Blog Post |
“Are you teaching today or are the students just doing a lab or taking a test?” I used to dread this question from a former principal when he wanted to observe a class. He was implying that the only classroom activity…
Journal Article |
Scientific journalism, by definition, is writing concise, scientifically accurate, and engaging articles for nonexpert or lay audiences. When coupled with in-class poster sessions, it is a powerful and efficient…
Journal Article |
The learning goals of a lower division honors course, Science as a Way of Knowing, include critical thinking, scientific literacy, quantitative reasoning, communication, and teamwork. To help students develop skills and…
Journal Article |
The authors describe a collaborative group-testing strategy implemented and studied in undergraduate science classes. This project investigated how the assessment strategy relates to student performance and perceptions…
Journal Article |
There are few instruments available that science educators can use to assess whether students can apply what they know about scientific practices to critique scientific media reports. In response to the need for valid,…
Journal Article |
In the exciting, “out of this world” activity described here, students measure the Earth using meter sticks while measuring their shadows in two distant locations. To obtain the size of the Earth, students discover the…
Journal Article |
One of the most interesting and controversial debates in science education today involves testing and grading strategies. This article describes the results on the effectiveness of using student-created portfolios for…