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  • Scope on Safety: Chemical sensitivity

    Journal Article |

    Teachers and students are subjected to myriad indoor and outdoor air pollutants such as arsenic, asbestos, benzene, formaldehyde, isocyanates, lead, and a host of others from materials used in classrooms, laboratories,…

  • Scope on Safety: Safe Speakers

    Journal Article |

    This column shares safety information for your classroom. In this month’s issue the author discusses how guest speakers can motivate students and help them understand real-world science. The steps that teachers need to…

  • Safer Science: Safety on the Move

    Journal Article |

    This column provides best safety practices for the science classroom and laboratory. In this month’s issue, the author covers safety on field trips.

  • Scope on Safety: Animals in the classroom

    Journal Article |

    Use of animals in middle school science classrooms is a curriculum component worthy of consideration, providing proper investigation and planning are addressed. A responsible approach to this action, including safety,…

  • Scope on Safety: Have a safe trip!

    Journal Article |

    Science safety isn’t just a set of rules. It requires common sense and that teacher intuition that helps us predict what might happen when we least expect it. To that end, this month’s column offers some practical…

  • Safe Science: Raining Down on Safety!

    Journal Article |

    Emergency eyewashes and showers are critical safety devices that are required in high school science laboratories. Unfortunately, some science teachers are putting themselves at risk in terms of liability and also…

  • Scope on Safety: All about asbestos

    Journal Article |

    Asbestos has been used in the construction of elementary, middle, and high school ceilings, floor tile adhesives, pipe and structural beam insulations, science laboratory benches, wire gauss on ring stands, fume hood…

  • Safer Science: Safety in Uncharted Waters

    Journal Article |

    This column provides best safety practices for the science classroom and laboratory. This month’s issue discusses the safety of on- and off-campus independent study programs.

  • Scope on Safety: Invasion of the Alien Species

    Journal Article |

    This column shares safety information for your classroom. This month’s issue discusses nonnative species.

  • Safer Science: Safety Speaks in Symbols

    Journal Article |

    This column provides best safety practices for the science classroom and laboratory. This month’s issue discusses the new Safety Data Sheet.

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