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Project based learning and the Next Generation Science Standards

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Project based learning and the Next Generation Science Standards

Guest blog by Andrew Miller...

By Mary Bigelow

Scientific and engineering practices

Blog Post

Scientific and engineering practices

If you’re concerned or apprehensive about the NGSS, this month’s Commentary Preparing for the New Standards should be on your to-read list...

By Mary Bigelow

Assessments for learning

Blog Post

Assessments for learning

During the past few years, this blog has addressed several questions about formative assessments. These just-in-time assessments embedded in instructi...

By Mary Bigelow

Observing weather events

Blog Post

Observing weather events

In the late fall as the weather alternated between 40°F and 70°F overnight, bumblebees sometimes got caught by cold temperatures and spent the night...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Identifying rocks

Blog Post

Identifying rocks

I attended an event where we cleaned out the science warehouse for our school system. I got a lot of great stuff for my elementary science classes, in...

By Mary Bigelow

Earth structures, processes, and history

Blog Post

Earth structures, processes, and history

It’s not hard to get students interested in earth science. They can  see the value of learning about the weather and climate, soil, water, tide...

By Mary Bigelow

Citizen science

Blog Post

Citizen science


By Mary Bigelow

Exploring natural and human-made materials

Blog Post

Exploring natural and human-made materials

“I found these two rocks in the sandbox and I think they’re from a volcano.” Children like to share their special found objects and talk about w...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Build it!

Blog Post

Build it!

When I was a child, one of my favorite toys was a set of wooden blocks, in a variety of shapes and sizes. We would play for hours, sometimes building ...

By Mary Bigelow

Should I take a student teacher?

Blog Post

Should I take a student teacher?

I was asked if I would take a student teacher. This would be my first one. What should I consider in making the decision? —Mark, Queens, New York...

By Mary Bigelow

‘Tis the season for science

Blog Post

‘Tis the season for science

Festive holidays and winter weather can be disruptive for the classroom schedule at this time of year but can also provide inspiration for appealing s...

By Claire Reinburg

NSTA conferences as professional development

Blog Post

NSTA conferences as professional development

The 2012 NSTA conference season is over, concluding with the last sessions in Phoenix this morning. The variety of presentations and workshops had som...

By Mary Bigelow

Learning from "mistakes?"

Blog Post

Learning from "mistakes?"

I’d like to try hands-on labs with my fourth graders, but I’m worried they’ll make mistakes. I guess I’m afraid they won&#8217...

By Mary Bigelow

Five things you should put on your iPad Camera

Blog Post

Five things you should put on your iPad Camera

The tablet computer like the iPad can be a magic box of inquiry. For instance, it has a camera, and in particular a front facing camera. Why that is i...

By Martin Horejsi

Baby laughter…what do they laugh at?

Blog Post

Baby laughter…what do they laugh at?

While you’re looking forward to winter break, here’s a way you can have fun and do a little bit of science data collecting to contribute to a citi...

By Peggy Ashbrook

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