Archive: Assessment for the <em>Next Generation Science Standards</em>, January 14, 2014
Web Seminar |
This web seminar took place on January 14, 2014, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. eastern standard time. The presenters were Joan Herman, Co-Director Emeritus of the National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards…
Case Study: Assessing Critical-Thinking Skills Using Articles From the Popular Press
Journal Article |
The author describes an instrument for evaluating critical-thinking skills using science articles in the popular press.
Are They Really Learning What We're Teaching? An Informal Survey and Student Self-Assessment
Journal Article |
While enrolled in either the first or second semester of a two-semester human anatomy and physiology sequence, students self-assessed their mastery of material presented in the prerequisite course. Fifty-seven percent…
Uncovering Student Ideas in Astronomy: 45 New Formative Assessment Probes (e-book)
eBook |
What do your students know—or think they know—about what causes night and day, why days are shorter in winter, and how to tell a planet from a star? Find out with this book on astronomy, the latest in NSTA’s popular…
The Feedback Loop: Using Formative Assessment Data for Science Teaching and Learning (e-book)
eBook |
What really helps your students learn science: Labs? Group work? Certain types of problems or test questions? Something you never even thought about? Find out with data that go way beyond what standardized test scores…
Blog Post |
Click here for the Table of Contents No—we’re not seeing double. The Science Teacher and Science Scope both have the same theme this month—a double dose of information and ideas on the topic of assessment. Whichever…
Blog Post |
Click here for the Table of Contents Several years ago, I did a series of workshops entitled “What’s in Your Assessment Toolkit?” so I appreciated both the cover and the theme of this month’s issue of Science Scope…