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By Ken Roberts

Proline Plus Pipettes

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Proline Plus Pipettes


By Ken Roberts

What teachers can learn from students

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What teachers can learn from students

I’m a first year physics teacher. I hear my colleagues talk about what they learn from their students. This puzzles me—what can I learn from s...

By Mary Bigelow

What are science teachers reading in June?

Blog Post

What are science teachers reading in June?

Science teachers are reading an eclectic selection of teaching resources this month, judging by the top content on NSTA’s website. You can look insi...

By Claire Reinburg

Wrapping Up the Old Year, Preparing for the New Year

Blog Post

Wrapping Up the Old Year, Preparing for the New Year

We’ve heard that after the school year ends, many teachers spend time catching up on NSTA Reports articles they didn’t have a chance to re...

By Debra Shapiro

Teach and Tell Circle Time

Blog Post

Teach and Tell Circle Time

In the July 2012 Science & Children I wrote about establishing a “Teach and Tell” circle time at the beginning of the school year....

By Peggy Ashbrook

From cookbook to inquiry

Blog Post

From cookbook to inquiry

At an NSTA conference this year, I got really charged up about using more inquiry with my students. But when I look at our curriculum, it’s full...

By Mary Bigelow

Getting more science teachers to model “doing” science

Blog Post

Getting more science teachers to model “doing” science

  –Occasional commentary by Robert E. Yager (NSTA President, 1982-1983)...

By Robert Yager

Bright ideas for instruction and assessment

Blog Post

Bright ideas for instruction and assessment

Several resources appeared on my iPad this morning that made me put my coffee mug down and read (rather than tag for later on). A few were mentioned o...

By Mary Bigelow

Migration—It's all about navigation and timing

Blog Post

Migration—It's all about navigation and timing

I wouldn’t call it a misconception, but my middle school science students had an incomplete understanding of migration. They all knew that “bi...

By Mary Bigelow

Summer browsing

Blog Post

Summer browsing

I’ve been one of the SciLinks “webwatchers” for quite a few years....

By Mary Bigelow

Next week: Professional development in the Washington, D.C. area (webcasted for all others)

Blog Post

Next week: Professional development in the Washington, D.C. area (webcasted for all others)

The National Air and Space Museum of the Smithsonian Institution will present professional development for early childhood educators on Wednesday, Jun...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Peggy Carlisle, new Director of the Preschool and Elementary Division

Blog Post

Peggy Carlisle, new Director of the Preschool and Elementary Division

The National Science Teachers Association is an organization of many, contributing their talents towards understanding and promoting best practices in...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Words, words, and more words

Blog Post

Words, words, and more words

I’d like to change my approach to learning vocabulary. Even when I ask students to write definitions in their own words, they don’t seem t...

By Mary Bigelow

Not enough progress…but at least the right direction?

Blog Post

Not enough progress…but at least the right direction?

This month’s topic focuses on the NAEP results and the fact that while the results from the eighth graders knowledge of basic science test increased...

By Christine Royce

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