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The traditional sequence for teaching science is biology first, then chemistry, and physics last. This article focuses on the Illinois State Board of Education's proposal for the development of a three-year coherent…
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This column shares reflections or thoughtful opinions on issues of broad interest to the community. In this month’s issue the author discusses the statute that banned the teaching of human evolution and the John Scope's…
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In this Year of Science, this early childhood science teacher is excited to have a President who says, “When it comes to science, elevating science once again, and having lectures in the White House where people are…
Wrapping Up the Old Year, Preparing for the New Year
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We’ve heard that after the school year ends, many teachers spend time catching up on NSTA Reports articles they didn’t have a chance to read thoroughly earlier. To help you make the most of this precious downtime and…
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To improve retention and engagement, first-year college science majors enrolled in University Experience orientation courses participated in a hands-on laboratory research experience: a DNA barcoding project to…
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The community college transfer pathway is vital for students pursuing 4-year degrees in science, technology, engineering and math fields today. The study discussed in this article focused on the important role of…
Journal Article |
Metacognition and self-regulated learning are skills that contribute to student success, but few studies have examined these topics within a community college context. We addressed this lack of understanding by asking…