Outcomes for Peer-Based Mentors in a University-Wide STEM Persistence Program: A Three-Year Analysis
Journal Article |
While the majority of STEM persistence has focused on outcomes for first-year students, there has been little investigation into the outcomes for peer mentors. Of the studies conducted, results are promising. Benefits…
Promoting STEM Persistence Through an Innovative Field Trip–Based First-Year Experience Course
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The authors describe how they introduced a field trip–based course as a requirement for all first-year science majors.
Two-Year Community: Design and Components of a Two-Year College Interdisciplinary Field-Study Course
Journal Article |
The authors present an 11-day interdisciplinary field-study course designed for nonscience majors at a two-year college. Using a theoretical learning framework that emphasizes cognitive and metacognitive gains, the…
The Early Years: Communicating About Collections
Journal Article |
Children love to collect all kinds of things, from sticks to colorful leaves to trading cards. These objects are special to children because they found the objects and chose them for a quality determined by them. For…
The Early Years: Send-Home Science
Journal Article |
This column discusses resources and science topics related to students in grades preK to 2. This month’s issue explores sending home materials for science activities parents can do with their children.
Idea Bank: Beginning the Year with a Symposium
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To address the concern of common lag time at the beginning of the school year, the science department at Detroit’s Kettering High School opened the 2002 school year with a student symposium. Each science class conducted…
The Early Years: Shining Light on Misconceptions
Journal Article |
This column discusses resources and science topics related to students in grades preK to 2. This month’s issue discusses investigations of light.
The Early Years: Inquiry Follow-Up
Journal Article |
This column discusses resources and science topics related to students in grades preK to 2. In this month’s issue, young children go birding to observe and document their natural world. Children will not only practice…
The Early Years: Please Touch Museum
Journal Article |
This column discusses resources and science topics related to students in grades preK to 2. This month’s issue discusses students making a "please touch" museum in the classroom or gathering a collection of materials in…