NSTA Press Book |
Winner of the Distinguished Achievement Award from PreK-12 Learning Group, Association of American Publishers! What ideas do young children bring to their science learning, and how does their thinking change as…
NSTA Press Book |
If you and your students can’t get enough of a good thing, Volume 2 of Uncovering Student Ideas in Physical Science is just what you need. The book offers 39 new formative assessment probes, this time with a focus on…
Performance Assessment as Part of Efficient, Effective, and Equitable Instructional Practice
Journal Article |
Since the release of the NGSS, science classrooms across the United States have shifted science learning away from a focus on decontextualized facts and concepts and toward engaging students in making sense of the world…
Reaching the Zone of Optimal Learning: The Alignment of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Book Chapter |
The authors discuss curriculum, instruction, and assessment and how their integration enables students to achieve a strong knowledge base in science. After examining conventional beliefs and more contemporary views of…
Assessing Science Literacy Using Extended Constructed-Response Items
Book Chapter |
The authors’ goal in this chapter is to provide teachers with information that will make them better formative and summative assessors; better judges of the quality of state, national, and international assessments that…
From Reading To Science: Assessment That Supports And Describes Student Achievement
Book Chapter |
This chapter is based on a presentation made to the National Science Teachers Association’s conference on assessment, “Science Assessment: Research and Practical Approaches for Grades 3-12 Teachers and School District…
On the Role and Impact of Formative Assessment on Science Inquiry Teaching and Learning
Book Chapter |
In this chapter, the authors begin by describing what they mean by formative assessment and outline the potential and challenges of trying to implement and study this promising technique for scientific inquiry teaching…
Using Formative Assessment And Feedback To Improve Science Teacher Practice
Book Chapter |
The authors in this chapter advocate use of the Reformed Teacher Observation Protocol (RTOP). This tool was originally developed for research on secondary physics teacher’s classroom practices, by science teachers for…
From Practice to Research and Back: Perspectives and Tools in Assessing for Learning
Book Chapter |
In this chapter, the authors draw on research and teacher practice to share the story of their own professional inquiry that led them to an exciting marginal space between the worlds of classroom teachers and education…
Means of Linking Research to Practice in Organizing a Course on Student Assessment
Book Chapter |
Accurate assessment of student achievement is an important requirement of educators. The author, in his role as professor in Science Education at the University of Calgary, taught an assessment course for master's…
This Isn't English Class! Using Writing as an Assessment Tool in Science
Book Chapter |
Writing is a huge part of science. It is the way scientists communicate ideas, results, conclusions, and opinions to other scientists. Thus, the author uses writing in a number of ways to have students demonstrate…
Reconsidering Large-Scale Assessment to Heighten Its Relevance to Learning
Book Chapter |
In contrast to classroom assessments that can provide immediate feedback in the context of ongoing instruction, large-scale assessments are necessarily broader survey instruments, administered once-per-year and…
Guided by the Standards: Inquiry and Assessment in Two Rural and Urban Schools
Book Chapter |
This chapter features the environment in which the authors—Teresa and Steve—work. Both are at schools near the border of Mexico, and while both have a student body of predominantly Hispanic, one is a rural school and…
A Knowledge-Based Framework for the Classroom Assessment of Student Science Understanding
Book Chapter |
Recent research in cognitive science linked with established principles of educational assessment provide a framework that science teachers and researchers can use to assess student understanding of science. Knowledge-…
Integrating an Assessment Plan Into A K—12/ University Engineering Partnership
Book Chapter |
A comprehensive assessment plan is a valuable component of a university’s K—12 outreach effort. The K—12 Engineering Outreach Initiative has integrated an assessment plan into each stage of its outreach—development,…