![The Use of Storytelling to Model NGSS Science and Engineering Practices]()
An important strand of three-dimensional learning in the Next Generation Science Standards is science and engineering practices (SEPs; NGSS Lead States 2013). The SEPs also are one of four critical attributes of sensemaking (NSTA, n.d.). These practices replace the oversimplified “scientific method” often presented in science textbooks that bears little resemblance to actual scientific research (Windschitl et al. 2008). To effectively communicate SEPs to students, teachers must describe what they know about science (science content) in the context of how we know it (science practices). Few elementary or secondary teachers have engaged in scientific research, so this presents an obvious challenge. In their study based on surveys of science teachers, Kite and colleagues (2021) observed that educators generally lack a nuanced comprehension of how science is done, and underscored the importance of teaching the teachers how to effectively integrate science practices into classroom lessons.