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  • Behavioral Disorders

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    Behavioral Disorders Behavioral disorders also known as conduct disorders are one of the most common forms of disability among children and young adults and is the most frequently cited reason for referral to mental health services. The appearance of behavioral disorders is increasing dramatically in…

  • CSL Call for Contributions

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    CSL Call for Contributions The editors of Connected Science Learning encourage you to submit a manuscript on any topic related to bridging in-school and out-of-school STEM learning. Although each issue is organized around a theme, your manuscript does not have to be related to a specific theme and can be of general…

  • 10 Questions Your Kid's Science Teacher Wishes You Would Ask

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    10 Questions Your Kid's Science Teacher Wishes You Would Ask For the same reasons we encourage our children to be active participants in classroom discussions, parents should take advantage of opportunities to talk with teachers. Learn more about science teaching and learning in your child's classroom, whether it's…

  • Call for Papers: Science Scope

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    Call for Papers: Science Scope Not ready to pen a feature article?Consider writing a column. These shorter, focused pieces are the perfect way to share your experiences with the wider middle school science community. General Interest Manuscripts…

  • Online Connections: Science and Children

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    Online Connections: Science and Children July/August 2021 Teaching Through Trade Books—Pushing, Pulling, and Predicting Force Patterns K-2 3-5 Engineering Encounters—Turn Up the Music! Turn Up The Music Supplemental Resources      Using Toys to Create a Global…

  • Intellectual Disabilities

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    Intellectual Disabilities Introduction Students with intellectual disabilities are identified by exhibiting the following criteria: Sub-average intellectual ability (IQ 70 or lower) Problems in adaptive functioning Manifested before the age of 18 General Strategies Identify science role…

  • Call for Papers: Science and Children

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    Call for Papers: Science and Children Your 2000-word manuscript should describe a set of connected lessons or investigations that build an idea or content area. They should include assessments (pre-, post- and formative) as well as enough detail that another teacher could replicate the lessons in the…

  • Online Connections: Science Scope

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    Online Connections: Science Scope July-August 2021 Under the Sea Standardized rubric for analyzing healthy and impacted coral Student worksheet for organizing evidence Using Big Data to Understand the History of Planet Earth Connecting to the Next Generation Science Standards Delving Into…

  • Finding High-Quality Science Materials

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  • Shell Science Lab Regional Challenge Testimonials

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    Shell Science Lab Regional Challenge Testimonials LaConner High School – Todd Hinderman On behalf of LaConner High School and myself, we are truly grateful for the grant award money through the Shell Lab Science Challenge Regional competition. This award has allowed me to upgrade and purchase some very necessary and…

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