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Imagine what fun it could be for 3- to 7-year-olds to engage in a game of Prism Play or Magnetic Scavenger Hunt or Where Did the Shadows Go? Then imagine how convenient it would be for you if such activities came with the connections, standards, and assessments today’s early childhood educators need most. Your dream resource comes to life in this revised and expanded edition of A Head Start on Science: Encouraging a Sense of Wonder. It builds on children’s innate curiosity through 89 developmentally appropriate, teacher-tested activities in life, Earth, and physical science.
Imagine what fun it could be for 3- to 7-year-olds to engage in a game of Prism Play or Magnetic Scavenger Hunt or Where Did the Shadows Go? Then imagine how convenient it would be for you if such activities came with the connections, standards, and assessments today’s early childhood educators need most. Your dream resource comes to life in this revised and expanded edition of A Head Start on Science: Encouraging a Sense of Wonder. It builds on children’s innate curiosity through 89 developmentally appropriate, teacher-tested activities in life, Earth, and physical science.
Who knew that gecko feet inspired scientists to develop a stickier adhesive or that cockleburs in dog fur led to the invention of Velcro? Discovery Engineering in Physical Science uses these and other surprising cases of innovations sparked by accidental observations to teach about the amazing role of serendipity in science. The case studies in this new resource are a lively way to integrate engineering into your physical science classes.
Who knew that gecko feet inspired scientists to develop a stickier adhesive or that cockleburs in dog fur led to the invention of Velcro? Discovery Engineering in Physical Science uses these and other surprising cases of innovations sparked by accidental observations to teach about the amazing role of serendipity in science. The case studies in this new resource are a lively way to integrate engineering into your physical science classes.
Have you been wanting to probe your students’ thinking about major concepts in matter and energy? Have you been wishing for formative assessment tools in both English and Spanish? Then this is the book you’ve been waiting for.

Like the other 10 books in the bestselling Uncovering Student Ideas in Science series, Uncovering Student Ideas in Physical Science, Volume 3 does the following:
Have you been wanting to probe your students’ thinking about major concepts in matter and energy? Have you been wishing for formative assessment tools in both English and Spanish? Then this is the book you’ve been waiting for.

Like the other 10 books in the bestselling Uncovering Student Ideas in Science series, Uncovering Student Ideas in Physical Science, Volume 3 does the following:

Archive: English Learners in STEM Subjects, May 4, 2019

English learners (ELs) bring a wealth of ideas, perspectives, and solutions to STEM education. However, according to a report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2018), the nearly 5 million students classified as ELs in public schools are falling behind when it comes to STEM education. Particularly, as it relates to learning science and mathematics, ELs lack opportunities to engage with challenging disciplinary practices and content.

English learners (ELs) bring a wealth of ideas, perspectives, and solutions to STEM education. However, according to a report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2018), the nearly 5 million students classified as ELs in public schools are falling behind when it comes to STEM education. Particularly, as it relates to learning science and mathematics, ELs lack opportunities to engage with challenging disciplinary practices and content.

English learners (ELs) bring a wealth of ideas, perspectives, and solutions to STEM education. However, according to a report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2018), the nearly 5 million students classified as ELs in public schools are falling behind when it comes to STEM education. Particularly, as it relates to learning science and mathematics, ELs lack opportunities to engage with challenging disciplinary practices and content.

English learners (ELs) bring a wealth of ideas, perspectives, and solutions to STEM education. However, according to a report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2018), the nearly 5 million students classified as ELs in public schools are falling behind when it comes to STEM education. Particularly, as it relates to learning science and mathematics, ELs lack opportunities to engage with challenging disciplinary practices and content.

Get help teaching one of the hottest topics in science with Understanding Climate Change, Grades 7–12. This nine-session module is written to be practical and accessible. It provides both extensive background and step-by-step instructions for using three-dimensional methods to explore this complex subject. It fits easily into a middle or high school curriculum while addressing the Next Generation Science Standards. The material can be covered in just three or four weeks or used in part to supplement your existing curriculum.
Get help teaching one of the hottest topics in science with Understanding Climate Change, Grades 7–12. This nine-session module is written to be practical and accessible. It provides both extensive background and step-by-step instructions for using three-dimensional methods to explore this complex subject. It fits easily into a middle or high school curriculum while addressing the Next Generation Science Standards. The material can be covered in just three or four weeks or used in part to supplement your existing curriculum.

Why I Am Voting YES for Science Teaching by Judy Boyle

By Kate Falk

Posted on 2019-04-29

I am an elementary teacher, not a science teacher. I teach everything from shoelace tying to technology. When I began teaching, my science content knowledge was at a minimal and when I taught science I tiptoed around it as if I were Indiana Jones navigating through the Temple of Doom.

I feared and avoided any science sessions at our state teachers’ conference and never considered attending an NSTA conference because I didn’t have the content knowledge that the middle and high school science teachers had. I was just an elementary teacher. I never thought of joining our state science organization or NSTA. After all, I wasn’t a science teacher. Then I got involved in a three-year professional development initiative on watershed studies from a local non-profit organization. They taught me content and the pedagogy behind the Framework of NGSS. These educators proved invaluable to me as do many of the other educators of science. They are “teaching” science and should be included in the NSTA title.

My students are my inspiration for becoming involved in science and NSTA. The change I have seen in them is phenomenal. They come to school because of science. My shelves, walls, and floors are covered with phenomena they have brought into school. The first thing they ask me when they come into the classroom is, “What are we doing in science today?” And, they ask at the end of the day, “What are we doing tomorrow?” They don’t consider writing in their science notebooks work.

They consider it theirs. It is full of writing, research, and math. It is full of STEM. I have seen them become the most incredible problem solvers, and engineers. They have become acutely aware of their world and how all the sciences work together to form it.

Now when I attend NSTA conferences, I set the goal of “Stepping outside of my content comfort zone.” When I attended the NSTA STEM Forum and Expo in Denver, I focused on physics. I was so inspired that it became the first science unit to teach in the fall. My students loved it! In Reno, my focus was chemistry. I can’t wait to share this knowledge with them.

While walking through my local airport after attending NSTA’s regional conference in Reno, Nevada, the handle of my NSTA rolling computer bag slipped out of my hand. The gentleman behind me picked it up, read the logo, and said, “Oh, are you a science teacher?” It took me a moment to realize and reply, “Yes, I am!” And, I truly believe I am a science teacher and that is how my students see me.

So, yes, I did vote for the name change! The new name is inclusive of all the educators who have enriched my life, my teaching and my students. I began to reflect on all the people who “teach science”. They do not consider themselves “science teachers” because they do not hold the certificate stating they are science teachers. But, in reality they are “teaching” science. Museum employees, state park guides, private businesses, forest service personal, preschool and elementary teachers, parents, and all other groups who teach our children science need to feel welcome in this organization. With the name change, they too feel respected for their contributions to science education.

What I feared became my inspiration. What I feared became my passion. It improved my “teaching” immensely, therefore, inspiring my students. This is why I vote for science “teaching.” It is inclusive to all of us who teach science.

Judy Boyle has been teaching in grades k-8 for over 34 years in the states of Vermont, New Hampshire, Idaho, and now Montana. She teaches grades k-8 at Divide School in Divide, Montana. She has been an MPRES teacher trainer for seven year and a trainer for the Northwest Earth and Space Science Pipeline for three years. She is on the National Science Teachers Association Board of Directors serving as the NSTA Preschool/Elementary Division Director and is the President of the Montana Science Teachers Association. She was awarded the Montana Environmental Education Association’s Teacher of the Year in 2011, and she is the 2016 Montana science recipient for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching. She is also a 2018 Montana Teacher of the Year finalist.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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I am an elementary teacher, not a science teacher. I teach everything from shoelace tying to technology. When I began teaching, my science content knowledge was at a minimal and when I taught science I tiptoed around it as if I were Indiana Jones navigating through the Temple of Doom.


Handouts available, NSTA19 was great—thanks Missouri!

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2019-04-27

Poster for the Keynote Presentation by Scott Kelly.Where but at an NSTA national conference can you: See a possible future for your students in the keynote speech by retired astronaut and U.S. Navy captain Scott Kelly who saw the Earth from space 520 days in his career, get a free button with a photo of a natural feature of our beautiful Earth as seen from space at the USGS booth, then go to ERSI’s booth in the Exhibit Hall and have the location of that image instantly identified, AND, later meet an educator colleague from the state pictured who you met through her science education outreach on Twitter!? 

The early childhood session offerings at the NSTA 2019 conference in St. Louis included engineering design and habits of mind, using strategies to meet students’ social and emotional needs for effective science teaching, using natural materials to engage students in exploring structure and function, connecting school science learning with learning at home, using visual provocations (visual questions) for both engaging and assessing students, understanding that all science learning is cultural, and many others, including very specific tips for teaching, such as making and using a “snow catcher.” 

For teachers of children up to age 8, these sessions provide ideas and lessons to implement in our classrooms and the lessons can be extended for older students.

Online page for NSTA 67th Annual conference session schedulerThe number of sessions at NSTA conferences that are specifically for early childhood educators continues to grow each year. Although the conference is over, handouts for some sessions are still available. Search the list of sessions in the NSTA conference “Session Browser,” using key words identifying your interests or grade level Audience to find sessions focused on early childhood science education. Or scroll through the entire listing of sessions and look for “Available Handouts” with an icon link to download files from the session.

Slide from Taylor's session--book covers and children using flashlightFor example, search for the Thursday 8 am session, “Amplify Family Science Literacy,” by Patti Taylor, a preschool teacher and building science coordinator for St. Malachy School in Chicago. She  generously shared her slides about her programs use of “science backpacks” as a fun way for families to enhance science literacy. She lists each fiction and non-fiction book, and other materials that go into backpacks for investigating concepts about Animals, Animal Homes, Force and Motion, Light (4th grade), Plants, and Weather. And she links to a full set of files to build your own Science Backpack program—introductory letter to families, permission form template, Backpack return note, and complete guidance for each of the science topics.

A group of educators from State College, Pennsylvania had us experience how connected storylines encourage students to apply science concepts they’ve learned to engineering challenges related to energy, force, and states of matter. We tested the lifting strength of a bag of compressed air, made a looped ramp to explore marble motion, and used a levitator and a versarium to test for static charge attraction. A what!?

Open just one of their handouts to see the extensive support for educators to implement the NGSS investigations created by Kate Hallinger, Kimber Hershberger, Colleen McCracken, Megan Germ, and Deana Washell. Their write-ups include many places for student science talk and the text is helpfully color-coded aligned with the NGSS dimensions. 

Enthusiastic welcoming gestures by two presenters.Missouri science educators welcomed the conference goers and early childhood educators were especially enthusiastic. Stephanie Airoldi and Julie Binning make the most of every minute they can take children outside, going on nature walks using “science eyes” (cardboard tubes help children block out everything but what is in the view), teaching outdoor behavior expectations and tending a school garden, playing in the sandpit and exploring capacity, observing a tree year round, saving pumpkin seeds in the fall to plant in the spring, reading books, using a “snow catcher” (felt square glued on small paper plate with a tongue depressor handle) during their rare snowfalls, and writing about the weather. They have noticed that students who struggle with language and math thrive and are successful during nature learning times. The time spent outside can be as short as 2-40 minutes for tree observation and up to 70 minutes depending on the weather. They presented with Steven Juhlin, Education Program State Coordinator,  Missouri Department of Conservation, which supports their nature education with grants for field trips and online resources.

The Elementary Extravaganza, held on Friday at 8 am, has over 60 handouts to download at no cost. Click on the title and scroll to the bottom of the pop up menu to see the titles of each file.


The NSTA conference app was a great help and can still be used to locate sessions, exhibitors, sponsors, and other conference information. Proposals to present at NSTA conferences are no longer being accepted for the 2019 conferences or for the 2020 Boston National Conference but there are other conferences coming up so check the NSTA conference website to see when proposals will be accepted for the 9th Annual STEM Forum & Expo in Louisville, Kentucky: July 22–24, 2020, or any of these 2020 area conferences: 

  • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: October 29–31
  • New Orleans, Louisiana: November 19–21
  • Phoenix, Arizona: December 10–12

Start planning to attend and present at an NSTA conference by using the “Presenting at NSTA Conferences,”and “Tips for Newcomers” pages, and look on the specific conference pages for scholarship opportunities and a “justification letter” to support your request for funding or time away from your class. 

Poster for the Keynote Presentation by Scott Kelly.Where but at an NSTA national conference can you: See a possible future for your students in the keynote speech by retired astronaut and U.S.


Safety Blog

Heat Source Safety

By Kenneth Roy

Posted on 2019-04-26

Many hands-on STEM activities and demonstrations require the use of a heat source. The challenge is to determine the appropriate heat source based on safety while still meeting the needs of the activity. For example, the Bunsen burner is perhaps the most common heat source found in school science labs. However, it can be difficult to control the temperatures of Bunsen burners compared to electrical heaters (e.g., hot plates). This blog post describes different kinds of heat sources and the safety precautions for each source.

What Are The Options?

The following list describes the safety concerns associated with each heat source.

Alcohol Burners: Some states have prohibited the use of traditional alcohol lamps with metal caps and wicks. This is with good reason! The vapors from these burners can explode and cause burns. If alcohol lamps are to be used, wickless alcohol burners are a much safer alternative. I recommend that you not use alcohol burners in K–12 classrooms.

Candles: Candles can be unsafe and dangerous because clothing can catch fire and hot wax can cause burns. However, candles can be used to teach students about heat and fire prevention techniques.

Electric Hot Plate: Hot plates are electrical appliances made of ceramic, cast iron, and other types of material. Hot plates are generally used at temperatures above 100°C (212°F) and are considered to be much safer than open-flame heaters such as gas burners. Hot plates should only be plugged into a circuit protected by a ground fault interrupter (GFI), which can protect users from electrocutions caused by a spill and exposed wire. Hot plates are the safer alternative for heating materials in middle school science labs.

Gas Burners: The most common heating source used in academic science laboratories is the gas burner (e.g., Bunsen burners, Tyrell burners). The down side is that it is hard to control the exact temperature of gas burners, and the use of flammable gas in the lab can lead to accidents. Heating organic, flammable liquids such as alcohol with active flames can cause a potential fire. As such, gas burners should be used primarily for heating nonflammable solvents such as water or aqueous salt solutions. A safer gas burner alternative is the portable butane lab burner, which is safer because of it is less likely to fall over. It also delivers trigger ignition, an easy-grip handle, and a simple on/off control.

Hot Water Bath: This heat source uses a hot plate or Bunsen burner to heat a beaker of water. A second beaker containing a material to be heated is placed in the bath of water created by the first beaker. The water bath transfers heat to the material in the inner beaker. Safety hazards/risks include burns resulting from splashing of hot water on the skin and burns from the active flame.

Laboratory Incubator: Laboratory incubators are designed to heat biological samples at a specific temperature. For instance, a class can use an incubator to optimize the growth of bacteriological samples. Gas and microbiological incubators are the two main types of incubators.

Laboratory Oven: Laboratory ovens are generally used to heat samples such as solids at a specific temperature over time. The ovens are used across the scientific disciplines for annealing, drying, and sterilization. Unlike standard cooking ovens, laboratory ovens offer accuracy and uniformity to set temperatures. If the thermostat fails, however, plastic objects could melt and cause a fire. Also, if the combustion temperature of paper is exceeds (80°C), it could also cause a fire.

Microwave Oven: Though limited in applications/use, microwave ovens can be used in labs to heat liquids or melt solids. There are, however, several safety issues such as potential leaks from containers, ignition of flammable vapors created by the heated samples, and potential for explosion if containers have sealed covers.

Safety Protocols for Using Heat Sources

After selecting the appropriate heating source, be sure to follow the necessary safety precautions. Before lighting each heat source, tie back long hair, wear short sleeves or tight-fitting clothing, and use safety goggles.

Gas Burners
• Use only the appropriate burner type for the gas source—e.g., natural gas versus bottled gas.
• Know the location of the master gas shut-off control. Make sure it is operational before using the gas.
• Use only burner tubing connectors that meet the American Gas Association standards. Do not use latex tubing!
• Inspect the burner and hose for any defects.
• Use only ceramic-centered wire gauze on the tripod, not an asbestos-centered pad.
• Use a safety lighter or match to light the burner. Carefully bring the flame up the side toward the top of the barrel while slowly turning on the gas.
• If the gas lights at the base of the burner, shut it down immediately.
• Adjust the flame to the appropriate height and color—i.e., a medium blue flame.
• Remember the gas burner is metal and will get hot. Do not handle it until it cools.
• Never lean forward or reach over the flame.
• Never leave the flame unattended.

Electric Hot Plates
• Make sure the hot plate is plugged into a GFI-protected outlet.
• Only use hot plates with grounded or three-prong plugs with an Underwriters Laboratories listing.
• The hot plate must be clean and dry.
• Inspect the wiring for damage.
• Use caution when handling the hot plate; it could still be hot from a previous user.
• Keep all electrical cords away from water and the hot plate.
• Unplug the hot plate when finished working.

• Never light or burn a candle on or near anything that can catch fire.
• Keep the wick trimmed to about ¼ inch each time before burning.
• Place candle in a stable support on a heat-resistant surface.
• Candles should not be used where there are strong air currents, drafts, or vents.
• Extinguish a candle if it smokes or the flame becomes too high. Check the size of the wick and for air currents.
• Only burn candles in a well-ventilated laboratory.
• Discontinue use of the candle once there is about 2 inches of wax remaining (1/2 inch if in a container).
• Never touch liquid wax.
• Lighted candles should always be within direct view. Never leave a burning candle unattended.

Hot Water Bath
• Follow the same precautions for electric hot plate or gas burner.
• Use caution when working around hot water to prevent a splash and skin burn.
• Immediately wipe up any water spills on the floor.

Laboratory Incubators and Ovens
• Make sure the incubator or oven is plugged into a GFI-protected outlet.
• Only use incubator or oven with grounded/three prong plugs or polarized plug with an Underwriters Laboratories listing.
• Use caution when handling heated objects like glassware; wear heat resistant gloves with elevated temperatures.
• If the materials are being dried in paper bags do not select a temperature that exceeds the combustion temperature of paper (80°C).
• Plastic objects should not be dried in glassware drying ovens. If the thermostat fails, the objects can melt and cause a fire.
• For incubators, do not add water to it until it reaches operating temperature.
• Use distilled water only.
• As soon as incubation or hatching is complete, remove all water from the unit and dry the area that had water in it.

Microwave Ovens

According to the University of Nottingham,

• Do not attempt to heat flammable liquids or solids, hazardous substances, or radioactive materials in any type of microwave oven.
• Do not attempt to remove the interlock switches that prevent a microwave oven from operating with the door open.
• Do not place any wires, cables, or tubing between the door and the seal.
• Do not modify in any way the mechanical or electrical systems of a microwave oven.
• Do not use a microwave oven in a laboratory for food preparation (or vice versa).
• Do not place heat-sealed containers in a microwave oven.

Submit questions regarding safety to Ken Roy at or leave him a comment below. Follow Ken Roy on Twitter: @drroysafersci.

NSTA resources and safety issue papers
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Many hands-on STEM activities and demonstrations require the use of a heat source. The challenge is to determine the appropriate heat source based on safety while still meeting the needs of the activity. For example, the Bunsen burner is perhaps the most common heat source found in school science labs. However, it can be difficult to control the temperatures of Bunsen burners compared to electrical heaters (e.g., hot plates). This blog post describes different kinds of heat sources and the safety precautions for each source.

What Are The Options?


Ed News: Teachers Are Paid Less Than Similar Professionals

By Kate Falk

Posted on 2019-04-26

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This week in education news, more than 80% of parents in the U.S. support the teaching of climate change; new study provides a window into teachers’ beliefs about grading; Congresswomen Dingell and Brownley introduced legislation to promote education programs focused on climate to improve the public’s understanding of changes; new survey finds that over a third of teachers say they would prefer to negotiate salary and benefits for themselves; expecting 10th-graders to have the knowledge and skills that would allow them to succeed in the first year of community college, demanding more of university teacher preparation programs and pairing struggling schools with high-performing ones are among the lessons U.S. districts can learn from leading education systems across the world; survey of 2,000 elementary schools in three states found that not much advanced content is actually being taught to gifted students; teachers are skeptical about ed tech’s impact on classrooms; and teachers are paid less than similar professional.

Most Teachers Don’t Teach Climate Change; 4 In 5 Parents Wish They Did

More than 80% of parents in the U.S. support the teaching of climate change. And that support crosses political divides, according to the results of an exclusive new NPR/Ipsos poll: Whether they have children or not, two-thirds of Republicans and 9 in 10 Democrats agree that the subject needs to be taught in school. Read the article featured on

No zeroes, accepting late work among recent shifts in teachers’ grading practices

A new study of a professional development effort in two high schools shows teachers are reluctant to change some of their long-held beliefs about evaluating student work. Read the article featured in Education DIVE.

What Does Your School Schedule Say About Equity? More Than You Think

In Fall 2017, when Hoover High School in San Diego’s Unified School District began building the next year’s master schedule, school leaders discovered something concerning. Some of the students who needed extra support—English learners, special-education students, and others in need of academic interventions—were more likely to be scheduled in larger classes with less experienced teachers. They were also significantly underrepresented in Advanced Placement courses, and were often separated from other students throughout the day because of how their intervention blocks were scheduled. This problem is not unique to Hoover. A growing body of research shows that outcomes for students diverge not just within districts, but within individual classrooms and schools. Read the article featured in EdSurge.

On Earth Day, Dingell & Brownley Introduce Bill to Promote Climate Literacy, Education

On Earth Day, Congresswomen Debbie Dingell (D-MI) and Julia Brownley (D-CA) introduced legislation to promote education programs focused on climate to improve the public’s understanding of changes. The Climate Change Education Act creates a grant program at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to assist state and local education agencies, institutions of higher education, and professional associations to improve climate literacy. Read the press release.

Should Teachers Be Able to Negotiate Their Own Contracts?

Just over a third of teachers say they would prefer to negotiate salary and benefits for themselves, according to a newly released survey from a group that advocates for choice in union membership. And teachers under the age 35 are significantly more likely than older teachers to want to negotiate their own contract. Read the article featured in Education Week.

What Really Keeps Girls of Color Out of STEM

In a field dominated by white men, racial and cultural isolation is a hidden barrier. Read the article featured in Education Week.

How US can model top-performing international ed systems

U.S. student performance lags behind that of other nations. Experts say pairing struggling schools with high-performing ones is a method at work in other countries that district leaders can execute. Read the article featured in Education DIVE.

A School Makerspace Inspires STEM Invention Everywhere

Today’s focus on STEM seems irrevocably linked to the makerspace movement. Educators have seen students thrive when they experiment with tools and technology to create various objects. Building these creative spaces can seem daunting to district leaders who face traditional curricular objectives and a list of must-have equipment. But by answering some key questions, leaders can avoid costly mistakes as they design high- and low-tech makerspaces that energize teachers and students. Read the article featured in District Administration.

Gifted classes may not help talented students move ahead faster

Survey finds emphasis on developing “creativity” and “critical thinking” instead of acceleration above grade level. Read the article featured in The Hechinger Report.

Survey: Teachers remain lukewarm on ed tech’s impact on classrooms

Educators remain cautious of the hype around ed tech, with less than a third reporting that they’ve changed their teaching styles or philosophies based on ed tech innovations. Read the brief featured in Education DIVE.

Teachers Are Paid Less Than Similar Professionals. See the Breakdown by State.

In the last two decades, the average weekly wages of public school teachers, adjusted for inflation, have decreased, while the weekly wages of other college graduates have risen. That’s according to an analysis by Economic Policy Institute, a nonpartisan think tank supported partially by teachers’ unions. The teacher weekly wage penalty reached a record 21.4 percent in 2018. Teachers do get better benefits than other college-educated workers—but even after factoring those into the analysis, the total teacher compensation penalty was 13.1 percent in 2018. Read the article featured in Education Week.

Stay tuned for next week’s top education news stories.

The Communication, Legislative & Public Affairs (CLPA) team strives to keep NSTA members, teachers, science education leaders, and the general public informed about NSTA programs, products, and services and key science education issues and legislation. In the association’s role as the national voice for science education, its CLPA team actively promotes NSTA’s positions on science education issues and communicates key NSTA messages to essential audiences.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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Having the right chemistry

By Gabe Kraljevic

Posted on 2019-04-26

I was wondering how I could incorporate chemistry into my early elementary classes and what some good resources are to use. — G., Montana

Chemistry activities for young children are some of the coolest and most engaging for students. Putting on goggles, using measuring utensils, and mixing substances are what most students think of when they hear the word “scientist.”

Elaborate equipment isn’t required to teach chemistry. Stick with easy, inexpensive “bucket” or “kitchen” chemistry activities. Before you try any activity, practice it and follow all safety precautions. Insist students wear goggles—just like you!

Demonstrations like elephant toothpaste are always a hit with students in all grades, but make sure to incorporate a lesson in the chemistry of what is happening. Ask students to observe carefully, attempt to explain what they see and ask questions.

While demos are exciting nothing beats hands-on activities. Slime or crystals are great. You can find many recipes that your students can experiment with. There are inquiry activities like, “What dissolves and what doesn’t?” in which you can really give students a chance to follow their own paths – making observations all the way.

Search NSTA’s Learning Center; and Freebies for Science Teachers: for ideas, lessons and activities.

The American Chemical Society (ACS) has developed several free, online and hands-on activities for elementary classrooms including Adventures in Chemistry ( and
Science Activities for the Classroom (

And I particularly like the Janice VanCleave books for the multitudes of experiments! NSTA Recommends includes reviews of several of her books at

Hope this helps!


Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

I was wondering how I could incorporate chemistry into my early elementary classes and what some good resources are to use. — G., Montana

Chemistry activities for young children are some of the coolest and most engaging for students. Putting on goggles, using measuring utensils, and mixing substances are what most students think of when they hear the word “scientist.”

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