Lesson Plan |
What can we do to ensure safe and successful model rocket launches and landings?
Lesson Plan |
Developing a Strong, Diverse Science Teaching Workforce Is Critical
Blog Post |
How Do We Cross Bodies of Water?
Lesson Plan |
Multiple Pathways to Recruit and Retain a Strong, Diverse Science Teaching Workforce
Blog Post |
Engaging Students in Developing and Using Models
Professional Learning Unit |
This Professional Learning Unit will provide educators strategies for supporting K-12 students in beginning to develop the knowledge and skills needed to engage with this practice. Educators will also recognize the…
Lesson Plan |
How Can Wildfires Lead to Mudslides?
Lesson Plan |
Supporting Equitable Sensemaking - A Tool for Educators
Professional Learning Unit |
How do students build targeted science ideas and concepts? The Supporting Equitable Sensemaking - A Tool for Educators PLU explores how the use of modalities and intentional student interactions create opportunity to…
How Can Technology Help Reduce Our Waste?
Lesson Plan |
Press Release |
Climate Change Causes Extreme Weather Events: Yes, No, or Wrong Question?
Blog Post |
How Do I Begin to Develop a Storyline for a Unit?
Professional Learning Unit |
In this introduction to Storylines, educators will be introduced to the Key Features in Curriculum Materials that Support the Framework and NGSS. They will then hear experts describe the key routines in a storyline unit…
Science Notebooks in Student Centered Classrooms: Capstone
Professional Learning Course Module |
Course Goals Build an understanding of how sensemaking is supported by the use of science notebooks by exploring the purposes and features of science notebooks; the organizational continuum of teacher-…
Science Notebooks in Student-Centered Classrooms: Module 1: Using Science Notebooks for Sensemaking
Professional Learning Course Module |
Science notebooks are a powerful and flexible tool to support students’ sensemaking. The science notebook creates a space for students to document their thinking, develop and revise models, plan investigations, and…