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  • Every Assessment Tells a Story

    Journal Article |

    Tell a story to reduce anxiety and boost student achievement on assessments.

  • Editor's Roundtable: Puzzled by Assessment?

    Journal Article |

    Science Scope’s editor shares thoughts regarding the current issue.

  • Formative Assessment Probes: To Hypothesize or Not

    Journal Article |

    Formative assessment probes are used not only to uncover the ideas students bring to their learning, they can also be used to reveal teachers’ common misconceptions. Consider a process widely used in inquiry science—…

  • A Life-Cycle Assessment of Biofuels

    Journal Article |

    A life-cycle assessment (LCA) is a tool used by engineers to make measurements of net energy, greenhouse gas production, water consumption, and other items of concern. This article describes an activity designed to walk…

  • Whole-Class Inquiry Assessments

    Journal Article |

    Whole-class inquiry (WCI) assessments range from challenging, paper-and-pencil puzzles to lab-based problems that require students to apply their own gathered data to a new scenario; the latter might also require…

  • Formative Assessment: Redirecting the Plan

    Journal Article |

    The science teachers at New Hampshire’s Concord High School are no longer satisfied with what Wiggins and McTighe call the “teach, test, and hope for the best” learning cycle (2005). These teachers have been stepping up…

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