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This column describes creating a classroom culture for engineering.
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An effective way to implement active learning in a large lecture science classroom is to combine "learning cycle" instruction with a public hearing on an interesting issue. This article illustrates a model for active…
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The abstract writing assignments described in this article focus on a central theme and require the students to apply, rather than summarize, course material. This method has the additional benefit of making connections…
So, What is it that Engineers Do, Anyway?
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This paper is an attempt to place the recent flurry of activity into context for SMET faculty. It contains nearly 100 resources which may be useful to researchers, theorists, and practitioners in this area. The…
Engineering in early childhood
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In early childhood settings both educators and young children solve problems using available materials and an engineering design process. The process is not step-by-step because it looks different depending on the age…
Incorporating engineering into lifesciences
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Fish Ladder, Bonneville Dam, OR What are some good activities and lessons to incorporate engineering into biology/life science? – K., Connecticut There are several websites that will give you lesson plans to…
Careers in science and engineering
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The April edition of NSTA’s Science Scope includes the article Classic Lessons 2.0: What kind of person becomes a scientist? Some teachers have used the draw-a-scientist activity to ascertain the (mis)conceptions…
Integrating Science and Engineering
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In my elementary schedule, I barely have time for science, and now I’m concerned about teaching engineering, too. I’ve never studied engineering. Can you suggest some resources? —T., New Jersey You might feel a little…