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  • Focus on Physics: When Our Round Earth Was First Measured

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    Building an Understanding of Physical Principles Our Earth is round, although it was not always thought to be that way. It looks flat. But if the Earth is viewed from a tall building, especially near the ocean when the…

  • Measuring Murphy’s Law with the Vernier Go Direct Acceleration Sensor

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    On the 4th of July this year,  a fitting date, America lost a true hero whom many people had never heard of, namely Robert Gilliland. Bob Gilliland was the chief test pilot and first person to fly the iconic SR-…

  • Shell Science Lab Challenge

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    Shell Science Lab Challenge A Program of NSTA #EnergizeyourfuturewithShell The Shell Science Lab Challenge has ended. To learn about the Shell Science Lab Regional Challenge, click here. Outfitted by Carolina Biological Supply Company The annual Shell Science Lab Challenge Competition recognized outstanding…

  • Safer Handling of Alcohol in the Laboratory

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    Safer Handling of Alcohol in the Laboratory The use of alcohol is quite common in biology and chemistry laboratories. Because of its flammability and toxicity, it is imperative that teachers understand how to use it safely, especially in light of the serious injuries that have occurred due to the…

  • Wild Spirits: Measuring Life and Death with the Pasco Wireless CO2 sensor

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    A student once asked me why if carbon dioxide is so much heavier than air, how come the lower atmosphere doesn’t become thick with CO2 and kill everything? “Umm, well…because it…umm…doesn’t?” The student then asked if I…

  • Disabilities: Legal Issues

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    Disabilities: Legal Issues The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is the federal law that governs how states and public agencies, including public schools, provide early intervention, special education, and related services to children with disabilities. Children with disabilities…

  • 10 Questions Your Kid's Science Teacher Wishes You Would Ask

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    10 Questions Your Kid's Science Teacher Wishes You Would Ask For the same reasons we encourage our children to be active participants in classroom discussions, parents should take advantage of opportunities to talk with teachers. Learn more about science teaching and learning in your child's classroom, whether it's…

  • Safety Resources for Elementary Schools

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    Safety Resources for Elementary Schools American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) Call the Poison Control Help line at 1-800-222-1222 or visit American Chemical Society (ACS) Safety in the Elementary (K–6) Classroom (PDF) Milli's Safety Tips for Children (PDF) Council of State…

  • How Can We Predict and Measure Weather Conditions at our Launch Site to Recommend a Safe Launch Date?

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  • Personal Protective Equipment

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    Personal Protective Equipment Personal protective equipment (PPE) includes safely designed and constructed garments or equipment, such as clothing, gloves, protective hearing devices, shoes, or goggles, designed to protect a person's body from injury or infection by minimizing exposure to workplace…

  • Shell Science Lab Regional Challenge Testimonials

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    Shell Science Lab Regional Challenge Testimonials LaConner High School – Todd Hinderman On behalf of LaConner High School and myself, we are truly grateful for the grant award money through the Shell Lab Science Challenge Regional competition. This award has allowed me to upgrade and purchase some very necessary and…

  • Communication Disorders

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    Communication Disorders Communication Disorders involve a wide variety of problems in speech, language, and hearing. For example, speech and language disorders include stuttering, aphasia, dysfluency, voice disorders (hoarseness, breathiness, or sudden breaks in loudness or pitch), cleft lip and/or…

  • NSTA Executive Director Search

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    NSTA Executive Director Search Search Description: Executive Director, National Science Teaching Association The Executive Director reports to the Board of Directors and works with elected officials and the Board to develop a strategic plan and vision for the Association and for carrying out the policies and directives…

  • Eye Protection and Safer Practices FAQ

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    Eye Protection and Safer Practices FAQ What is My Obligation? Science teachers are obligated to provide students with the safest and most appropriate eye protection for the task that they are being asked to perform. School boards as the employer are required to purchase and teachers as employees to…

  • Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students

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    Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students Hearing loss often appears to be an invisible disability until the student enters the classroom. The challenges for students are anchored in learning language, learning how to listen and speak (if possible) and in learning how to read and write. In nearly all cases,…

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