The Poetry of Science
Science and Children—July/August 2020 (Volume 57, Issue 9)
By Sylvia Vardell and Janet Wong
No science lab in my
school, no library
even. But Mr. Swift
does experiments
My favorite is the egg
and the bottle.
The egg has to be boiled
and peeled, the bottle
You also need a strip
of notebook paper
and a match. Scritch!
Flame flowers at the paper
edge. You drop it in the bottle
and place the egg on
the bottle’s lip, blocking
the air so the flame goes
There’s a pause
and THWUP!
The egg
slooks through the neck.
This demonstrates
the vacuum
and proves
that science
can make
you laugh!
Poem © 2014 George Ella Lyon from The Poetry Friday Anthology for Science by Sylvia Vardell and Janet Wong © 2014 Pomelo Books; illustration by Frank Ramspott from The Poetry of Science: The Poetry Friday Anthology for Science for Kids © 2015 Pomelo Books.