Scope on Safety: Dissection—Don’t cut out safety
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In June 2005, the NSTA Board of Directors adopted a revised position statement, Responsible Use of Live Animals and Dissection in the Science Classroom. Under the “Dissection” section, NSTA calls for more research to…
Scope on Safety: Dust off your safety procedures
Journal Article |
The National Air Pollution Central Administration estimates that over 43 million tons of dust falls on the United States yearly. Now, add to the dust and dirt scenario the exposures in a laboratory environment (such as…
Scope on Safety: Hammering home Earth-science safety
Journal Article |
Kids love to cut up, tear apart, and smash things in order to study them. This is one reason they get so excited about the opportunity to study rocks and minerals in the lab or out in the field. Although this can…
Scope on Safety: Middle school science labs—A safety audit
Journal Article |
In August 2007, a report titled “The State of Middle School and High School Science Labs in the Kansas City Region” was issued by the Kauffman Foundation, which is committed to improving student achievement in…
Scope on Safety: Is safety included in your science activity kits?
Journal Article |
For some school districts, the convenience, organization, curriculum scope, and sequence provided by science kits make them a tempting choice for incorporating hands-on, process- and inquiry-based science in the…
Scope on Safety - Safety contracts: Let it be written, let it be done
Journal Article |
Student safety contracts are an important tool for teachers to use in helping to prepare for and maintain a safe working environment. They also serve an additional means of showing that the teacher was working in good…
Journal Article |
A teacher’s most effective strategy for creating a safe lab environment is to train students to follow recommended safety procedures. Students who understand the reasons for the safety rules and the dangers of breaking…
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Dispelling myths about viewing eclipses
Scope on Safety: Having a blast, safely! Model rocketry safety guide
Journal Article |
Model rocketry is a blast, and it's one of the best ways to get students interested in the physical sciences. However, following safety guidelines is essential. This article contains valuable information for safely…
Scope on Safety: Earth Science Safety: It's All in Your Form
Journal Article |
This column shares safety information for your classroom. This month’s issue discusses safety in Earth science lab activities.