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Science and Children—July 2019

When formative assessment is part of pedagogy, teaching and learning canbecome more meaningful, differentiated, and authentic. This month’s issue of Science and Children focuses on formative assessment and how the information gathered from students’ thinking can and should be used to develop lessons.
Teaching Teachers: Discourse Tools Amplify Students’ Ideas and Build Knowledge

Journal Article

Teaching Teachers: Discourse Tools Amplify Students’ Ideas and Build Knowledge

This column enhances the repertoire of preservice and inservice teachers....

Guest Editorial: Formative Assessment in the Science Classroom: What It Is and What It Is Not

Journal Article

Guest Editorial: Formative Assessment in the Science Classroom: What It Is and What It Is Not

An opinion column about formative assessment....

Making Sense of Day and Night

Journal Article

Making Sense of Day and Night

This article describes how teachers can use first graders' scientific models as formative assessments....


Journal Article


How to create formative assessment experiences for fifth-grade students learning about energy transfer....

What Properties Matter?

Journal Article

What Properties Matter?

Exploring essential properties of matter with fifth graders...

The <i>Right</i> Kind of Questions

Journal Article

The <i>Right</i> Kind of Questions

A fourth-grade 5E unit on electrical circuits fosters integration of practices with content learning....

Writing Like a Scientist

Journal Article

Writing Like a Scientist

Using science notebooks to scaffold writing for first-grade students...

Editorial: Assessment: Take a Deeper Dive

Journal Article

Editorial: Assessment: Take a Deeper Dive

Science and Children’s editor shares thoughts regarding the current issue....

Early Years: A Lesson on Living Organisms

Journal Article

Early Years: A Lesson on Living Organisms

This column discusses resources and science topics related to students in grades preK to 2. This issue presents a lesson on living organisms....

Early Childhood Resources Review: The Young Artist as Scientist: What Can Leonardo Teach Us?

Journal Article

Early Childhood Resources Review: The Young Artist as Scientist: What Can Leonardo Teach Us?

This column evaluates elementary science resources. This issue focuses on the role of art in science....

The Poetry of Science: Poetry, Puppies, and Results

Journal Article

The Poetry of Science: Poetry, Puppies, and Results

Building literacy in playful, meaningful ways....

Teaching Through Trade Books: Animals Help With Engineering

Journal Article

Teaching Through Trade Books: Animals Help With Engineering

This column includes activities inspired by children’s literature. This issue focuses on engineering....

Engineering Encounters: Sinking and Floating 2.0

Journal Article

Engineering Encounters: Sinking and Floating 2.0

Using 3D printers to excite children in aftercare about science and engineering...

Science 101: What are some common misconceptions to be aware of when teaching about astronomy?

Journal Article

Science 101: What are some common misconceptions to be aware of when teaching about astronomy?

This column provides background science information for elementary teachers. This issue focuses on misconceptions with astronomy. ...

Journal Article

Formative Assessment of English Language Proficiency in the Science Classroom

In a linguistically diverse fourth-grade classroom, students carry out an investigation to answer the lesson question: How are we able to see objects? Working collaboratively in groups, students are given a lidded box with an eye hole and a flap. Stu...

By Okhee Lee and Rita Januszyk

Assessment Literacy NGSS Pedagogy Teaching Strategies

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