Learning progressions refer to a coherent progression of knowledge (and skills) from grade-band to grade-band, allowing for a dynamic process of building knowledge throughout a student’s K-12 scientific education.
Students’ academic performance improves when they use active study methods and discussion of study strategy efficacy can impact students’ choice. Faculty often employ mid-semester wrappers to encourage student reflection on their study habits, so...
New in 2020! Download and read a sample chapter from this book to learn more.A key aspect of learning in K–12 education is the idea that what students know and are able to do grows and evolves over time. Simple ideas learned in the early elementary...
Instructional Sequence Matters, Grades 3–5 is a one-stop resource that will inspire you to reimagine how you teach science in elementary school. The book discusses two popular approaches for structuring your lessons: POE (Predict, Observe, and Expl...