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Performance Assessment as Part of Efficient, Effective, and Equitable Instructional Practice

The Science Teacher—Fall 2023 (Volume 90, Issue 7)

By Lauren Stoll and Jill Wertheim

Performance Assessment as Part of Efficient, Effective, and Equitable Instructional Practice

Since the release of the NGSS, science classrooms across the United States have shifted science learning away from a focus on decontextualized facts and concepts and toward engaging students in making sense of the world around them. Many educators have looked to assessments to provide feedback about students’ progress in meeting this new vision of science teaching and learning, but few assessments sufficiently reflect NGSS goals (Wertheim et al. 2016). The National Research Council (NRC) identified performance assessments as an essential tool for guiding shifts toward three-dimensional (3D) learning (NRC 2014), though many questions remain about how to design assessments that provide the information that teachers need to guide their work.

Assessment Equity NGSS Three-Dimensional Learning High School

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