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Talk about an interesting day in the age of electronic information! This afternoon in a listserv I belong to, I read about a report by the National Academy of Sciences on the teaching of evolution in the classroom.…
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Mathematics and science seem like natural partners when designing interdisciplinary lessons or units. This issue of Science Scope has some suggestions for making these lessons authentic and purposeful, integrating…
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This month’s Science Teacher is a collection of ideas from low-tech card sorts (a wonderful way to get students thinking) to high-tech investigations that take advantage of technology. The article “Fun with Ionic…
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It will soon be the time when many schools go into Science Fair mode, with reactions from students (and perhaps some teachers) that range from cheers of excitement to groans of despair. This month’s Science and Children…
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One of my favorite benefits of being an NSTA member is being able to view all of the journals electronically, even though I must confess that I do like the feel of holding an actual book or magazine. I subscribe to the…
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This month’s issue has a theme that is appealing to most middle school students – the human body. The article Choice, Control, and Change has a SciLinks, code for “Investigate good health” SS110701. This leads to a…
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As part of a project I am working on, I was visiting the science classes of teachers who participated in a summer professional education project. One of the elementary teachers indicated that I should wait until April…
From cyberspace to SciLinks: website design
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I’ve described a few components of the SciLinks rubric so far: the accuracy and appropriateness of the content, the credentials of the sites owner/author/sponsor, and “interactivity.” The overall design or “look” of a…
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The article Using Japanese Lesson Design to ANTicipate an Invasion on Maui caught my attention, not as much because of the topic of fire ants as an introduced species, but for the description of “Lesson Study.” What I…
Bringing biology instruction to life
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Here is an interesting coincidence. The other day, I was reading the Science Teacher article on “The Life and Work of John Snow,” with suggestions for an inquiry-based unit of study that focuses on the history and…
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In the local newspaper, an organization advertised its Haunted House event for Halloween. One of the chambers is the laboratory of a “mad scientist.” I’m sure it was full of the usual stereotypes from horror movies.…
Another Fall event – Mole Day
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In a previous entry on fall activities, I forgot to include Mole Day, celebrated on October 23 (10/23) from 6:02 a.m. to 6:02 p.m. The timing of this event celebrates Avogadro’s number — 6.02 * 10^23 For more…
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This is the theme of the October Science and Children. Whether you’re an elementary or secondary teacher, be sure to check out this issue online (just click on the photo) for some discussions on the relationship between…
From cyberspace to SciLinks: website interactivity
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It took me a while to get used to this part of the rubric. When I first became involved with software design back in the 1980s (yes, light years ago!), “interactivity” meant that the user could explore the program (…
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It’s October already–the air is getting a little cooler, the leaves are changing color, and the number of daylight hours is decreasing. Some birds have left for their winter homes, and others are arriving or passing…