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Tools and resources for science teachers

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Tools and resources for science teachers

As I browse through tweets and Facebook pages, I sometimes feel overwhelmed at the wealth of resources that are available for teaching STEM topics! I&...

By Mary Bigelow

Reading some standards for early childhood science teaching

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Reading some standards for early childhood science teaching

The non-profit Minnesota coalition SciMathMN, published A Guide for Parents: “What Should I Look for in the Science Program in My Child’s Scho...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Gallery walks for middle school

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Gallery walks for middle school

I participated in a “gallery walk” during a session at an NSTA conference. Would this be appropriate for middle school students? —Carol...

By Mary Bigelow

Visual literacy

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Visual literacy

In addition to sentences and paragraphs, the typical science textbook includes diagrams, photographs, flowcharts, graphs, maps, tables, and sidebars. ...

By Mary Bigelow

Your favorite professional development opportunity

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Your favorite professional development opportunity

This month’s topic for Continuing the Conversation focuses on discussing your favorite professional development opportunity that you participate...

By Christine Royce

Lego Education Simple Machines Set

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Lego Education Simple Machines Set


By Ken Roberts

Science-and-early childhood, at the NAEYC 2012 annual conference

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Science-and-early childhood, at the NAEYC 2012 annual conference

Did I meet you at the NAEYC 2012 conference in Atlanta this month? I met many early childhood educators who are interested in some of the same questio...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Community-based science

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Community-based science

“Why do we have to learn this?” I’m sure we’ve all heard this in our classes, and most students aren’t satisfied by answ...

By Mary Bigelow

Promote and participate in early childhood science inquiry professional development

Blog Post

Promote and participate in early childhood science inquiry professional development

Share Your Expertise: Be Part of the National Conversation on STEM! Don’t miss a chance to participate in the NSTA 2013 STEM Forum & Expo, i...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Activities for learning

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Activities for learning

In my sixth grade science class, I try to involve the students in fun activities. But they don’t take them seriously unless I require something ...

By Mary Bigelow

Activities and investigations

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Activities and investigations

It’s easy to find activities in science, especially with the Internet. But integrating content and activities/investigations in a planned and pu...

By Mary Bigelow

Accessing NSTA resources

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Accessing NSTA resources

I am new to NSTA and having difficulty finding activities/lesson plans on the website for my middle school classes. Right now, I’m looking for i...

By Mary Bigelow

Connecting with students

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Connecting with students

I’ve been following a discussion on another organization’s website on the topic: What is the number one thing students think they need to ...

By Mary Bigelow

Resource: Helping children rebound after a natural disaster

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Resource: Helping children rebound after a natural disaster

NOAA’s GOES-13 satellite image of Hurricane Sandy, October 29 at 9:10am EDT, NASA GOES Project...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Teaching with current events

Blog Post

Teaching with current events

In this month’s Leaders Letter, the topic for the building content area focused on the recent record setting sky (or should we say space) jump c...

By Christine Royce

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