The Green Room: Greening Your Science Curriculum
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You do not need to significantly change your curriculum to incorporate environmental topics. There are plenty of course-specific resources that can help you green your individual course content; or, if your whole…
Bumpy, Sticky, and Shaky: Nanoscale Science and the Curriculum
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Nanoscience, or the study of the world at the size of a billionth of a meter, has the potential to help students see how all of the sciences are related. Behavior of materials at the nanoscale differs from materials at…
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This article presents a cross-case comparison of two faculty-driven partnerships between two-year colleges and four-year institutions.
Developing an Interdisciplinary Curriculum Framework for Aquatic-Ecosystem Modeling
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This paper presents results from a July 2005 workshop and course aimed at developing an interdisciplinary course on modeling aquatic ecosystems that will provide the next generation of practitioners with critical skills…
Science 2.0: Align Your Curriculum With the ISTE Standards
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This column shares web tools that support learning. This month’s issue provides some scaffolding to help teachers align the ISTE standards to the example activities in our previous columns.
Incorporating a Farm Into Our Science Curriculum: An Innovative Twist
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Foster a connection between students and the outdoors by adopting a farm-based science curriculum.
Integrating Leadership Development Throughout the Undergraduate Science Curriculum
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This article discusses the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) Teaching and Research (STAR) Leadership Program, developed at Austin College, which engages students in activities integrated into…
Commentary: Finding Purpose—Reflecting Upon Curriculum and Assessment
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An opinion piece about how the purpose of teaching plays a sginificant role in how lessons are received and valued. The challenge for teachers is to critically reflect upon the purpose of their curriculum and…
Teacher’s Toolkit: Processing the curriculum through quality questioning
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In this inquiry-based project, student-generated questions became the basis for student-directed individual and group projects that provided practice with problem solving, critical thinking, and research skills while…
Building the Impetus for Change: An Across-Curriculum Initiative in Biology
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The authors wanted to improve student learning of evolutionary concepts by integrating content across the biology major. In this article they describe the process used to develop support among members of the department…
Editor's Roundtable: The NGSS Call to Reengineer Your Curriculum
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Science Scope’s editor shares thoughts regarding the current issue.