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Exploding Corn: Differences Between Mass and Volume Changes With Popcorn

Book Chapter

Exploding Corn: Differences Between Mass and Volume Changes With Popcorn

The average American eats about 52 quarts of popcorn per year. Think about that the next time you sit down for a movie with a big bowl of popcorn. The...

“Melting” Apples: Using a Temperature Graph to Show Phase Changes in Applesauce

Book Chapter

“Melting” Apples: Using a Temperature Graph to Show Phase Changes in Applesauce

Have you heard the old saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away?” This experiment allows students to study a phase change in a way that is ...

Cold Milk: Measuring Energy Transfer in the Creation of Ice Cream

Book Chapter

Cold Milk: Measuring Energy Transfer in the Creation of Ice Cream

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! This experiment demonstrates endothermic reactions in a way that creates a learning experience that...

Gummy Invertebrates: Changing Independent Variables in Gelatin Recipes

Book Chapter

Gummy Invertebrates: Changing Independent Variables in Gelatin Recipes

This hands-on experiment allows students to witness a clear phase change from solid to liquid, while learning key vocabulary about variables and impl...

Acidic Milk: Measuring PH changes When Acid is Introduced in Cheese Making

Book Chapter

Acidic Milk: Measuring PH changes When Acid is Introduced in Cheese Making

Most people are not quick to associate the word cheese with the word acid. But the process of making cheese actually begins by raising the acidity of...

Berries and Bacteria: Measuring How Acids and Heat Impact Bacteria in Jam

Book Chapter

Berries and Bacteria: Measuring How Acids and Heat Impact Bacteria in Jam

Have you ever had a ripe apple, a juicy strawberry, or a succulent peach? Did the juices flow into your mouth with each bite as you devoured it? On t...

American Mozzarella: Calculating Rates of Change for Rennet in Cheese Making

Book Chapter

American Mozzarella: Calculating Rates of Change for Rennet in Cheese Making

Legend has it that mozzarella was first made when cheese curds accidentally fell into a pail of hot water in a cheese factory near Naples,

The Challenge

Book Chapter

The Challenge

You have recently found yourself assigned to team teach science. You may be a science teacher with no experience working with a class containing sever...

Working With Others

Book Chapter

Working With Others

Team teachers need to recognize the importance of establishing positive relationships with school professionals, principals, and parents. These relati...


Book Chapter


This chapter sums up what the authors hope you have learned in previous chapters of Team Teaching Science: Success for All Learners....

Teaching Science: A Historical Perspective

Book Chapter

Teaching Science: A Historical Perspective

It is the authors’ contention that a team of two teachers, one a science teacher with solid content background and the other a special-education-tra...

Teaching Science: The Instruction

Book Chapter

Teaching Science: The Instruction

Teaching science has unique challenges and opportunities for the co-teaching team. Science can be taught with a hands-on approach that encourages stud...

Team Teaching: The Basics

Book Chapter

Team Teaching: The Basics

In this chapter, the importance of communication on a variety of topics is discussed. Each co-teaching team is unique and will have differing preferen...

Team Teaching: Science in the Elementary Classroom

Book Chapter

Team Teaching: Science in the Elementary Classroom

Many of the challenges of team teaching—such as communication, content knowledge, and joint instruction—are issues that all co-teachers must addre...

Team Teaching: Science in the Middle School Classroom

Book Chapter

Team Teaching: Science in the Middle School Classroom

Co-teachers in science at the middle school level must address co-teaching issues as well as the unique challenges of instructing middle school learne...

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