Discovering Ways to Shift Lessons Along the Sensemaking Continuum
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Science Notebooks in Student-Centered Classrooms: Module 1: Using Science Notebooks for Sensemaking
Professional Learning Unit |
In this module, you will examine various ways scientists use science notebooks and a science notebook strategy to experience the critical components of sensemaking.
Supporting Ambitious Science Teaching
Professional Learning Unit |
In this Professional Learning Unit, we'll look at how Ambitious Science Teaching helps teachers focus on finding ways for all students to participate in science, making science compelling to a wider group of learners,…
Science Notebooks in Student-Centered Classrooms: Module 1: Using Science Notebooks for Sensemaking
Professional Learning Course Module |
Science notebooks are a powerful and flexible tool to support students’ sensemaking. The science notebook creates a space for students to document their thinking, develop and revise models, plan investigations, and…
Why Is Water Sphere-Shaped in Space?
Lesson Plan |
Why is the Water in the Glass?
Lesson Plan |
Do all of the coffee varieties have these alleles?
Lesson Plan |
Does everyone living in this region have these alleles?
Lesson Plan |
How Do Population Shifts Affect the Ecosystem?
Lesson Plan |
Where did the different alleles come from?
Lesson Plan |
How Does a Pandemic Cause Less CO2?
Lesson Plan |
How do propellants generate thrust?
Lesson Plan |
Where did these different alleles come from?
Lesson Plan |
How does soap make dishes clean?
Lesson Plan |
How Can a Cow's Diet Affect the Climate?
Lesson Plan |