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Science and Engineering Practices: Professional Book Study for Elementary School Teachers

Are you an elementary school teacher working to enhance your knowledge and understanding of the Science and Engineering Practices from A Framework for K-12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)? Register to participate in the Science and Engineering Practices: Professional Book Study, taking place in May-June, 2019!

Are you an elementary school teacher working to enhance your knowledge and understanding of the Science and Engineering Practices from A Framework for K-12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)? Register to participate in the Science and Engineering Practices: Professional Book Study, taking place in May-June, 2019!

Are you an elementary school teacher working to enhance your knowledge and understanding of the Science and Engineering Practices from A Framework for K-12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)? Register to participate in the Science and Engineering Practices: Professional Book Study, taking place in May-June, 2019!

Are you an elementary school teacher working to enhance your knowledge and understanding of the Science and Engineering Practices from A Framework for K-12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)? Register to participate in the Science and Engineering Practices: Professional Book Study, taking place in May-June, 2019!


The Engaged Scientist

KEYS High School Student Internship Program

Connected Science Learning January-March 2019 (Volume 1, Issue 9)

By Marti Lindsey, Heather Ingram, and Bob Mittan

KEYS High School Student Internship Program

Shifting to the NGSS: Professional Book Study for Elementary School Teachers

Are you an elementary school teacher working to enhance your knowledge and understanding of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)? Register to participate in the Shifting to the NGSS: Professional Book Study, taking place in May, 2019!

Are you an elementary school teacher working to enhance your knowledge and understanding of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)? Register to participate in the Shifting to the NGSS: Professional Book Study, taking place in May, 2019!

Are you an elementary school teacher working to enhance your knowledge and understanding of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)? Register to participate in the Shifting to the NGSS: Professional Book Study, taking place in May, 2019!

Are you an elementary school teacher working to enhance your knowledge and understanding of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)? Register to participate in the Shifting to the NGSS: Professional Book Study, taking place in May, 2019!


Using Art as an Introduction to Science

By Korei Martin

Posted on 2019-03-08

“Ms. Anne!  Did you know kelp is a plant like the sunflowers?”

That was just one of many questions I heard last week as my class turned the classroom into a kelp forest.  It all began with the otters.  No, it really all began with the students…

I teach in the high desert, but many of my students have extended family connections to coastal California.  With the holiday season in full swing, many of my students had visited their relatives and explored nearby beaches, tidal pools, sloughs full of otters and sea lions, visited aquariums and gone whale watching.  The discovery that sea otter awareness week started September 23. 2018 was the final sand grain, so to speak.  They wanted to become sea otters.  As a self-contained teacher I have more flexibility than others in integrating subject matter.   But what I did can easily transfer over to non-self-contained classrooms as collaborations between teachers.

We started with a photo of sea otters, and making sea otter finger masks and puppets.  This required close attention to the photos.  Through such close observation with a purpose, the students compare sea otters to humans and discovered many unique characteristics to sea otters, such as the fur.  We had many “side trip” investigations requiring complex thinking, such as “how do you show fluffy sea otter fur on a flat piece of paper?”

Dramatic play as sea otters unleashed many other questions.  Do sea otters use one paw more than the other?  If their fur is fluffy, why do they sink?  Other things with air don’t sink.  How do they take paths?  Where are daddy sea otters?  Who eats sea otters?  What do sea otters eat?

student created otters and urchins

The class became enamored of purple sea urchins, making many models using yarn pom poms, leading to a texture comparison and differences between models and the real object.  They class also noticed that our sea otter puppets were about the same size as the sea urchins, leading to discussions of scale. 

The sea urchins unveiled many other questions:  why are sea urchins purple?  Why don’t our bones turn colors when we eat lots of colored foods like oranges?  Why is it good for them to have spikes?  Where do baby sea urchins come from? How can sea otters grab urchins?  Do  the sea urchins hold on to the kelp?  How?


fluffing yarn sea urchins

The discovery that sea urchins eat kelp necessitated building a kelp forest in our class.  The students had to mix water colors to create “kelp” colors.  Looking at photos they had to identify what else they needed to add, which reminded several of a song we sing about the parts of plants, leading to question I put at the beginning of this post.  Of course, new questions emerged….how are sea plants similar / different that land plants?  What kind of flowers does kelp have?  How are their seeds transported?  They can’t fly in the air like dandelion seeds.  So animals eat them like birds do sunflower seeds?  Or do they catch on fish and sea otters like we catch on the hollyhock seeds?

kelp hanging from the ceiling

Art is a very powerful tool to introduce students to science concepts and practices  Too often, I see art being used as an extra activity, or as one component in preparing an end of exploration report.  From my experiences, integrating visual, dramatic, and musical arts not only help you differentiate your own  lessons, but quickly provoke deep questions.  Consider the elements of visual arts:  line, color, texture, emphasis, space, unity, contrast, rhythm, form, movement, balance, patterns, shape and value.

A resource we use in one of my PLC’s is:  Elements and Principles of design.  A pdf of the student activity guide is available here:

Using art, in any combination of dramatic, musical, or visual, amplifies the science explorations through offering additional avenues for asking questions and constructing evidence.  Just think of the some of the standards covered in a week in my class:

Discplinary Core Ideas

K-LS1-1: From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes

Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive.

K-ESS3-1 Earth and Human Activity

Use a model to represent the relationship between the needs of different plants and animals (including humans) and the places they live.

 K-2-ETS1-1 Engineering Design

Ask questions, make observations, and gather information about a situation people want to change to define a simple problem that can be solved through the development of a new or improved object or tool.

K-2-ETS1-2 Engineering Design

Develop a simple sketch, drawing, or physical model to illustrate how the shape of an o  bject helps it function as needed to solve a given problem

Science and Engineering Practices:

Asking Questions and Defining Problems

Developing and Using Models

Analyzing and Interpreting Data

Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking

Engaging in Argument from Evidence

Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information

Cross Cutting Concepts:


Cause and effect: Mechanism and explanation.

Scale, proportion, and quantity

Systems and system models

Structure and function.

Stability and change.

All of those NGSS standards, with just a week into creating our kelp forest; think  of what other core ideas, practices, and concepts will have been used by the time the project is done.  Try acting out your next science lesson and see where it takes you!



Common classroom supplies: 

paper, pens, pencils, scissors, yarn, paints, brushes

cardstock and cardboard (I recycle old boxes and file folders for stencils)

NSTA  Resources:

Science and Children Articles

Though these articles are describing older elementary grades, such approaches are still valid for the P-2 grades, with differing levels of scaffolding from the teacher

Editor’s Note: STEAM: Beyond the Acronym  by Linda Froschauer

Art and Science Grow Together by: Pat Stellflue, Marie Allen, and D. Timothy Gerber

The Artistic Oceanographer Program by: Sheean T. Haley and Sonya T. Dyhrman

Biome Is Where the Art Is by: Kelly Gooden

Art and the Cosmic Connection  by: Whitney H. Cobb, Monica Petty Aiello, Reeves Macdonald, and Shari Asplund

Drawing Out the Artist in Science Students by: Al Camacho, Gary Benenson, and Carmen Patricia                 Rosas-Colin

Anne Lowry

Member, Committee on Preschool-Elementary Science Teaching

Pre-K Teacher, Aleph Academy

Reno, NV

“Ms. Anne!  Did you know kelp is a plant like the sunflowers?”

That was just one of many questions I heard last week as my class turned the classroom into a kelp forest.  It all began with the otters.  No, it really all began with the students…


The Role of Instructional Resources in Supporting Investigation and Design

By Kate Falk

Posted on 2019-03-08

We are at an exciting time in science education. The Framework for K-12 Science Education (NRC, 2012) presents a vision for how we should teach science that is grounded in empirical evidence and what we know about how students learn. The Framework focuses on learners building useable knowledge of the world by making sense of phenomena using the three dimension of scientific knowledge – disciplinary core ideas (DCIs), scientific and engineering practices (SEPs) and crosscutting concepts (CCCs). Science and Engineering for Grades 6-12: Investigation and Design at the Center (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2018) revisits the ideas in the Framework and presents greater clarity on the vision for science teaching and learning and what we need to do in the classroom to achieve this vision. The goal of instruction is not for learners to develop understanding of science concepts through a laboratory activity. The goal is for all learners to use the three-dimensions to make sense of phenomena, solve problems, think creatively, and learn more when needed.

But this is a complex change and it will not happen overnight. Since becoming  teachers, many of us have focused on using inquiry activities to help students learn content. In K – 12 schools and in college, it was drilled into us to memorize in order to succeed. But the new vision pushes us to realize that building on prior knowledge of disciplinary core ideas, applying crosscutting concepts and scientific and engineering practices helps develop  deeper knowledge of how the world works. Teachers and school districts need excellent instructional resources – curriculum materials and assessments as well as long-term professional learning to enact this new vision (Krajcik, 2015). Professional learning will allow us to form communities to learn and grow together to realize this new vision. Instructional resources and professional learning need to work together to support growth so that all of our students can make sense of the world, problem solve, design solutions to problems and think creatively.  Chapter 6, Instructional Resources for Supporting Investigation and Design, in Science and Engineering for Grades 6-12: Investigation and Design at the Center (NASEM, 2018) presents critical ideas on how teachers can make use of and what to look for in instructional resources to promote three-dimensional teaching and learning. In this blog, I highlight some of the key features of instructional resources discussed in Chapter 6.

Instructional resources need to provide phenomena and design challenges that engage learners in three-dimensional learning. The phenomena and design challenges need to be compelling and complex enough that they provide a reason for learners to grapple with challenging disciplinary core ideas, crosscutting concepts, and science and engineering practices to make sense of phenomena or design challenge. The phenomena used for designing and guiding instructional resources needs to engage, promote wonder and provide multiple opportunities to make sense of the world. After experiencing a phenomenon, learners should have a sense of wonderment about why the phenomenon occurred and ask questions such as “What could have caused that to happen?” “What can I do to change conditions so that it this doesn’t reoccur?”  “What can I do to ensure this stays the same way?” (Krajcik and Czerniak, 2018).

Not all phenomena and design problems are the same. For instance, that water evaporates is a phenomenon that relates to various performance expectations and DCIs at the secondary level. However, it is not compelling nor is it a complex phenomenon. A student could easily google a response to why water evaporates; however, they would not necessary develop knowledge-in-use with such an effort. If you don’t need to use science and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts to make sense of a phenomenon, then it isn’t a good phenomenon or design problem to drive learning.  A more compelling and complex phenomenon that could be used for similar performance expectations and DCIs is “Why do a I feel cool when I get out of a swimming pool?”  This phenomenon deals with the mechanism of evaporation and also relates to key DCIs and would engage students in various SEPs and CCCs but it is a more compelling, deeper and complex phenomenon that would provide sustained engagement and more wonderment (Schneider, Krajcik, Lavonen, Salmela-Aro, 2019). In the era of three-dimensional learning we see a shift from students learning about scientific ideas to students designing a solution to a problem and making sense of compelling and complex phenomenon.

A second key feature needed in instructional resources is a focus on learners using evidence to construct explanations of phenomena. A hallmark of science is the development of evidence-based explanations of phenomena. However, the way that science has traditionally been taught in schools, learners were often given the reasons (i.e., the scientific ideas) for phenomena, but not the supporting evidence. In fact, the scientific ideas were often described without connecting to phenomena. Instead learners should have the opportunity to construct claims through the use of evidence and reasoning. The data they use can come from either first or second hand sources, but the important aspect is that students analyze and interpret data to makes sense of scientific questions and to make claims supported by the evidence. In constructing explanations, learners could develop models that show a mechanism to account for the phenomenon occurring. Instructional resources need to provide the contexts and the experiences to allow students to grapple with data to make claims, argue about those claims and support those claims with evidence and reasoning. Instructional resources, in the era of three-dimensional learning, present a shift from using data to verify a scientific principle to learners using data as evidence to construct explanations and develop arguments to support explanations.

The diversity of learners in our country grows daily. Instructional resources need to provide support for a wide variety of children who live throughout the United States including learners who come from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, racially and ethnically diverse learners, English language learners (ELL), gifted learners, and learners with cognitive and physical disabilities (Lee, Miller, Januszyk, 2015). Equitable learning resources include supports for valuing and leveraging the background knowledge of all learners. These curriculum resources connect to the knowledge children bring from their families, cultures and communities and show how these sources of knowledge connect to and enhance the learners understanding of science. To support all learners, instructional resources also need to provide a variety of rigorous ways for students to engage in learning. Instructional resources that support all students in learning will allow learners to read, write, listen, speak, represent, and experience doing science. While one could argue these methods were superficially used throughout science education, I see a big change with the switch to three-dimensional learning. Today there is a switch to representing ideas by creating models supported by evidence, and the writing is no longer simply presenting ideas but the creation of explanations supported by evidence.  Reading is not just about finding out the facts of science, but seeking evidence and reasoning to support claims.  Instructional resources should provide a shift away from using worksheets, instead students should be presented with opportunities to express their emerging understanding of the causes of phenomena or their solutions to design challenges in multiple ways. Teachers and teacher leaders also need to be able to modify instructional resources to support the experiences and cultural backgrounds of their students. Such modifications can help students see and navigate different ways of knowing rather than memorize ideas without clear connections to their lives (Sánchez Tapia, Krajcik, and Reiser, 2018).

A fourth, important feature of instructional resources is that they need to build coherently across time. Instructional resources are key to promoting useable knowledge by providing coherent materials that support learners in building and revisiting DCIs, CCCs, and SEPs throughout the year and by making connections to these ideas as instruction progresses to new phenomena or challenges. Coherent instructional materials should help students see how they can use science and engineering to make sense of phenomena in their everyday world. Coherence is critical in helping learners build useable knowledge of the three-dimensions that they can use in new situations. Through carefully sequenced experiences, instructional resources need to support students deepening over time the sophistication with which they understand DCIs, SEPs, and CCCs.   The models that a third grader builds of what causes objects to start or stop moving should look very different than the models of an eighth grader. However, both models should act as stepping stones for building deeper knowledge. This sophistication will only occur by providing various instructional supports across time. In the era of three-dimensional learning there is a shift from students completing a prescribed lab experiment that illustrates a science example to a situation in which instructional resources provide students with a set of investigation and design opportunities that support students in incremental sense-making so that they can build knowledge of how the natural and designed world works.

Instructional materials that build across time will have learning goals that integrate the three dimensions of scientific knowledge. These three-dimensional learning goals build towards a performance expectation or a bundle of performance expectations. The performance expectations are complex and represent what students should know at the end of a grade band or grade level. In the era of three-dimensional learning we have shifted from learning goals that focus on a science fact or principle to learning goals that integrate core ideas, SEP and CCCs so that learners build usable knowledge.

Although instructional technologies serve as valuable resources to help students learn, I have never been an advocate of using technology for technology sake (Novak and Krajcik, 2004). Instructional technology in the era of three-dimensional learning can be used to support students in many scientific practices from data collection and analysis to model building to computational thinking. Such uses are appropriate and can allow for investigations and designs that normally would not be possible in the science classroom. Technology can support students in making sense of the world, but don’t use it as a tool to just present information. 

Finally instructional resources should provide assessments that focus on students using the three dimensions. High quality assessment tasks need to be designed using compelling and complex phenomena or design challenges, contexts that motivate learners, designs appropriate for a variety of learners, and integration of the three dimensions. One caution in selecting and using assessment tasks is to avoid items that appear to be three dimensional, but that only require students to recall the DCI to produce a model or explanation and don’t engage students in sense-making using all the dimensions. Assessment tasks need to engage learners in the figuring out process. If they do, both learners and teachers will receive excellent feedback on how students are progressing with developing useable knowledge. With three-dimensional learning and useable knowledge as our goal, we see a shift from assessments focusing on primarily measuring science content to assessments focusing on measuring students’ knowledge-in-use, using the three dimensions to make sense of phenomena or solve design problems.

The shifts discussed in this blog and in Chapter 6, Instructional Resources for Supporting Investigation and Design, in Science and Engineering for Grades 6-12: Investigation and Design at the Center (National Academies, 2018) require us as teachers to change our practices in classrooms to more closely match what it means to do science. Many publishers, university groups, districts, and state efforts are involved in designing and building materials to align with three-dimensional learning. However, even with the best of intentions many of these materials won’t match up. In a previous blog I wrote for NSTA (Krajcik, 2014), I stressed that designing and developing three-dimensional instructional resources that other teachers can use is just really hard to do. Selecting complex and compelling phenomena so that learners can engage in using the three-dimensions to figure things out is challenging work. You will need to develop the intellectual tools to judge which instructional resources represent the vision of three-dimensional learning. As you select instructional materials, I encourage you to use the ideas in Chapter 6 and also the EQuIP rubric (Achieve, 2016) to carefully examine materials. The EQuIP rubric provides us with a set of criteria to help us judge if materials align with the vision of the Framework and three-dimensional learning. Designing materials that have DCIs, SEPs, and CCCs that are integrated together to help learners make sense of phenomena and design solutions is challenging. It is harder yet to have DCIs, SEPs, and CCCs that are integrated and work together over time to help students develop the level of understanding needed to meet the proficiency level of performance expectations.

As a science education community, we have our work cut out for us. But if we can engage learners in using the three-dimensions to make sense of compelling and complex phenomena and design challenges, we will have taken an important step forward in supporting all learners in developing knowledge-in-use, so that they can solve problems, make sense of their world, be creative, and learn more when they need to. I would love to hear from you about this blog, your ideas, questions, and feedback.


Achieve. (2016). Educators evaluating the quality of instructional products (EQuIP) rubric for science, version 3.0. Available: Rubric for Sciencev3.pdf [October 2018].

Krajcik, J. (2014).  How to Select and Design Materials that Align to the Next Generation Science Standards, NSTABlog.

Krajcik, J. (2015). Three dimensional instruction: Using a new type of teaching in the science classroom. Science Scope, NSTA Press 39(3): 16–18.

Krajcik, J.S., & Czerniak, C., (2018). Teaching Science in Elementary And Middle School Classrooms: A Project-Based Learning Approach, Fifth Edition. Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group: New York & London.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2018. Science and Engineering for Grades 6-12: Investigation and Design at the Center. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi:

Novak, A., and Krajcik, J.S. (2004). Using learning technologies to support inquiry in middle school science. In L. Flick and N. Lederman (Eds.), Scientific Inquiry and Nature of Science: Implications for Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education (pp. 75–102). The Netherlands: Kluwer Publishers.

O. Lee, E. Miller, and R. Januszyk (Eds.), (2015), Next Generation Science Standards: All Standards, All Students. Arlington, VA: National Science Teachers Association.

Sánchez Tapia, I., Krajcik, J., and Reiser, B.J. (2018). “We don’t know what is the real story anymore”: Curricular contextualization principles that support indigenous students in understanding natural selection. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. Available: [October 2018].

Schneider, B., Krajcik, J., Lavonen, J., Salmela-Aro, K. (Expected publication 2020) Learning Science: Crafting Engaging Science Environments. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Joseph Krajcik is Lappan-Phillips Professor of Science Education and Director of the CREATE for STEM Institute at Michigan State University. Previously, he taught high school chemistry and physical science in Milwaukee for 8 years, and taught at the University of Michigan for 21 years. His expertise includes curriculum and instruction; science education; and teacher education, learning, and policy. He works with science teachers to reform teaching practices to promote students’ engagement in and learning of science.

We are at an exciting time in science education. The Framework for K-12 Science Education (NRC, 2012) presents a vision for how we should teach science that is grounded in empirical evidence and what we know about how students learn. The Framework focuses on learners building useable knowledge of the world by making sense of phenomena using the three dimension of scientific knowledge – disciplinary core ideas (DCIs), scientific and engineering practices (SEPs) and crosscutting concepts (CCCs).


Ed News: School Lessons Targeted by Climate Change Doubters

By Kate Falk

Posted on 2019-03-08

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This week in education news, West Virginia governor signs legislation requiring high school computer science; Hispanics make up 16 percent of the American workforce, but only 6 percent of scientists and engineers; bug-in-ear coaching has been around for decades but in recent years, more and more educators are starting to try it out; America Achieves Educator Networks argues that traditional K-12 curriculums aren’t sufficient for a world in which machines are expected to do 42 percent of labor by 2022; 2018 teacher strikes had minimal impact on state education funding; in statehouses around the country, lawmakers this year have introduced bills seen as threatening instruction on science, including on climate change; new research finds that integrating the arts into science classes can help students learn better; and new “baby PISA” study will measure children’s skills in literacy, numeracy and self-regulation.

W.Va. Gov Signs Bill Mandating High School Computer Science

West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice has signed legislation requiring students to take computer science classes before graduating high school. Read the article by the Associated Press.

Latino Engineers Want to Encourage More to Pursue STEM Careers

STEM jobs, a crucial part of the global economy, are growing faster than other industries and tend to pay better than the national average, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Hispanics make up 16 percent of the American workforce, but only 6 percent of scientists and engineers, according to the National Science Foundation. There is ample opportunity in STEM, according to Latino engineers in several fields. Read the article by NBC News Learn.

Astrophysicist Barbie Is Perfect. That’s Not How You Attract More Girls to STEM Careers

The new astrophysicist Barbie, announced by Mattel last month, seems well-intentioned enough: Its goal is to encourage young girls to enter science and engineering fields by wedding Barbie’s glamour and intellectual gusto. In reality, it’s just another cultural message of unattainable perfection, and our messages of perfection for girls are already keeping them out of STEM work at the highest academic levels. Read the article featured in USA Today.

With Bug-in-Ear Coaching, Teachers Get Feedback on the Fly

Michael Young was working one-on-one with a student when he heard a voice: “Maybe pause a little bit longer and wait for the student to respond.” It wasn’t his internal monologue reminding him of something he learned in training. The voice belonged to an instructional coach 50 miles away, who was watching what Young was doing in the classroom through a livestream and communicating via an earpiece. Read the article featured in Education Week.

There’s a Gap in Education that Only Industry Can Fill, Report Says

High schools are teaching students a curriculum that prepares them for a future that doesn’t exist, according a recent report from an education nonprofit. According to the America Achieves Educator Networks if schools can’t understand the future of work, then they need to turn students’ attention to the employers and industry leaders who do. Read the article featured in EdScoop.

Middle School Science Materials Come Up Short in First Review

Just one of six new middle school science series is a good match to a set of national science standards, according to a review conducted by the nonprofit EdReports, which uses teams of teachers to vet learning materials. The good news is the publishing community is really working hard to provide materials teachers can use,” said David Evans, the executive director of the National Science Teachers Association, a membership organization for science educators. “The more challenging part for the community is that it’s really hard to do. Read the article featured in Education Week.

2018 Teacher Protests Had Limited Impact on State Ed Funding

While school spending increased in some states where educators went on strike, an updated analysis finds many finance formulas remain at pre-recession levels. Read the article featured in Education DIVE.

School Lessons Targeted by Climate Change Doubters

A Connecticut lawmaker wants to strike climate change from state science standards. A Virginia legislator worries teachers are indoctrinating students with their personal views on global warming. And an Oklahoma state senator wants educators to be able to introduce alternative viewpoints without fear of losing their jobs. As climate change becomes a hotter topic in American classrooms, politicians around the country are pushing back against the near-universal scientific consensus that global warming is real, dire and man-made. Read the article by the Associated Press.

A New Study Finds That Bringing Arts to the Classroom Can Help Students Succeed in Science

According to new research by John Hopkins University, integrating the arts—like song, movement, and drawing—into science classes can help students learn better, particularly lower-achieving students. Read the article featured on

Pre-to-3: New ‘Baby PISA’ Study to Include US 5-Year-Olds

New “baby PISA” study will include a sample of 3,000 5-year-olds each in the U.S., England and Estonia. In addition to gathering data on children’s characteristics — such as gender, parents’ socioeconomic level and family makeup — the study will also collect data on children’s “home environment” and on the schools where they attend kindergarten. Researchers will measure children’s skills in literacy, numeracy and self-regulation. Read the article featured in Education DIVE.

Stay tuned for next week’s top education news stories.

The Communication, Legislative & Public Affairs (CLPA) team strives to keep NSTA members, teachers, science education leaders, and the general public informed about NSTA programs, products, and services and key science education issues and legislation. In the association’s role as the national voice for science education, its CLPA team actively promotes NSTA’s positions on science education issues and communicates key NSTA messages to essential audiences.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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Tired of Cooking

By Gabe Kraljevic

Posted on 2019-03-08

I am sick of using cookbook labs in my chemistry class and want my students to conduct more inquiry labs. However, my principal thinks that this might be a recipe for disaster. What do other chemistry teachers do to incorporate more inquiry into their chemistry labs?
—R., Kansas

I spent several years using cookbook labs and being frustrated that students had no clue what they were supposed to be learning, did not understand their data and were constantly worried if they got the ‘right’ answers!

One of the simplest ways to convert a cookbook lab into an introduction to inquiry is to cut off your pre-lab handout after the materials section! So, the students have an introduction, a purpose, and a list of materials they can use but they have to figure out the rest. How they will perform the experiment, what they will measure, what variables to control and manipulate, how they will record and present the data is all up to them (with your approval)! With the scaffold at the beginning and a list of materials there is less ‘mayhem’ but the students are thinking, analyzing, predicting, and doing all that neat nature of science stuff. They will need to make sense of their data and determine the best way to communicate their results.

Later on you can have the students investigate questions they, themselves, have about a phenomenon or topic you’re teaching by creating their own labs from scratch. Now you’re at a full-blown inquiry.

Hope this helps!

I am sick of using cookbook labs in my chemistry class and want my students to conduct more inquiry labs. However, my principal thinks that this might be a recipe for disaster. What do other chemistry teachers do to incorporate more inquiry into their chemistry labs?
—R., Kansas


Missouri Science Teachers: NSTA Is Coming to You This April

By Carole Hayward

Posted on 2019-03-07

If you’re a Missouri science teacher, you’ve probably been to the Missouri Botanical Garden, most likely as a chaperone. But when you join NSTA for our 2019 National Conference in St. Louis this April, you’ll get a completely different experience—right in your own backyard. You get to be the student for a couple of days and experience the joys of science with your friends. And the Botanical Garden? Yep. It’s on the list—all attendees get complimentary admission to the Missouri Botanical Garden’s Butterfly House (just show your badge at the gate).

Ready for the New MO Standards?

Our conference planning committee knows that Missouri has adopted new science learning standards and a new science assessment; so this conference will be especially useful to Missouri teachers needing to get up to speed. The new Missouri standards and assessments are directly aligned to the learning, practices, and content that will be addressed at this conference. Areas of particular focus for this conference include the following strands (all targeted by level— novice, intermediate, or advanced attendees):

  • Three-Dimensional Grand Slam: This strand will focus on implementing three-dimensional learning to increase student understanding. Read more.
  • Phenomena: Gateway to Learning: This strand will show how teachers can use structures such as the 5E instructional model, Claims-Evidence-Reasoning (CER), Problem-Based Learning, Place-Based Learning, or Project-Based Learning as viable approaches to facilitate student understanding. Read more.
  • Jazzing Up Science with Cross-Curricular Connections: This strand will focus on ways that science and other subject areas can be integrated, including the best way to bundle disciplinary core ideas. Read more.
  • Confluence of Equity and Education: The imperative of the planners of this strand is to maintain high expectations and broaden access and opportunities in STEM education to increase the likelihood of student success and to prepare them to compete globally. Read more.

Will You Know Anyone?

If this is your first NSTA conference (or even if it isn’t but you want to meet new people to share the experience with), be sure to put the First Timers Session (Thursday, April 11, 8:00–9:00 AM) on your schedule. And stop by the Science Teachers of Missouri (STOM) booth. At both places you’ll find STOM members, leadership, and teachers from the surrounding area who are facing the same challenges and sharing new opportunities particularly applicable to you. One particular opportunity you’ll want to watch for is STOM’s announcement of the winners of the 2018 STOM Excellence in Science Teaching Awards. Learn more about the award here, and consider nominating yourself or a deserving peer for the 2019 award.

If you’re planning to come with a group, use code 5FOR4 to get a complimentary 5th registration when you sign up 4 people to attend.

Lots of sessions and workshops will be led by Missouri educators. Here is just a small sampling of them; search the session browser to find more.

  • A Generation of Citizen Stewards
    Betsy Crites, Missouri Botanical Garden
    Thursday, April 11, 8:30–9:00 AM 
    Room 151, America’s Center

Activate your high school students to engage in their community by taking action for the environment, while they put 21st-century skills into action.

  • Assessing and Exploring the Phenomena of Earthquakes: Including the New Madrid Seismic Zone
    Lloyd Barrow, Professor Emeritus, University of Missouri
    Dannah Schaffer, Assistant Professor of Science, Minot State University
    Thursday, April 11, 2:00–3:00 PM 
    Room 228, America’s Center

Using the 5Es (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate), participants will gain an insight into how to implement classroom activities concerning plate tectonics, as well as how to assess students’ understanding.

  • Integrating the Missouri River into Your Classroom
    Kristen Schulte, Missouri River Relief
    Thursday, April 11, 3:30–4:30 PM 
    Room 228, America’s Center

Build your understanding of how human choices have affected the Missouri River’s rhythm while discovering new instructional strategies for investigating the mysteries behind the river.

  • The Flight of the Bumblebee: A New Multimodal STEM Text Set and Related Activities for Diverse Middle School Learners
    Zack Miller, University of Missouri
    William Folk, Professor, University of Missouri
    Amy Lannin, Director, University of Missouri
    Delinda Van Garderen, Professor, University of Missouri
    Friday, April 12, 8:00–9:00 AM 
    Room 221, America’s Center

We will review a new multimodal STEM text set addressing engineering design (MS-ETS1); waves and applications (MS-PS4); ecosystems (MS-LS2); and CCSS ELA (RST:1–9) for diverse learners.

  • NARST-Sponsored Session: Science and Literacy—How Is Preservice Teacher Learning Impacted by a Mobile Device Curriculum?
    Deepika Menon, Assistant Professor of Science Education, Towson University
    Meera Chandrasekhar, Professor, University of Missouri
    Dorina Kosztin, Teaching Professor, University of Missouri
    Doug Steinhoff, Physics Teacher, University of Missouri
    Friday, April 12, 11:00 AM–12 Noon 
    Mills Studio 1, Hyatt Regency St. Louis at the Arch

Hear how switching to an iPad-based hands-on curriculum made a major positive impact on both physical science learning and technology self-efficacy for preservice teachers. Handouts!

  • Sustainable in St. Louis: Connecting Students and Concepts Through Real-World Waste Reduction Projects
    Katherine Golden, Missouri Botanical Garden
    Maggie McCoy, Education Coordinator, EarthWays Center of Missouri Botanical Garden
    Friday, April 12, 11:30 AM–12 Noon 
    Room 241, America’s Center

We will share case studies from the EarthWays Sustainability Network, a data-based teacher mentorship program that helps schools find ways to reduce landfill waste through student-led projects.

  • Engaging St. Louis Area Students in Equity Through Design Thinking
    Leslie Cook, Teton Science Schools Teacher Learning Center
    Paulo Ribeiro, Health and PE Teacher, Parkway Southwest Middle School
    Joe Rhodes, Classroom Teacher-Social Studies, Parkway Southwest Middle School
    Joseph Petrick, Vice President of Field Education, Teton Science Schools
    Friday, April 12, 12:30–1:30 PM 
    Landmark 7, Marriott St. Louis Grand

Hear how teachers in the Parkway School District, Missouri, guided student learning and exploration of equity through meaningful and relevant real-life topics in the community.

  • Engaging Outdoor Learning Techniques for Student Success
    Steven Juhlin, Education Program State Coordinator, Missouri Dept. of Conservation
    Bridget Jackson, Conservation Education Consultant, Missouri Dept. of Conservation
    Saturday, April 13, 12:30–1:30 PM 
    Gateway A, Marriott St. Louis Grand

Discuss underlying issues, needs, and questions that stifle outdoor learning, and identify practical and academic methods to be successful. Inquiry-based resources provided.

  • Cross-Curricular Connections for a Sustainable Planet
    Mary Ellen Lohr, Assistant Professor of Biology, Southeast Missouri State University
    Cindi Smith-Walters, Biology Professor, Middle Tennessee State University
    Sunday, April 14, 9:30–10:30 AM 
    Room 240, America’s Center

Engage in hands-on activities that apply math, science, and social studies skills and content standards to address major global, environmental challenges. Lesson plans provided.

  • Get Them THINKING! Critical Thinking, the Nature of Science, and Logic in Engineering and Crosscutting Concepts
    Alice (Jill) Black, Associate Professor, Missouri State University
    Sunday, April 14, 11:00 AM–12 Noon 
    Room 261, America’s Center

Do your students think through ideas or give answers indicating “surface thinking”? Come participate in K–8 critical thinking, nature of science, and engineering/crosscutting concepts–related logic activities.

This Year Is Special

“Typically, very few Missouri teachers are able to attend due to the funding and policies of out-of-state travel.  We have a very unique situation this year where our state is hosting the conference, making it possible to send many teachers at an affordable rate.”— NSTA’s St. Louis Conference Chair, Mike Szydlowski (Science Coordinator for Columbia Public Schools and STOM Past President) has this message for Missouri teachers. He’s set up the “Send a Teacher” initiative to help Missouri educators get funding from local businesses and other organizations to attend.

Worried about Missouri Spring Assessments conflicting with the NSTA conference? Don’t be! Mike also tells us: “We have confirmed that the testing window in Missouri will be greatly expanded to include the dates April 1 through the end of the school year. This will allow schools to work around this incredible national-level conference opportunity without impacting their state testing.”

NSTA and STOM work together to make this conference great, and it takes years of planning. The people who have made the educational programming so relevant for both local teachers and those nationwide deserve special recognition. They are:

  • Mike Szydlowski
    Conference Chairperson
    K–12 Science Coordinator
    Columbia Public Schools
  • Eric Hadley
    Program Coordinator
    K–12 Science Curriculum Coordinator
    Ferguson-Florissant School District
  • Christina Hughes
    Local Arrangements Coordinator
    K–12 Science Curriculum Coordinator
    Hazelwood School District

NSTA’s 2019 National Conference on Science Education addresses real challenges teachers face in their schools and classrooms. In just four days, the programming and events associated with this conference will better prepare you to support your students’ science learning. You would have to attend several events to obtain the level of education offered at NSTA’s National Conference.

Pro Tips

Find out about scholarship opportunities to attend the conference and attend a Professional Learning Institute. Learn more.

Check out more sessions and other events with the St. Louis Session Browser. Follow all our conference tweets using #NSTA19, and if you tweet, please feel free to tag us @NSTA so we see it and share.

Need help requesting funding or time off from your principal or supervisor? Download a letter of support and bring it with you.

And don’t forget, NSTA and/or STOM members save up to $90 off the price of registration. Not a member? Join here. Missouri science teachers, you are also eligible for joint membership in both STOM and NSTA, for only $79. To take advantage of this special offer, fill out the registration packet, and see page 4 for the joint membership option.

Future NSTA Conferences

2019 National Conference
St. Louis, April 11–14

2019 STEM Forum & Expo
San Francisco, July 24–26

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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If you’re a Missouri science teacher, you’ve probably been to the Missouri Botanical Garden, most likely as a chaperone. But when you join NSTA for our 2019 National Conference in St. Louis this April, you’ll get a completely different experience—right in your own backyard. You get to be the student for a couple of days and experience the joys of science with your friends. And the Botanical Garden? Yep.


Dreaming of spring and preparing to garden with young children

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2019-03-07

Maple tree flowers.Daffodil bud opening in the snow. Before the weather really warms up in your area, take children for a nature walk and together document through drawing or photography the plants that are beginning to bud out with leaves or flowers. Spring doesn’t begin at the moment the first daffodil blooms—the flowers of a maple tree may be budding months before. The creeping change of season is made visible by observation and documentation done in a systematic way, or at least weekly over a few months. Change continues as spring weather gives way to summer heat—keep observing and noting the new changes by making a brief stop at particular plants as you go out to the playground or to the carpool line. These brief observations may lead to investigations into the relationship between plant growth and the amount of sun it receives or what insects are doing when they visit or live on a plant.   

You may be planning a garden with your class, or already be planting one, depending on your local weather. I have praised the sugar snap pea many times for its ease of planting and for being of interest to children. The seeds are familiar to most children who may be surprised to find out that the peas on their plates are seeds, seeds that could grow into a plant if they had not been cooked for eating. After planting pea seeds children may wonder, what other food items are seeds? And how do seeds sprout and grow? Indoor and outdoor plantings make the growing process visible. Indoors a discussion about the growth of the classic “seed in a bag” can reveal children’s understanding of the needs of plants. Outdoors, even a large pot can sustain a small crop of edible plants if you want to start small. The KidsGardening website has information on gardening with children and the US Department of Agriculture’s zone map of plant hardiness can help you decide when to plant. 

Poster of children's comments about sprouting success (or not) of seeds.When children are given the responsibility of planning a system for plant care, the plants become more important to them. “Plant waterer” or “Garden care” can be added to a job chart. Children might suggest that each child get a turn to carry the heavy water jug out to the garden pot, or that every child can use a spray bottle indoors.

Many programs have children plant in pots to give to parents as a Mothers’ Day gift. How about starting some herb seeds, such as spring onion or cilantro, now so the growth is lush by May 12, 2019? If you leave children’s names off the pots, and be sure to plant a few extra pots, there will be enough for every family even if some don’t thrive because they are over or under watered.

Maple tree flowers.Daffodil bud opening in the snow. Before the weather really warms up in your area, take children for a nature walk and together doc


E-book Invites Young Readers to Discover How a Fish Fossil Exists in an Egyptian Desert

By Carole Hayward

Posted on 2019-03-06

After devoting 25 years to the teaching profession, Mary Hanson was seeking “out of the box professional development opportunities.”

“I was at the point in my career where I was looking for (more than) just getting another master’s degree or license,” said Hanson, who teaches fourth grade for the Whitehall (Wisc.) Memorial School District. She applied to participate in a federally-funded grant project that sought to equip elementary school teachers with practical strategies for integrating literacy with the NGSS in their classrooms.

Hanson was accepted into the program (Using Children’s Literature to Teach Science), which was run out of the University of Wisconsin-Stout, and the experience not only expanded her skill, but broadened her professional network. Hanson learned through Shelley Lee, one of the program’s coordinators, that NSTA was seeking new authors to add to its publishing roster.

“Being an author was always something that I wanted to do,” Hanson confessed. “It’s been on my bucket list since I was a kid. So, I looked up more information on the NSTA website, I started sending emails, and there I was, on my way to becoming an author.”

Hanson admits that she initially saw her idea getting published as a “regular book,” but changed her mind after personally experiencing one of NSTA’s eBook+ Kids interactive e-books.

“I realized that this format was not just going to be the process of making my book available online,” she explained. “You have to experience an NSTA eBook+ for Kids to fully understand it. Once I did, I started seeing how I could arrange lessons to support the e-book’s learnings in my classroom, via my Smartboard, via interactives. I told myself, ‘I can do this!’”

Hanson’s interactive e-book, Fish Out of Water, focuses on earth science, a subject she is passionate about and loves teaching.

“It’s mind-blowing thinking about the planet that we are on and what’s literally going on under our feet while we go along with our daily lives,” she said. “Just think of the huge amount of time that the earth has been here and what’s been happening all along! And then think about the short time that humans have been on the planet and how it’s changed ever since. Kids get really excited learning about things they’ve never thought about before.”

Fish Out of Water takes students on an expedition to a paleontological site in the Egyptian dessert. Led by 10-year-old Kat, a student paleontologist, who communicates with her readers via video chat, students will discover just how a fossil fish came to exist in such a dry, arid place; help Kat identify the age of the fossil; and learn how fossils can be used to understand the earth’s surface and how/why it changes over time. Kat’s expedition is like a puzzle, Hanson explained, one that students work to complete as they progress throughout the book.

In compiling her content, the author drew from real-life experiences like the time she took her own sons to visit Yellowstone National Park.

“The water was bubbling up because the crust is thin,” Hanson recalled. “We walked over a bridge that was right over the caldera. We could smell something coming from inside the earth!

“I’ve always had a strong need to understand things, especially the planet. I always want to know more and then share what I learn with others!”

Science, social studies, and writing, three subjects that Hanson enjoys teaching most, were brought together in her e-book, which is specifically written about one, 4th-grade science standards: Code 4 ESS1-1.

Even before the Wisconsin Department of Education formally adopted the NGSS, Hanson said that her rural, progressive school district enthusiastically embraced the standards and set out to revamp its entire science curriculum.

“We’ve been working for a few years in our district on rewriting our curriculum to meet the NGSS, and we think it’s pretty good,” Hanson said. “At first it seems like there is so much: Crossing-cutting concepts, core disciplinary ideas, connections to be made with both literature and math standards. But once you learn how to read the standards and understand how they work, it’s not so bad.”

The writer has another e-book in the works which will be based on an upcoming trip to Iceland.

“My favorite part of earth science is plate tectonics,” Hanson said. “In Iceland, you can see the North American and European tectonic plates pulling apart. Most of the time, this activity occurs underneath the ocean, so you cannot see it. That’s what makes Iceland so special.

“My next book will follow my character Kat to Iceland where she will help her friend Alfred, a student geologist, crack a mysterious case.”

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After devoting 25 years to the teaching profession, Mary Hanson was seeking “out of the box professional development opportunities.”

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