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  • Idea Bank: "Seeing" the Light

    Journal Article |

    The Idea Bank provides tips and techniques for creative teaching, in about 1,000 words. In this month’s Idea Bank, students begin the physics class by studying the behavior of light. In this activity, the teacher…

  • The Early Years: Paths of Light

    Journal Article |

    Exploring light is part of the National Science Education Content Standard B: Physical Science. Introduce reflection when you see children noticing their reflection in mirror or window by asking them what it means.…

  • Discovering Flowers in a New Light

    Journal Article |

    Although students may have made observations of plants and flowers, not many have looked closely at their various structures or seen the colorful designs of flowers that are only apparent when magnified. The 5E learning…

  • The Early Years: Shining Light on Misconceptions

    Journal Article |

    This column discusses resources and science topics related to students in grades preK to 2. This month’s issue discusses investigations of light.

  • Lighting the Way Through Scientific Discourse

    Journal Article |

    This article describes a thought-provoking lesson that compares various arrangements of lamp-battery circuits to help students develop the motivation and competence to participate in scientific discourse for knowledge…

  • Focus on Physics: The Slowing of Light in Glass

    Journal Article |

    This column helps teachers build an understanding of physical principles. This month's column discusses energy transfer.

  • Idea Bank: Shedding Light on White

    Journal Article |

    The Idea Bank provides tips and techniques for creative teaching, in about 1,000 words. In this month’s Idea Bank, a simple demonstration shows students the concept of mixing colored light to create white light.

  • Tried and True: The Science of Bending Light

    Journal Article |

    This column provides classic demonstrations and experiments with a new twist. This month’s issue uses discrepant events to learn about light refraction.

  • Science Shorts: Modeling Light and Shadows

    Journal Article |

    This column provides classic classroom activities that emphasize science process skills. This month’s issue describes a 5E lesson in which students study light and shadows through a broad range of verbal, numerical, and…

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