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  • Water in Society: An Interdisciplinary Course to Support Undergraduate Students’ Water Literacy

    Journal Article |

    The authors developed and taught an introductory undergraduate course—Water in Society—grounded in contemporary, real-world, “socio-hydrological” issues. The course, designed to serve the needs of both STEM majors and…

  • Water: A Sticky Subject? Learning about the cohesion and adhesion properties of water

    Journal Article |

    In this activity, students learn that water particles (molecules) have a “sticky” property that allows water to overfill a container and that the strength of this property is altered with the addition of soap. When…

  • The Home Zone: Water for Life

    Journal Article |

    It often seems to rain endlessly in spring. Although rainy days are a nuisance, they are actually vitally important to all living things. Rain showers are part of the continuous movement of water between Earth’s surface…

  • Round and Round the Water Cycle

    Journal Article |

    Observations and investigations lay the groundwork for primary students’ future Earth science experiences.

  • Science on a Shoestring: Testing the Waters

    Journal Article |

    Low-cost labs, lessons, and equipment. Students use Secchi disks to measure water turbidity.

  • Creative Writing and the Water Cycle

    Journal Article |

    Creative writing provides one strategy for helping students combine their powers of imagination with their arsenal of knowledge. Teachers also can use creative writing exercises to assess student understanding of…

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