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  • Online Connections: Science and Children

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    Online Connections: Science and Children July/August 2021 Teaching Through Trade Books—Pushing, Pulling, and Predicting Force Patterns K-2 3-5 Engineering Encounters—Turn Up the Music! Turn Up The Music Supplemental Resources      Using Toys to Create a Global…

  • This Earth Day, Engage Kids in Citizen Science!

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    From students, to families, to interested novices … citizen scientists are people from all walks of life who participate in projects that help document biological and environmental trends over regions and timelines far…

  • Citizen science: collaborative projects for teachers and their class

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    I was excited to see a Monarch butterfly land on the Butterfly Bush in the yard (I hesitate to call it a garden). Click on the photo for more Early Years pics. Does that mean that the Milkweed plant may yet…

  • Socio Scientific Issues, Citizen Science, Place Based Science

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  • Science 2.0: When Students Become Digital Citizens

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    Modern science learning requires the use of digital tools and a shift in teaching philosophy and pedagogy. The backbone to this shift rests in a skill that we’ve not yet addressed: digital citizenship. Last month, we…

  • How Are the Standards Different?

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    How Are the Standards Different? New Standards for a New Generation In April 2013, the science education community welcomed  Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).  The voluntary standards describe important scientific ideas and practices that all students should learn by the time they leave…

  • “Science That Matters”

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  • Science Beyond the Classroom

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  • Science, Society, and Self

    Journal Article |

    A formal pedagogical push emerged and later blossomed in designing integrated curriculum between STEM and non-STEM areas in secondary and higher education. A growing cadre of research identifies positive learning…

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