The Poetry of Science
Science and Children—May/June 2022 (Volume 59, Issue 5)
By Sylvia Vardell and Janet Wong
Flowers? No. Dirt? No.
Socks? No. Shirt? No.
Hamster? No. Snake? No.
Plastic scoop and rake? No.
Glue? Paint? Paper? Clay?
Sneakers that I wore today?
No, no, no, no . . .
Pile of metal paper clips—
Yes! Hooray for paper clips!
Shiny whistle? Metal fan?
Dented metal garbage can?
Hammer head, bag of nails?
Ring of keys? Rusty pails?
Yes, yes, yes, and yes!
Results of my experiment?
Magnets are mag-nificent!
Poem © 2014 Julie Larios from The Poetry Friday Anthology for Science by Sylvia Vardell and Janet Wong © 2014 Pomelo Books; illustration by Frank Ramspott from The Poetry of Science: The Poetry Friday Anthology for Science for Kids © 2015 Pomelo Books.
Larios, J. 2014. “Testing My Magnet” in The Poetry Friday Anthology for Science, eds. S. Vardell and J. Wong, 75. Princeton, NJ: Pomelo Books.
Adler, D. 2017. Magnets push, magnets pull. New York: Holiday House.
Julie Larios blog, The Drift Record
“No Penguins Here” by Michael Salinger
“Zapped!” by April Halprin Wayland
Interdisciplinary Literacy Elementary