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  • Johns Hopkins University Press and NSTA Collaborate to Bring New Instructional Materials to Educators Nationwide

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  • Elementary Preservice Teachers’ Use of Speaking, Listening, and Writing Skills to Understand the Importance of Nature of Science Instruction

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    There has been a focus on improving teachers’ views of nature of science for decades. The method in which researchers improve views of nature of science, however, varies greatly. This study aimed to improve elementary…

  • Glossary of Disability Terminology

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    Glossary of Disability Terminology Accessible: In the case of a facility, readily usable by a particular individual; in the case of a program or activity, presented or provided in such a way that a particular individual can participate, with or without auxiliary aid(s); in the case of electronic resources, accessible…

  • Safer Handling of Alcohol in the Laboratory

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    Safer Handling of Alcohol in the Laboratory The use of alcohol is quite common in biology and chemistry laboratories. Because of its flammability and toxicity, it is imperative that teachers understand how to use it safely, especially in light of the serious injuries that have occurred due to the…

  • Visual Impairments

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    Visual Impairments Students with visual impairments include those with low vision and those who are blind. Students who are blind may use Braille to read. Students with low vision tend to read print, may use optical devices, or may also read Braille like their peers who are blind. Both students who…

  • Personal Protective Equipment

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    Personal Protective Equipment Personal protective equipment (PPE) includes safely designed and constructed garments or equipment, such as clothing, gloves, protective hearing devices, shoes, or goggles, designed to protect a person's body from injury or infection by minimizing exposure to workplace…

  • Online Connections: Journal of College Science Teaching

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    Online Connections: Journal of College Science Teaching January/February 2021 Facilitating Conceptual Change by Engaging Students’ Preconceptions During College Science Classroom Instruction Supplemental tables Sustainability, Energy, and the Green Economy Appendixes and additional resources…

  • Safety Resources for Elementary Schools

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    Safety Resources for Elementary Schools American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) Call the Poison Control Help line at 1-800-222-1222 or visit American Chemical Society (ACS) Safety in the Elementary (K–6) Classroom (PDF) Milli's Safety Tips for Children (PDF) Council of State…

  • Science Education Checklist

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    Science Education Checklist “What Should I Look for in the Science Program in My Child's School?” A Guide for Parents developed by SciMathMN Parents often ask, What can I do to support good science education? One of the most helpful things parents can do is support not only their student, but also the schools and…

  • Learning Disabilities

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    Learning Disabilities A learning disability (LD) is a neurological disorder that causes difficulty in organizing information received, remembering it, and expressing it, and therefore affects a person's basic functions such as reading, writing, comprehension, and reasoning. In simple terms, a…

  • CSL Submission Guidelines

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    CSL Submission Guidelines The primary audience of Connected Science Learning is STEM learning professionals, especially practitioners with responsibility for program development, in both in-school and out-of-school science learning environments (ranging from schools to museums, afterschool programs, media and technology…

  • Integrating Crosscutting Concepts into Science Instruction

    Journal Article |

  • Eye Protection and Safer Practices FAQ

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    Eye Protection and Safer Practices FAQ What is My Obligation? Science teachers are obligated to provide students with the safest and most appropriate eye protection for the task that they are being asked to perform. School boards as the employer are required to purchase and teachers as employees to…

  • Other Health Impairments

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    Other Health Impairments According to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004, a student can qualify for special education services under the coding of “Other Health Impairment” (OHI), defined as “having limited strength, vitality, or alertness, including a heightened alertness…

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