves and update our library shelves included Teaching for Change’s booklists. 

Since that book club, the NAEYC has issued a new position statement “Advancing Equity in Early Childhood Education” (in English and Spanish) grounded in NAEYC’s core values that emphasize diversity and inclusion and that respect the dignity and worth of each individual.

NSTA’s newly revised Gender Equity in Science Education position statement (November 2019) has specific recommended actions that can guide our teaching. The association reviews, revises, and updates position statements, displaying one of the best aspects of science education—continually seeking new understandings.

The statement begins with: “The National Science Teaching Association (NSTA) strongly asserts that gender equity is critical to the advancement of science and to the achievement of global scientific literacy. Gender equity means ensuring all students of any sex, gender identity and/or expression, or sexual orientation—regardless of racial or ethnic background or ability—are empowered, challenged, supported, and provided full access to become successful science learners.”

I want all children to develop their science identity, and know that everyone has the ability to act like a scientist in their daily life. Using questions and goals from the STEM Teaching Tools’ Practice Brief 15: Overview: How can we promote equity in science education?, I’m looking forward to reflecting on and growing my teaching practice in 2020:

  • Implement instructional strategies to make science learning experiences more inclusive for all students.
  • Integrate a focus on equity and social justice into every teacher learning experience in relevant ways—and not treat diversity as a segregated topic.
  • Relate the scientific phenomena I teach and the concepts I want children to understand to the interests and practices of my students’ lives and communities.

One of my favorite professional learning opportunities was an informal Professional Learning Community (PLC) organized by a colleague before the term “PLC” came into common usage.


Developing Risk-Taking Students

By Sharon Delesbore

Posted on 2019-12-31

I want my students to “take risks” when learning but I am not sure how to start.
Alicia, Mississippi

We must deliver science content differently by modeling for our students that risk-taking is encouraged in the classroom. You can encourage risk-taking through differentiation. Think about three components that I call the “C.I.A. of Differentiation:” Content, Investigation and Assessment. As the teacher, you are the “director” of learning (pun intended). It is your mission to provide a learning environment in which students take an active part in the learning process. This means that you have to make teaching and learning not only engaging for them but for you too. Rethink your role as the teacher. You are not expected to know everything; however, you are expected to establish a safe learning environment where mistakes are permitted if students learn from them. Your content knowledge is important but it can be just as important for you to model the strategies you use when you do not know an answer. As you guide students to the information they need, they pose questions. Allow students to investigate, gathering information that will help them solve problems or validate established theories. Student products or assessments are concrete evidence of the learning that has taken place. Allowing students to demonstrate their knowledge through a choice of blogs, news reports, debates or posters keeps your classroom creative and relevant. Students feel safe to express themselves without judgment when they have choice. Bringing the “C.I.A.” to your classroom is risky but worth it. With this mindset, you develop skilled, science-conscious scholars willing to question ideas and design answers to help make a better place to live.

I want my students to “take risks” when learning but I am not sure how to start.
Alicia, Mississippi


Building Student Ownership

By Sharon Delesbore

Posted on 2019-12-31

I teach advanced science courses. Many of my students see school as a competition so they just want the correct answers to study for a good grade. How do I help build student ownership for learning in my science classroom?
–Chelia, Louisiana

Student ownership of learning is a paradigm shift for the teacher as well as the student. We develop this shift by preparing lessons with the end in mind. We must ask ourselves, “What do I want my students to learn from this unit?” As we plan with a conceptual mindset, our instructional strategies and activities must align with this thought process. Instead of fill-in-the-blank notes and worksheets, we plan for students to do more meaningful and creative tasks that will engage them in the content as we facilitate their learning.
Building scientific content knowledge is important and learning appropriate terminology is crucial so graphic organizers—such as the Frayer Model in which students write a word’s definition, restate in their own words, draw a picture, then give an example of its usage—makes the students responsible for comprehension. We must ask our students, “What are you learning?” instead of “What are you doing?” Posting, “What am I learning and how does it apply to me?” in your classroom is a fundamental reminder for both educators and students. As teachers, we must plan opportunities for students to process and apply knowledge, not simply recite or regurgitate information. Yes, science is innately an active subject, but most importantly, science is a way of thinking where we ask questions, gather information to make informed decisions, and apply our knowledge toward the betterment of our society.

I teach advanced science courses. Many of my students see school as a competition so they just want the correct answers to study for a good grade. How do I help build student ownership for learning in my science classroom?
–Chelia, Louisiana


Plan Labs with Assessments, School Calendars in Mind

By Sharon Delesbore

Posted on 2019-12-26

I have written a lab about quarks. The problem is there are no Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) about quarks. The only standards that refer to the nucleus is about protons and neutrons. How can I align my lab with standards that don’t exist?

—Gary, Illinois

This is a great question which leads to the purpose of performance expectations (What are students to learn?) for states that have adopted NGSS and other states using their own state science standards. In either case, students will have a comprehensive assessment and it is important that we, as teachers, follow a trifecta of alignment with 1.) performance expectations, 2.) instructional delivery and 3.) assessment. I’m sure you designed a great lab on quarks and I would never negate your hard work and time, but if there is no performance expectation written, then I suggest you hold off on scheduling the lab. You are ultimately charged with preparing your students for successful understanding of the performance expectations. Instructional time is sacred. Whether your students are assessed by an end of course exam, semester final, or other performance task, you want your students ready.

To help keep focused on that goal, try planning backwards: Find out when your culminating assessment is scheduled. Then think about your school calendar. When are your formative and summative assessments? When do your terms end? What days do you know that little instruction will happen due to assemblies or school-wide events? Include these dates on your teaching calendar to help map out the time you have to teach all of the significant performance expectations within your designed units of study. Planning is key!

I have written a lab about quarks. The problem is there are no Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) about quarks. The only standards that refer to the nucleus is about protons and neutrons. How can I align my lab with standards that don’t exist?

—Gary, Illinois


Connecting with Students

By Sharon Delesbore

Posted on 2019-12-24

I’m a first-year high school science teacher seeking desperately the best way to connect with my freshman biology students who are very smart but are not use to being pushed to comprehend a rigorous curriculum. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Chelsea, Texas

The 5E model of science instruction is based on the following components: 1.) Engage, 2.) Explore, 3.) Explain, 4.) Elaborate and 5.) Evaluate. As you build upon your pedagogy, I suggest you first emphasize the engage part of the 5 E. This component is a good starting point because it helps students learn to ask questions and not assume every answer will be handed to them. This “microwave generation” wants answers now but if we do not challenge them to ponder the “what ifs” of life, then our students will not develop into young scholars able to innovate and create—making life more effective, efficient, economical, and interesting.

Engaging them with a question or asking them to work in a group to develop a graphic organizer can generate thoughts of what they already know, what they would like to know, and how they know they understand the concept, which also sparks interest and helps students to think in terms of how this applies to “me” and our world. Engagement leads to exploration that facilitates application. Engaged thoughts should lead students to define specific questions they are curious to answer. Gaining knowledge for themselves will develop their own explanation of phenomena that we, as science teachers, can elaborate on. We can clarify misconceptions, fill gaps of information and finally help them evaluate ways to make society better.

I’m a first-year high school science teacher seeking desperately the best way to connect with my freshman biology students who are very smart but are not use to being pushed to comprehend a rigorous curriculum. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Chelsea, Texas


100 days of school–weather watching and documenting plant growth

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2019-12-22

Just as numerals marking the number of in-school days are sometimes posted in one long line stretching across walls of the classroom, weather data can be collected and posted throughout the year. Using symbols that both children and scientists recognize, children can document the weather they experience. Collecting weather data over the year or at least several months will be more meaningful than “doing” weather for a week or taking an occasional nature walk.

See the Early Years column, The Wonders of Weather, in the January 2013 issue of Science and Children and the NSTA Connections archived data collection templates for your children to use as they make actual weather observations outdoors, describe and document them, creating data they can reflect on later to look for patterns.

Children graph weather events over a season--sunny, cloudy, rainy, and snowy.

Seeing the weather observation data represented visually makes it easier to notice patterns in changing temperatures, number of cloudy days, and the relationship between clouds and precipitation. Children’s documented evidence will be a topic of discussion and the basis for developing math skills over time. Arguing for a “claim,” or knowledge statement, based on evidence is described in “Methods and Strategies: Claims and Evidence” by Julie Jackson, Annie Durham, Sabrina Dowell, Jessica Sockel, and Irene Boynton in the December 2016 Science and Children.  With wonderful classroom examples they describe how first through fifth grade children learn to make scientific claims based on their evidence. Instead of asking “Why?” to prompt children to further explain their reasoning, they suggest teachers ask “Because…?” because it is less threatening and “It invites the children to tell me more, to elaborate upon ideas, to support claim statements with evidence.” 

First page of article "Never Too Young to be a Citizen Scientist

Collecting plant growth data is another way to observe weather. With a title that describes the goal of the article, “Never Too Young to be a Citizen Scientist: Kindergarteners learn about plants and seasons through a yearlong project” (October 2019 Science and Children) authors Mary Hatton, Sara Grimbilas, Caroline Kane, and Tara Kenyon describe how their “Tulip Test Garden” meets goals for learning about plants, living things, weather, and seasonal changes.

The project was inspired by Journey North, with an additional goal of “to help scientists learn when spring happens in our town.” During the months-long project children observe tulip bulbs, learn how to plant them, measure plant growth and record it with drawings and tally charts, learn about parts of plants, engage in science talk, raise their own questions, make inferences, explanations, and predictions, notice patterns, and compare data from previous years with their data to discuss the timing of spring. The authors note that over time, “students become more independent, helping to give out rulers, measuring, and sharing data on their own,” an additional reason to engage children in an on-going long term science project. 

“The long-term nature of this project allows teachers to model doing and thinking about science and for students to become self-sufficient using them. Citizen science supports the development of both content and practices supporting science literacy for next generation scientists—even as early as kindergarten.” — Mary Hatton, Sara Grimbilas, Caroline Kane, and Tara Kenyon

Observing and documenting weather and changes to plants (phenology observations) over several months and seasons can begin at anytime during the year. See citizen science projects of many kinds around the world at SciStarter, an online community dedicated to improving the citizen science experience for project managers and participants. Search for projects that you and your students can participate in by using the project finder and specifying your requirements and preferences for age group, topic, and area of the world. Observe and document ants, buds, dogs, clouds, eelgrass, fish…

Other sites to find citizen science projects to participate in include California Academy of Sciences, Friends of the Assabet River National Wildlife Refuge, Iowa Conservation Education Coalition, Mass Audubon, and Nature Groupie among others. Search citizen science projects to find one that fits your students and will support them in using science practices along with opportunities to develop their literacy and math, and other skills.

Just as numerals marking the number of in-school days are sometimes posted in one long line stretching across walls of the classroom, weather data can be collected and posted throughout the year. Using symbols that both children and scientists recognize, children can document the weather they experience.

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