A Layered Approach to Scientific Models
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Model-Based Inquiry in Biology Three-Dimensional Instructional Units for Grades 9-12 Online Extras
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Model-Based Inquiry in Biology Three-Dimensional Instructional Units for Grades 9-12 Online Extras If you have purchased Model-Based Inquiry in Biology Three-Dimensional Instructional Units for Grades 9-12, you can view the accompanying additional resources online. These resources are for your personal use only and are…
Integrating Computational Modeling Into Science Instruction With English Learners
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Using Multiple Models to Learn about COVID-19
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Small Instructional Changes to Emphasize Data Modeling Practices
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Data modeling practices are often invisible to students in introductory biology courses. However, developing a well-rounded understanding of these practices is critical for scientific literacy. Furthermore, introductory…
Models for Developing Explanations of Earth’s Dynamic Plate System
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A Model for a Data Analysis– and Literature-Intensive Undergraduate Course
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This article describes the use of literature to broaden students’ skills in content comprehension, data analysis, modeling, and productive scientific discussion. The design builds on existing models to maximize student…
Mud as a Phenomenon to Model Energy Flow and Chemical Processes
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Young Mathematicians: A Successful Model of a Family Math Community
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The Use of Storytelling to Model NGSS Science and Engineering Practices
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An important strand of three-dimensional learning in the Next Generation Science Standards is science and engineering practices (SEPs; NGSS Lead States 2013). The SEPs also are one of four critical attributes of…
Inquiry in the Chemistry Classroom: Perplexity, Model Testing, and Synthesis
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Lavoisier's theory of combustion is used as a context for a set of interrelated, inquiry-fostering investigations in a high school chemistry class. Further, this example of chemistry inquiry is used to develop some…
Linking Assessment To Student Achievement In A Professional Development Model
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This chapter reviews assessment as a key component in a professional development model implemented in a National Science Foundation–funded program entitled Toledo Area Partnership in Education: Support Teachers as…
The 5R Instructional Model for Science Instruction for Emerging Multilinguals
Book Chapter |
In our effort to support inquiry-based lessons and hybrid language learning, we developed the 5R Instructional Model. This chapter outlines the Model in general terms, and envisions it as an instructional tool for…
Finding Zero: Exploring Mathematical Models with Pendulum Paintings
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Pendulum paintings are fun to make and fascinating to observe in process, but they can be used to model real scientific analysis using messy data. In this activity, students create pendulum paintings and develop an…